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5/2021 The tawny emperor (Asterocampa clyton)

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

Chris Hedges: “Don’t be fooled by Joe Biden.

He knows his infrastructure and education bills have as much chance at becoming law as the $15-dollar minimum wage or the $2,000 stimulus checks he promised us as a candidate. He knows his American Jobs Plan will never create “millions of good paying jobs – jobs Americans can raise their families on” any more than NAFTA, which he supported, would, as was also promised, create millions of good paying jobs. His mantra of “buy American” is worthless. He knows the vast majority of our consumer electronics, apparel, furniture and industrial supplies are made in China by workers who earn an average of one or two dollars an hour and lack unions and basic labor rights. He knows his call to lower deductibles and prescription drug costs in the Affordable Care Act will never be permitted by the corporations that profit from health care. He knows the corporate donors that fund the Democratic Party will ensure their lobbyists will continue to write the laws that guarantee they pay little or no taxes. He knows the corporate subsidies and tax incentives he proposes as a solution to the climate crisis will do nothing to halt oil and gas fracking, shut down coal-fired plants or halt the construction of new pipelines for gas-fired power plants. His promises of reform have no more weight than those peddled by Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, who Biden slavishly served and who also promised social equality while betraying working men and women.

Biden is the epitome of the empty, amoral creature produced by our system of legalized bribery. His long political career in Congress was defined by representing the interests of big business, especially the credit card companies based in Delaware. He was nicknamed Senator Credit Card. He has always glibly told the public what it wants to hear and then sold them out.”

The tawny emperor (Asterocampa clyton)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2021 6/27 _F2A9147aaa


“Considering the possibility that the Democrats and Republicans meet up at the start of every calendar year to figure out who’s gonna tell which lies, so that the whole charade doesn’t fall apart.”


Brace yourself. The integrity of the oceans’ thermal saline incline is what traps the oceans of methane at the bottom of our oceans:

“The Deepest Layers of the South-West Atlantic Ocean are Warming

A unique temperature time series observed over the past decade in the bottom layers of the south-west Atlantic Ocean shows significant variability with long-term warming trends.”


Today, Sophocles would be stripped of any American citizenship and jailed in GITMO (alternatively he just might be the Democrats’ next presidential candidate!):

“Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud.”



“President Biden refuses to shut down the Dakota Access pipeline even during its environmental review, but this fight isn't over.

Sign the petition to let the Biden administration know we won't give up until DAPL is shut down for good.”



"Tell the Biden Administration: Don’t turn Memphis into Flint 2.0!

Access to safe water is a human right. But that right is threatened by our fossil fuel addiction.

Right now, Valero Energy Corp. and Plains All American Pipeline are working to build the Byhalia Connection Pipeline which will cut directly through the predominantly Black South Memphis and threaten the Memphis Sand Aquifer, which provides clean and safe drinking water to residents around Memphis, TN.

The pipeline’s proposed route runs through several African American communities in Southwest Memphis, including one known as Boxtown, a historic community already burdened by dozens of industrial facilities.

A pipeline through Black Memphis is an assault not just on the environment, but on Black communities everywhere.

The Biden-Harris Administration has the power to revoke the permit that the Byhalia Pipeline is being constructed under—but we need to make our voices heard!

Sign now to call on the Biden-Harris administration to revoke the permit for the Byhalia Connection Pipeline and reevaluate permitting for new oil and gas pipelines across the country."


Biden\Dems\Reps cannot indulge the ill-will of the rich toward China without fueling violence against Americans of Asian ancestry on main street.

What’s more, the “rubber” that is the fear generated by lack of gun control America, “hits the road” in police shootings. Cops and potential perps are both justifiably scared. Get your shit together Washington. Try managing America for the benefit of the 100’s of millions of non-rich that call America home instead of fobbing off the cost of your raising campaign donations on to their backs.


The judges appointed while Trump was President MUST be purged from the bench – no excuses:

“Bruce Bartman, white guy in PA who illegally voted for trump on behalf of his dead mother, gets 5 years probation

Crystal Mason, black woman in TX who voted on supervised release when she didn’t know she was ineligible, gets 5 years in prison

Two justice systems in America”


“Biden's Hilarious Statement For Press Freedom Day! (Livestream)”


Biden’s press Secretary Jen Psaki is an actual spy from Israel:

It appears anybody from anywhere with a check$$ can get an outsized voice in American government. A voice that puts them ahead of our politicians and most definitely America’s working taxpayers

“Biden spokesperson Jen Psaki worked for Israeli spy firm”


“If your Personal Beliefs deny what’s objectively true about the world, then they’re more accurately called Personal Delusions.”


Corporate media kills:

“Tell ABC, CBS and NBC: Stop ignoring climate change.”


“We’re not from the left, we’re not from the right, we’re from the bottom and we are coming for those on top”


“The history of Cargill is steeped in logging history. Indeed, it was the massive white pines that grew in the Greenock Swamp that attracted lumber baron Henry Cargill to the town that carries his name, and to log these massive treasures. In the late 1800’s Henry logged 5 million board feet per year of white pine for 25 years out of the swamp, most destined for the British Royal Navy as ship masts.

There is lots of great info about white pine. Did you know, for example, that..

.. this conifer is the largest in the northeast and can grow up to 80 feet in height and live up to 400 years old?

.. of all the pines, the White Pine or Eastern White Pine as it is officially known is the softest and lightest? It is also the only conifer with 5 needles to a bundle.

.. white pine is the provincial tree of Ontario (1984), as well as the States of Michigan and Maine?

.. for more than a century, white pine was the dominant factor in the growth and development of Ontario and a significant factor in the settlement of Bruce County?

.. for generations, upwards of a third of the income of the provincial government came from white pine auctions and fees?

.. there are still a few white pine left in the Greenock Swamp that Henry Cargill was never able to reach?

.. Big White Pines matter – they are the only ones that produce the lion’s share of seeds – only once every 7 – 10 years?”


“A healthcare system based on profit is immoral and dangerous

Keeping technology that can save lives secret for profit just shows how morally bankrupt our system is



“California Officials Move to Stop Nestlé From Taking Millions of Gallons of Water From Public Streams”


“Rich Whites Trying to Suppress Native Americans. Again”


America’s judiciary is an abomination:

“Neighbor calls cops on mentally ill man acting odd. Not armed. No threats. Cops break into the man’s home, pull him from the shower, beat him, break his rib, Tase him 18 times. He dies 30 min. later. No charges. DA says death unrelated to officer’s actions.”


“Editorial: Wildlife encounters are part of Colorado’s beauty, but if you love them, leave them alone”


“‘Mother Trees’ Are Real. They Model Sharing and Generosity

Suzanne Simard’s book on forest complexity is as sturdy, impressive and beautiful as a big red cedar.”

“Simard’s astounding research into the little-known habits of trees came to global attention when her paper on the relationship between trees and mycorrhizal networks was published in 1997 in the science journal Nature with the title: “The Wood-Wide Web.” A prescient description, as it turned out.

What is mycorrhiza? Put very simply, it’s the symbiotic relationship that exists between fungi and plants. In a complex natural system such as a forest, the root systems of trees are joined together by fungal networks that move sugar, carbon, hormones and defence signals — a wealth of information — between individual trees. In this web, the largest, oldest trees (called hub trees or more affectionately, Mother Trees) are the most densely connected, like nodes in the internet.”


In the past of course:

“Trees in the Amazon make their own rain”


“can we just start advocating for $25/hr? since they didn’t pass $15? Just be like “ok we gave you a chance to give us $15 and you f****d up so now look here’s what we want”


“Meet Manta, a sea-cleaning sailboat that feeds on plastic waste”


“Earth’s wildlife populations have declined by 68% since 1970”


“Stop the blockade of Cuba”


“It is a paradox, but in my lifetime due to corporate rule, the U.S. has become the world's largest third world country. It's people suffer for the rich.”


“A society is not successful if prisons are its largest form of public housing.”


Graph: “Wealth of the top wealthiest Americans as a fraction of total U.S. GDP”

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