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11/2022 DemGOP: US falling $32bn short on $40bn ‘fair share’ of $100bn climate-finance goal

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

The tawny emperor (Asterocampa clyton) female

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017-07-16 687aaa.jpg

“Corporate Crime Exposed Forum”


Where is Washington’s planning? They go about their fundraising providing whack-a-mole fire dousing at best?!:

“From the US to Kenya to China farmers are struggling”

“Dying lands: Farmers fight to save the 'skin of the Earth'”


“Sleepwalking to global Armageddon”


“Multiple Inter-reinforcing Tipping Points

Raising the Alarm

Evidence that tipping points are under way has mounted in the past decade.

Domino effects have also been proposed.

A. Amazon Rainforest – Frequent droughts

B. Arctic sea ice – reduction in area

C. Atlantic circulation – in slowdown since 1950s

D. Boreal forest – fires and pest changing

E. Coral reefs – large scale die-offs

F. Greenland ice sheet – ice loss accelerating

G. Permafrost – thawing

H. West Arctic Ice Sheet – ice loss accelerating

I. Wilkes Basin – East antarctica Ice loss accelerating

“ the sudden, recent and very large rise in methane emissions – the source of some one third of total global emissions and rising. Worryingly there is as yet no scientific certainty over the source. Preliminary studies are suggesting a natural source and therefore pointing to the world’s permafrost regions where rising temperatures have produced further permafrost melting and a self-sustaining increase in methane. That is backed up by an Alaskan study showing a 70% rise in permafrost derived methane over a 40 year period.”

Chris Hedges:

“The grim statistics

We are pouring greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at 10X the rate of the mass extinction known as the GREAT DYING which occurred 252 million years ago”

“Percentage of CO2 emissions by world population:

Richest 1% responsible for almost half of total lifestyle consumption emissions

Poorest 50% responsible for only around 10% of total lifestyle consumption emissions”


“How gas is extracted by shale fracking:

1 hole drilled into shale rock

2 water, sand and chemicals pumped into borehole

3 pressure in bore causes fractures in shale

4 gas from shale flows into pipe and back to surface

“How much fresh water does it take to frack a well?

Water use per well can be anywhere from about 1.5 million gallons to about 16 million gallons”


The thinking being when a country no longer exists or all most of its people are dead you don’t have to pay?:

“US with maximum emissions has contributed much less than it should to climate fund”

“The US should be paying nearly $40bn towards the $100bn climate-finance target, new Carbon Brief analysis shows. This is $32bn more than the estimated $8bn it actually gave in 2020.”


“Global Food Supply Risks Rising Rapidly”


Coming soon, to your neighborhood? Like Houston!:


“Nov. 10, 2022 United Nations CC Johann Rockstrom explains Arctic, Antarctic, Jet Stream, AMOC, importance. Later Dr. Silvia Earl graces us with plain language facts of our interconnectedness and what needs to happen to possibly turn around destruction of Earth system balances.

“Beyond Polar Bears and Penguins - Why the ice crisis matters to all of us”


“Australia criticised for resisting Cop27 push to end international fossil fuel subsidies”


“COP27 Fiddling as World Warms”

“People are very angry. People are in a rage. People don’t want their kids to die.

There’s no words to describe how serious it is…

The fact is we are facing mass starvation in the next ten years,

Social collapse and the possible extinction of the human race.

So it couldn’t be worse.”

[And all our DemGOP politicians are spending their time on is their personal stock portfolio]

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