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12/2022 The way we eat is making a major contribution to our own extinction

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

The tawny emperor (Asterocampa clyton)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2015-06-23 142aaaaaVsn2

“The World will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” Albert Einstein

“100 years ago today, Albert Einstein received his Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect." His influence across science, humanity, and even on popular culture is undisputed. #COP27


“Eating Our Way to Extinction”


“You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out God hates all the same people you do.” Anne Lamott


“In less than a month Twitter has lost half of its top 100 advertisers, according to media watchdog, Media Matters.”

“Stephen King jokes that Mike Lindell's My Pillow will soon be the only advertiser left on Twitter”


Musk is a trumper:

“Elon Musk is reinstating banned Twitter accounts. Here's who's back.”

“They're almost exclusively right-wing figures.”


No! Pay a fair wage and pay taxes commensurate with the benefits you’ve extracted:

“Jeff Bezos pledges to donate majority of his $124 billion to charity”


We are all DEAD!:

“COP 27 Backs Gas as ‘Low-Emission Energy’ in Final Declaration”


“Fracking Triggers Large Earthquakes in B.C., Texas”


“[This content isn’t available right now]

Reader Comment:

“David Duff

Work creates value it's the only thing that does.

Usually that value is appropriated by Capital and the worker is given back as little as Capital can get away with .”


Lee Carter:

“There should only be two responses to a bailout request.

If it’s a vital industry, nationalize it and keep the workers on the job.

If it’s a not a vital industry, guarantee income for the workers and let the investors eat the loss.

No cash for investors.

Not one goddamn dime.”


“Is it greed - denial - or "faith" that some deity wouldn't let this happen to you ..”

“The dinosaurs never saw that asteroid coming. What’s our excuse?” Neil deGrasse Tyson


“This week U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris visited the Philippines, where she vowed to expand the U.S. military presence in the country.”

‘Filipino Climate Activist Yeb Saño on COP27, Climate Reparations & Philippines’ New President Marcos”


“Leave the stems and the seeds for the birds

Leave them permanently and let the spring growth come up around them

Pollinator friendly yards on facebook

“Audubon knows native plants are crucial for feeding birds.”


“The idea of virtual warfare was once seductive. It held out hope that someday we might conduct wars without soldiers, without physical battlegrounds, and maybe even without death.

But virtual wars may turn out to be deadlier than anything in the past, especially now that lethal autonomous weapon systems—what some call “killer robots” or “slaughterbots”—are on the horizon.”

“Attack of the Killer Robots”


“Every school should have a garden that is maintained by a gardening class and the food is grown to feed the students.”

“This should be the norm at all schools

So many lessons could be taught in an outdoor setting like this. Work with your local schools to make this a reality!”


“The recent announcement that Jeff Bezos is donating the bulk of his vast fortune to charity should be recognizable to everyone at this point: it’s a tried-and-true scheme to rehabilitate his public image while avoiding paying taxes.”

“Jeff Bezos’s Charitable Giving Is Another Billionaire Scam”

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