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5/2023 Biden has now approved TWO fossil fuel carbon bombs in TWO months.

Updated: Jan 10

The tawny emperor (Asterocampa clyton)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2022-06-28 _F2A9149aaa



Labor announced the creation of the Great Koala National Park in near Coffs Harbour.

What is the sense of announcing protection of koala habitat if in the meantime they allow the destruction of vital habitat?

Up to 20 % of native forest is being logged in the State forest that is meant to become part of the great Koala National Park.

We need a halt on logging and declaration of the National Park to protect Koalas and native forests.

Visit your newly elected members now to demand an end to native forest logging in NSW and inside the Great Koala National Park proposal.

Let’s make it happen now.

Take action with us at


How much of this $400 million got kicked back to Democratic & Republican Politicians?

“Zelensky Skimmed $400 Million In U.S. War Funds!”


Biden’s Carbon Bombs - Folks sometimes you have to action or people who will do anything for money will kill you and your family:

“President Joe Biden has now approved TWO fossil fuel carbon bombs in TWO months.

This is a moment of reckoning. President Joe Biden, if you are the climate president you claim to be, halt ALL new fossil fuel projects immediately.”

“Biden approves Alaska gas exports as critics condemn another ‘carbon bomb’

Energy department gives green light to exports from liquefied natural gas program, after Willow project approved last month”


“‘Why Do You Still Have Lightning Bugs? Ours Are All Gone.’”

“Excellent article in the New York Times by Margaret Renkl: “…as spring gives way to summer, lightning bugs still rise up from our yard, blinking in the last light of day.

That’s not true in most of the nearby yards because in those yards my neighbors have hired a mosquito-control service to fog their trees and shrubs with poison. They have hired a yard service to sow their grass and the soil of their flower beds with other poisons. In most cases, my neighbors have no idea that they’ve signed a death warrant for nearly every insect in their yards. They have fallen for extermination company ads claiming to be “eco-friendly” or “all organic.” I know of one company that even claims to spare the so-called beneficial insects, though that’s impossible: A poison meant to kill invertebrates will kill every invertebrate in the yard.” LINK TO ARTICLE:”


“The world’s 60 biggest banks poured over $5,500,000,000,000 over 7 years into the fossil fuel industry”


“Spain's socialist gov't capped rent increases at 2% last year and this. And a new law caps rent increases at 3% in 2024. Overall Spanish inflation rate is around 8 %. Shows what working class pressure/action can achieve.”

“Spanish Government Wins Support to Cap Rent Hikes With New Law”


“Holtec Pauses Plan to Dump Toxic Nuclear Waste Water into Hudson”


Out of Control US Government:

“Is it my imagination or is Biden indulging without restraint?

*On immigration Stephen Miller could only dream of achieving Biden’s unregulated spite filled policies against no whites

*corporations are taking greedflation and warning through the roof;

*the oil and gas industry is having a free for all, breaking ground and sea on one carbon bomb after another - and it will exported

*as if privatizing the postal service wasn’t bad enough, democrats’ privatization of Medicare is raging full throttle;

*gun violence is absolutely stupefying;

*fuck the Inflation Reduction Act and 30x30- methane emissions by the planet have never been accounted for and neither has the emissions of the US military. The ipcc is America’s lap dog and John Kerry is praising the oily UAE leading the upcoming cop28;

*train wrecks are everywhere

* the judiciary is,….yeah, it’s like that

*On the international stage America has been reduced to the proverbial blond headed step child and then some,

*nordstream!? Really!?

*the irs haranguing reporter Matt Taibbi - were they told to wear jackboots?

* Joe Biden is a racist! Own it! Case closed - period.

*democrats have had no legitimate response to the Florida boobery and now, under Joe Biden, in Kansas a child has to have their genitalia inspected if they want to play sports WOW if that fucked up shit makes sense to anyone for ANY reason…speechless

*you name it, etc


I’ve never seen any other President in my adult life be so indulgent to special interests and be so corrupt with propaganda and censorship than democrats’ Joe Biden”


“Leaked Ukraine War Docs: What’s really going on? Plus: Dems Urge Biden to Ignore Court Rulings | SYSTEM UPDATE #67

cross reference the leak with the "Restrict Act"



Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.

Democrats' "Restrict Act" would make it possible to arrest people off social media because politicians didn't like what they said - period.

The reasoning behind the arrest could then be filled in later with lawyer speak conflating what was said with the security and best interests of the Fatherland. (aka fascist petroleum police state under joint control with billionaires)

The First Amendment ("weaponizing free speech" against the Fatherland) goes out the window.

And yes, I'm copying this now, because farcebook will invariable assert that it is false information.”

“The Broad, Vague RESTRICT Act Is a Dangerous Substitute for Comprehensive Data Privacy Legislation”


“Douglas Nimtz writes

Children of color, individuals under 18, now comprise more than 50% of American children. On the other hand, white Americans comprise more than 75% of the elderly in this country. As they say, the handwriting is on the wall. Determined to dominate, the white citizenry is becoming increasingly dangerous. A 30% of White Americans, the authoritarian racist hardcore, will not submit to a new reality without violence. America is not South Africa. Barring a miracle, civil war is only a matter of time.”


“Pipeline Leak On Wyoming Reservation Spills Crude Oil Into Wind River Tributary

A pipeline leak has resulted in a spill of an undetermined amount of crude oil into a tributary of the Wind River north of Crowheart on the Wind River Indian Reservation.”


“Bighorn sheep, moose and other animals learn migration routes from their elders. If they die prematurely that knowledge is not easily replaced.”

“Humans Are Destroying Animals’ Ancestral Knowledge”


We have already achieved catastrophe, but we can try to save some lives:

“The Chris Hedges Report Podcast with Roger Hallam, the co-founder of Extinction Rebellion who was recently released from jail, on why civil disobedience is all that can save us now from catastrophe


The end of birds:

“An outbreak of bird flu spreading across the US is "wiping out everything in numbers we've never seen before", scientists have warned.”

“Scientists warn US bird flue outbreak ‘wiping’ out everything in numbers we’ve never seen before’”


Richard D. Wolff, April 20 at 9:03 AM ·

“Its GREEDFLATION. What drives the inflation are NOT rising wages. They are not even keeping up with inflation. Rather its employers raising prices to boost profits. Politicians dare not offend their donors so they dont admit it.”

“This isn’t wage-price inflation, it’s greedflation – and big companies are to blame”


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