The tawny emperor (Asterocampa clyton)
Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020-06-29 _F2A9267aaa
Principles of Degrowth
Sustainability – Never deteriorate supporting ecosystems
Circularity – waste not, want not
Cooperation – People and planet, not profit
Useful Production – What is not needed should not be made
Sharing – Sufficiency for all, excess for none
Local Production – Produce local, consume local
Work-Life Balance – Work Less, play more
Relational Goods – less stuff, more relationships
Joie De Vivre – If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your economy
“What is degrowth?”
Book: “Less is more, How Degrowth will save the world” by Jason Hickel
“Also about equality.”
“Women’s education and Fertility”
Long but good:
“For a long time, I thought the Democrats were fighting valiantly but just overwhelmed by the oligarchy and the Republicans.
Then I saw that the Democrats keep losing fights they should win and figured they must be just weak and ineffectual.
Then I kept seeing them backing off without putting up a fight at all and decided they were gutless cowards.
Finally, I noticed that enough of them keep voting with the Republicans to always make sure the Republicans more or less win almost every fight,
and that they keep starting from a Center position and bargaining to the right, and eventually after enough of that it become impossible to ignore the only conclusion that actually fits the facts:
The Democrats are not overmatched, they aren’t weak, they aren’t cowards…they’re complicit.”