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3/2023 Water Prices set to SOAR. (Democrats handed over our fresh water to Wall St)

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

Who constrains supply by using their influence to block desalination stations

The tawny emperor (Asterocampa clyton)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017-06-24 380aaap

Good thing democrats handed America’s fresh water over to wall st!:

Water Prices will SOAR


“A report on flood-ravaged communities in eastern Kentucky asks: What is the real cost of rebuilding?”


Good thing democrats handed America’s fresh water over to wall st!:

“Water Prices will SOAR”


Sad stories here in the Midwest. Immigrant children run over by farm equipment:

“Help ProPublica Journalists Investigate the Dairy Industry

We need your help to understand the challenges facing dairy farm workers. We especially want to hear from farmers, medical professionals, regulators and anyone else with perspective from inside the community.”

“Death on a Dairy Farm

When an 8-year-old Nicaraguan boy was run over on a Wisconsin dairy farm, authorities blamed his father and closed the case. Meanwhile, the community of immigrant workers knows a completely different story.”


“Hundreds of thousands are without power as major winter storm blasts the U.S.”


The important stuff:

“A proposed bill in Florida would ban dogs from hanging their heads out of car windows”


All the electric vehicles in the world won’t save us from complete extinction. The emphasis on EV’s in America is primarily in deference to big corporation’s profits. That’s why the Inflation Reduction Act will kill us all. What we need, isn’t necessarily what is the most profitable for existing pools of wealth:

“Electric vehicles alone won’t take us to a decarbonized future”


“Climate Misinformation Is Now Our Main Competitor”


“What do people across the U.K. really think about climate misinformation? Outright denial that climate change is real is waning, but there are still real barriers to engagement and effective climate action. Today, most people are neither climate activists nor climate deniers. Confronted with ever-worsening climate impacts, the majority believe that climate change is real—but they aren't actively engaged in trying to create change to tackle it.”

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