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8/2021 Ukraine? "How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish"

Updated: Jan 13

“The new UN report on climate change is bleak. But stopping deforestation is a key way to stabilize rising temperatures. But there is hope, join our growing group of allies against deforestation to learn how you can help.”

Facebook response: “ This content isn't available right now. When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.”


Michelle Allison:

“If the point of having a society *isn’t* to care for each other, to ease suffering and realize each life’s potential, literally what is the point? To hoard wealth? To build empires on other people’s throats? Life is brief, nothing lasts. Wealth and empires are pointless violence.”

Summer Azure (Celastrina neglecta)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2018 7/25 268aaa

Kaitlyn Greenridge:

“To often “the world is literally burning” rhetoric tips over into “humans are the virus and will always screw up the world”, ignoring the fact that other cultures have consistently managed to find ways to live in the natural world without destroying it.

It reduces the worst of western racist capitalism to “human nature” and not a specific system of exploitation that has clear beneficiaries and a very specific logic that ignores whole swaths of human history, biology, ethics, morality” (and I would add groups of people)


“The liberal dream is that we can stop climate change while changing nothing about how we organize society, how we live our lives, and how much we consume.

“Green technology” won’t save us if the mechanisms that demand infinite growth in consumption stay in tact.”


Jeremy Flood:

“The idea of a “personal carbon footprint” was popularized by BP, the world’s 6th largest polluter. They knew that passing the buck onto “individual responsibility” ensured they would never be held accountable.”


Queer Space Communist:

“When are we gonna stop pretending it’s regular people’s fault the planet’s dying because they wont go vegan or take 5 minute showers and start actually blaming corporations that produce astronomical pollution and dump toxic waste directly into the mouths of great whales like”


“Magic is just science that we don’t understand yet.” Arthur C. Clarke


Nina Turner’s political world:

“S*!tLibs Blame Third Party Instead Of Corrupt Democrats”

Glenn Greenwald:

“When purporting to identify that outside groups that devoted the most energy and resources to defeating Nina Turner, Bernie omitted the two most significant: the pro-Israel lobby and the Democratic establishment led by Jim Clyburn and Hillary Clinton. Seems like an odd omission:”

Who financed Nina Turner’s defeat?


All US Presidents 1980 – 2017 have been WAR CRIMINALS


Learn it, live it, love it:

“Protesting safely”


“Median home price:

2011: $160,000

2021: $360,000

Home prices are up $50,000 just in the past year, the most ever by far.

Rents are up 10% in a year.

In case your wondering why people are not jumping at $1/hour raise to come back to work.”

Dan Price, CEO Gravity Payments


History class of the future:

“And then, during this one election, the people finally woke up

And saw how their democracy had been hijacked by the 2 corrupt parties who were bought by corporate special interests, and had rigged the system.

And the people said, “F**k this shit. We’re taking our democracy!” And they revolted.”


The true faces on American currency


“How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish

Special flights brought in tonnes of banknotes which disappeared into the war zone”


“Forever wondering if I’m truly far left or if I’m just an empathetic person living in a late capitalist hellscape where I get called a commie for saying “hey maybe poor people don’t deserve to starve”



“Capitalism is a devaluing of care, relationship, and community building. It is in direct opposition to communal care as it promotes/prioritizes and rewards individualism, what I call “single-use lifestyles”

Capitalism’s primary and only goal is increasing profit as quickly as possible. This is why time escapes us and why the work culture that dominates western society. It consumes all of our life and leaves little time or energy for much else.”


Maureen Haley:

“Labor hasn’t always been wage-labor, and labor-power hasn’t always been sold as a commodity.

Under slavery, a slave doesn’t sell their labor-power as a commodity. Slaves are themselves sold as commodities, and their labor-power belongs to the slave owner once and for all.

Under feudalism, a serf sells a portion of their labor-power to the owner of the land. Serfs don’t receive wages from their lord; instead, the lord receives a tribute from the serf.

Under capitalism, a wage worker has no choice but to sell portions of their life to those who are private owners of the means of production.

The worker appears to have a choice in the sale of their labor-power, because they can sometimes leave the employment of a particular capitalist if they want to. But for the worker who’s only source of income is the sale of their labor-power, they can’t leave the employment of the capitalist class as a whole, unless they give up their existence.

As a result, wage-workers don’t belong to one particular capitalist, but to the entire capitalist class”



“Me watching monsters inc as a kid: how did it take so long for anyone to figure out that human child laughter not only produced energy like screams, but was more effective, and that children aren’t actually dangerous at all?

Me watching monsters inc now: monsters incorporated, a multi-billion dollar corporate giant, stood to make extra profits off a scream shortage because low supply with high demand makes it possible to charge a fortune for a necessary commodity and everyone has no choice but to pay the high prices because they can’t go without electricity. Therefore Monsters Inc., as well as another major powers that may have existed at the start of the era of using scream energy. Fabricated the idea that only screams could generate sustainable energy sources in order to create artificial scarcity, because laugh energy was far easier to obtain and for more efficient, and therefore stood to lower the value of energy due to surplus. The also fabricated the idea that human children were toxic, in order to a) make other monsters too afraid to go near them to do research and possibly discover the secret of laugh energy, and b) to make monsters so afraid of going near them that there is a shortage of scarers, making it harder for rival companies to rise up and create competition. Even in the monster world, capitalism is based on lies, greed and cruelty, and even monster companies have no qualms about using and abusing children to maximize profits.”


“Capitalism has outlived its usefulness. It takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes” Martin Luther King, Jr.

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