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9/2021 The Bloody Horrors of Pinochet Showed how Capitalism Will Respond When it’s Threatened

Updated: Jan 12

“Noam Chomsky: The US-Led “War on Terror” Has Devastated Much of the World”

“When the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, the base for radical Islamic fundamentalist terrorism was largely confined to a corner of Afghanistan. Now it is all over the world.”

Striped Hairstreak (Satyrium liparops)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021 6-29 _F2A9916aaa

“America Will be Remembered as the Country That Killed the Planet

Americans Don’t Know It, But America is the Reason We’re Boiling Alive on a Dying Planet”

"You might think — as so many white American bros are going to — that I exaggerate. So go ahead and take a hard look at the chart above. It’s time to get acquainted with a deeply uncomfortable fact, at least for Americans. America’s the nation which has emitted the most carbon, by a very, very long way. It is single-handedly responsible for bringing the planet to boiling point like no other country in human history."


Nancy Pelosi was first elected to Congress in 1987

Mitch McConnell was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1984

Charles Schumer was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1988

Joe Biden was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1973

Dianne Feinstein began her career in politics in 1970 and U.S. Senate in 1992


“The US Is The Absolute Worst”


“When Will the Planet Be Too Hot for Humans? Much, Much, Sooner Than You Imagine”

“The Uninhabitable Earth

Famine, economic collapse, a sun that cooks us: What climate change could wreak — sooner than you think.”


Washington’s new phase of their class warfare has arrived. Starvation – killing American citizens that are genetically inferior starting with the bottom of the income class and working up.

And with Democrats choosing to kill off the pollinators in order to get bribes from Pesticide Mfgs the collapse in food production and independence from corporate agriculture is going to be made VASTLY, UNBELIEVABLY, HORRIFICALLY WORSE than it had to be.

I ask you, Is Seneca going to share her cake? Is Pelosi going to share her ice bars? Not from their bunkers they’re not.

Will armed people be breaking into homes and killing us for our food because their children are starving to death? Probably.

John Berbatis:

“Food Prices Skyrocketed In August To Near Decade High – No End In Sight! Tim Brown / September 8, 2021 The Washington Standard

Prepare Now: “No End” In Sight For Skyrocketing Food Prices

United Nations Sounds Alarm About Dramatic Increase In Global Food Prices

Food Prices To Soar Higher As California Farmers Destroy Crops Because Dust Bowl Conditions Continue To Spread

No Relief In Sight: Food Prices Will Continue To Go Up

Tyler Durden has the story.

Central banks and mainstream media continue to peddle the notion that soaring food inflation is temporary and the average Joe and Jane should not worry about it. But in a new report via the Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), global food prices are on the rise, once again, and back to near-decade highs.

FAO released a statement Thursday that detailed after two consecutive months of declines, world food prices in August jumped due to solid gains in sugar, vegetable oils, and cereals.

FAO’s food price index, which follows international prices of globally traded food commodities, averaged 127.4 points in August, up 3.9 points (3.1%) from July and 31.5 points (32.9%) from the same period last year.”



“Here it comes: U.S. wheat yields down 38%, Canada down 32%, Europe down 24%, and Russia down 15%. (links in comments)

(I've already seen my bread prices increase by 25%. That's sure to double by the Spring. )”

“U.S. heat is so bad farmers see a ‘half crop’ for spring wheat”

Comment Richard Powell

“Yes, this is why I've been on the long side of wheat, corn, wheat and lately canola. But all the grains are now in a (brief?) downtrend, off their summer highs. Some speculate that the shuttered gulf port will lower export numbers. But I believe that this will only temporarily delay exports. So, I have offset my short call options during this downturn and now wait (with not enough patience) for the market to fully reopen and for China to once again buy damn near all the corn and soybeans that both North and South America can produce. Plants are more susceptible to climate changes than people are. Worldwide demand increases but one consequence of climate collapse has been lower crop yields. I believe this trend will only get worse. There are Exchange Trades Funds (ETFs) that trade like stocks (no commodity account needed) that are directly linked to the prices of commodities. I prefer the commodity account but I know that this market is not suited to most folks. But many have equities' accounts. And for those, I'll suggest the long side of coffee, sugar, orange juice and grain ETFs.”


“Neonicotinoids aren't just toxic — they're "phenomenally toxic" even in small doses.

"One square foot of neonic-treated lawn, at the EPA approved label rate, can have enough active ingredient to kill a million bees."”

“Neonicotinoids Harm Bees at Far Below the Label Recommended Dose, Study Finds”


“Most of the Northern Plains would require 200% to over 300% of normal precipitation to end drought in the next three months... Keep up with the weather!”

“Continued Drought for North-Central US

Outlook Points to Persistent Drought With Widespread Effects”


The next president must restore America’s international reputation by making all war criminals and Ecocide perpetrators available for international prosecution and sentencing - NON NEGOTIABLE

In any event, America needs to negotiate cooperative food sharing arrangements with other countries during times of acute catastrophe, together with a legitimate unified response with the rest of the world to the global Environmental Holocaust led by Washington and imposed on the planet.

“Other reports show that, on August 29, the United States army in Afghanistan used drones to attack a residential building in Kabul, allegedly for counter-terrorism purposes. At least ten civilians were killed in the drone strike, one of them only two years old.

The Chinese diplomat said that his country has documented each report, and noted that these files reveal that the killing of civilians by US military was a frequent occurrence in Afghanistan.

Another widely reported case occurred in 2002, when an airstrike hit a wedding banquet in Uruzgan province, killing dozens and injuring over 100 Afghans.”

“China Calls for Investigation into US Massacres of Civilians in Afghanistan”


I would expect the same response toward American citizens by today’s Democratic and Republican Party:

“The Other September 11, coup d'état in Chile. This is Neoliberalism in action. 2

The bloody horrors of Pinochet showed how capitalism will respond when it’s threatened

So it’s no coincidence that Pinochet had the mission of suppressing a potential lower class revolt. His regime came to power after the CIA ousted Chile’s democratically elected socialist president Salvador Allende, and Pinochet and his “Chicago Boys” had the task of proliferating neoliberal policies despite the broad popular opposition that these policies were naturally met with. As Margaret Thatcher said about why the global capitalist class embraced neoliberalism, “there is no alternative”-if these radical austerity and privatization measures weren’t carried out, the recession of the 70s would keep making capitalist profits drop, and the whole system would potentially fall apart. If the ruling class wanted to keep their power, neoliberalism would have to be realized by any means necessary.”

“The Bloody Horrors of Pinochet Showed how Capitalism Will Respond When it’s Threatened”


“from Wry Grin.

To defend themselves, numerous tech-savvy, prosperous countries with high populations have abolished electronic "voting" because they know it can't be secured. It's more than 59 now. The Netherlands has complex ballots with over 20 different parties. You know that if Germany and Japan reject a technology there is something seriously wrong with it.

"Fifty-nine countries, including advanced industrialized nations such as Germany, Canada, Australia, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, and Spain, now have returned to purely hand-counted, paper ballot voting systems."”

“There’s no way they want Americans hand counting paper ballots in public.

The oligarchs would be out and over with.


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