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5/2022 "... Jesus was not only a socialist but an anarchist..."

Updated: Jan 12

“I mean, Elon Musk’s grotesque accumulation of wealth is already an abomination and indictment of a broken meritocracy and destroyed system, but it’s the glassy-eyed sycophants who worship hime that really drive home how truly wrecked everything is.”

Striped Hairstreak (Satyrium liparops)

7/14/2009 IMG_6457aaa

“The Black Workers Amazon Wants to Crush”

“It’s a David vs. Goliath rumble that has the nation’s second largest employer trembling in fear of Black workers! What’s going on?”


“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important.

They don’t mean to do harm; but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.” T.S. Eliot



Don't exterminate the bird food!

Find the native plants that will help birds the most HERE LINK TO PAGE:


“If Jeff Bezos has enough money to own:

A $500 million superyacht

A $23 million D.C. Mansion

A $175 million Beverly Hills Estate

A $78 Million Maui Estate

Then no, he does not nee $10 billion from taxpayers to zoom around outer space.”


“Congress can do more to help protect North Atlantic right whales from fishing gear entanglements such as this by passing the Right Whale Coexistence Act. Email your representative and senators today and ask them to do so quickly:”

“Entangled Right Whale Named ‘Snow Cone’ Returns To Cape Cod With Her Calf”

“Tell Congress: Protect North Atlantic Right Whales”


"... Jesus was not only a socialist but an anarchist – and I want to stress here that I regard anarchism as the fullest and most serious form of socialism."

“No matter what God's power may be, the first aspect of God is never that of the absolute Master, the Almighty. It is that of the God who puts himself on our human level and limits himself.”

“What seems to be one of the disasters of our time is that we all appear to agree that the nation-state is the norm... Whether the state be Marxist or capitalist, it makes no difference. The dominant ideology is that of sovereignty.”

“No matter what God's power may be, the first aspect of God is never that of absolute Master, the Almighty. It is that of the God who puts himself on our human level and limits himself.”

“And the extraordinary thing is that according to these texts all powers, all the power and glory of the kingdoms, all that has to do with politics and political authority, belongs to the devil. It has all been given to him and he gives it to whom he wills. Those who hold political power receive it from him and depend upon him. (It is astonishing that in the innumerable theological discussions of the legitimacy of political power, no one has ever adduced these texts! [Matthew 4:8-9; Luke 4:6-7]) This fact is no less important than the fact that Jesus rejects the devil's offer. Jesus does not say to the devil: It is not true. You do not have power over kingdoms and states. He does not dispute this claim. He refuses the offer of power because the devil demands that he should fall down before him. This is the sole point when he says: 'You shall worship the Lord your God and you shall serve him, only him' (Matthew 4:10). We may thus say that among Jesus' immediate followers and in the first Christian generation political authorities - what we call the state - belonged to the devil and those who held power received it from him.”

― Jacques Ellul, Anarchy and Christianity (1988)


They give all our country’s resources to the rich & their corporations who -just for starters- don’t pay their fair share of taxes or pay a livable wage. They are trying to bankrupt the country


with marketing and labeling terms such as ‘humanely raised’ and ‘sustainably farmed’ often unregulated and in some cases used deceptively by industrial producers consumers can be left confused or worse duped.”

Meat, Egg and Dairy Alternatives



Leslie Nelson InmanPollinator Friendly Yards

“Wow! This poster shows only 3% of all bee species in North America!

◾Honey bees are from Europe.

◾We have 4,000 species of native bees! Learn and teach others about our incredible Native North American Bees.



“Update: Ken Hurley, the Vice President of Human Resources & Labor Relations at Kellogg’s Co., is no longer with Kellogg’s following publication of this piece.”



“The Age of Self-Delusion

The US and Russia, faded relics of the Cold War, unable to accept their terminal decline, launch futile and self-defeating wars to reclaim their lost imperial power.”

“Blinded by what Barbara Tuchman calls “the bellicose frivolity of senile empires,” we are marching ominously towards war with Russia. How else might we explain Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s public declaration that the US goal is to “weaken Russia” and Joe Biden’s request for another $33 billion in “emergency” military and economic aid (half of what Russia spent on its military in 2021) for Ukraine?

The same cabal of generals and politicians that drained the state of trillions of dollars in the debacles in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Somalia and learned nothing from the nightmare of Vietnam, revel in the illusion of their omnipotence. They have no interest in a diplomatic solution. There are billions in profits to be made in arms sales. There is political posturing to be done. There are generals itching to pull the trigger. Why have all these high-priced and technologically advanced weapons systems if you can’t use them? Why not show the world this time around that the US still dominates the globe?

The masters of war require an enemy. When an enemy cannot be found, as George Orwell understood in Nineteen Eighty-Four, an enemy is manufactured. That enemy can become an ally overnight – we allied ourselves with Iran in the Middle East to fight the Taliban and later the Caliphate – before instantly reinstated Iran as the incarnation of evil. The enemy is not about logic or geopolitical necessity. It is about stoking the fear and hatred that fuels perpetual war.

~ Chris Hedges

Illustration: “Portion Control” by Mr. Fish

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