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02/2002 “The anti-vaccine Right Brought Human Sacrifice to America”

Updated: Jan 11

Why do your politicians’ plans for the environment, including COVID, assume so many of our deaths?

“The anti-vaccine Right Brought Human Sacrifice to America”

Just one example of Social Murder that should be prosecuted in full for what it is

“Since last summer, the conservative campaign against vaccination has claimed thousands of lives for no ethically justifiable purpose.”


“The Pandemic is Over — Long Live The Pandemic

The world has surrendered.”

“Remember they said Omicron was “mild?” More than 3,500 people died today. At this rate, Covid will double the flu’s annual body count for the entire year, in a single month. So, not mild. And not the flu. We've surrendered.”

Striped Hairstreak (Satyrium liparops)

Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, USA

2015-07-12 011aaaaVsn2

“The Most Wasteful Pandemic Relief Program Was the One the Rich Loved”

“There’s one pandemic program that’s been strikingly immune to attacks over not being targeted or means-tested. Surprise, surprise: it’s the Paycheck Protection Program, which delivered three-quarters of its funds to the upper-quintile income bracket.”


Additional Evidence of Social Murder that should be prosecuted as such:

“Only the Poor Die Young”

“In capitalist America, the rich are outliving the poor at an alarming rate. It’s a grim reality and there’s only one way to end it definitively — moving toward socialism.”


“Air pollution significantly reduces pollination by confusing butterflies and bees, lessening their ability to sniff out crops and wildflowers.”

“Scientists find there are 70% fewer pollinators, due to air pollution”


“Satellite data on global temperatures doesn't seem to match real-world observations, raising the possibility that climate change is worse than we thought.”



“Ocean’s Largest Dead Zones Mapped by MIT Scientists”


“A huge iceberg dumped nearly 1 trillion tons of freshwater in the ocean. The effects could be massive”


“Clathrate Gun” information:

Kirk Brent Norring:

“There are three things that can destabilize underwater methane hydrates.

1. Less water pressure.

That is the only good thing about rising sea levels because that adds more water pressure.

2. Warmer water temperatures.

That can't be avoided. The oceans are warming up.

3. More tectonic movement such as earthquakes or underwater landslides.

Again that is speeding up thanks to isostatic rebound due to the melting of world glaciers.

Below is a map of where you can find underwater methane hydrates.

It's not just found in the Arctic.”

“Energy from Ice

Global Distribution of methane hydrate deposits on the ocean floor”

Fossil Fuel reserves (in billions of tons of carbon) Source: Energy Outlook 2007, Archer& Buffet

96 Natural Gas

160 Oil

675 Coal

3,000 Gas from hydrates” (the “Clathrate gun” that is going off)

Kirk Brent Norring:

“And if it can happen once, it can happen again. Lake Nyos. It can happen many times all over the Earth.

“Permian History Methane Gas Explosion From Ocean Wiped Out 95% Of Life”

“Now you can see just why the following video is so damn scary.

All these methane hydrates is a bomb waiting to go off.”

“Earth's Long-Term Warming Trend, 1880-2015”

Harry Allington comment:

“It's possible that more than 80% of the methane will dissolve in the water before reaching the atmosphere. Even then, it's STILL a planet killing event. Enough of the hydrates are on shallow shelves near the water surface, and the total amount of methane is so mind warpingly huge, we're toast.

That's before you consider the dozens of other feedback loops which are already coming online.

Live with urgency”


Kevin Hester:

“Another tipping point crossed.”

Quoting Kris Van Steenbergen @KrVaSt "Both our ice sheets are reaching their final tipping points:"

“Losing the remaining Arctic sea ice and its ability to reflect incoming solar energy back to space would be equivalent to adding one trillion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere". Now the collapse is multi-polar.”


“Edge of Extinction: Collapse is NOT Survivable”


“How I Came To Believe That Civilization Is Unsustainable

Part 2: A Practical Guide To Collapse Awareness”

“Unlike vague prophecies in prior times, we now have solid proofs for trends clearly pointing in the wrong direction (if upholding this way of life were the goal). The problem is, that we are not addressing the root cause of these trends. We are just fiddling around the edges, achieving quick wins here and there, while business as usual (aka overshoot) continues to roar full speed ahead.”


The American Democratic and Republican political parties are THE SINGLE GREATEST existential threat facing the planet”

“The United States is not an example of free market capitalism. The government allows monopolies and other oppressive entities to flourish at the expense of the working class.

“Oppression, Not Capitalism, Is the Operating Social Mechanism of the United States

This is not the land of opportunity, it’s the land of exploitation”



“Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm violated the STOCK act 9 times in a single year.”


"Major western news publications are running a story about a sinister plot by the Russian government, and—you may want to sit down for this—the sources of the report are anonymous, and the evidence for it is secret."


“Biden carries on the great U.S. tradition of total hypocrisy.”

“1962: The U.S. placed ballistic missiles in Turkey & Italy. So Cuba invited Russia to place missiles in Cuba. The U.S. freaked out.

2022: The U.S. wants Ukraine to join NATO, putting NATO missiles in Ukraine. Russia says no. The U.S. freaks out.”

Given the behavior out of Washington we should probably be concerned that Dems & Reps most certainly will see a confrontation with Russia to the point of an actual exchange of nuclear missiles since the consequences are consistent with the “Georgia Guidestones” and other social engineering plans. Afterall, they are the dregs.


War$$$ - feeding the rich with our blood, treasury and environment.

“Democrats are planning to expedite a massive bill that would dramatically increase U.S. security assistance to Ukraine and lay the groundwork for substantial new sanctions on Russia.

"assistance to Ukraine", i´d better call it "supporting the road to the war against Russia". The big corporations in the shadow dream about the collapse of Moscow since decades, ther´s too much of natural resources to get in Russian territory... "Who care about the nuclear bombing in Eastern Europe? That´s far shit!"

I like how this will take 5 minutes to resolve but anything ot


The House of Representatives is looking to skip markup and hold a floor vote as soon as next week.”

This is who America is supporting in Ukraine:

“Sending billions and high tech technology to an army that integrated an entire white supremacist and nazi battalion, including their leaders... what could possibly go wrong?”

“Azov Battalion”


"Despite warnings that a dangerous war with Russia could soon be unleashed if diplomatic efforts fail, House Democrats are reportedly looking to bypass typical procedures and fast-track a vote on legislation that would send $500 million in military aid to Ukraine—a move that critics say only adds fuel to the fire.

"The Intercept reported Tuesday that "Democrats in the House of Representatives are planning to expedite a massive bill that would dramatically increase U.S. security assistance to Ukraine and lay the groundwork for substantial new sanctions on Russia—hastening a war-friendly posture without opportunity for dissent as concerns over a military invasion abound."

“'Is Pelosi Insane?' Dems Rebuked Over $500 Million in Military Aid to Ukraine

"Fast-tracking massive weapons transfers to Ukraine and ginning up a new war with a nuclear-armed Russia" is a terrible idea, warns leading peace advocate.”


Great Cartoon: “Ukraine: Dangerous Dance of Military-Industrial Complex”

“I’m fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in.” George S. McGovern


Caitlin Johnstone:

“A Ukraine war is very easily avoidable and anyone suggesting otherwise is a lying s**tstain who you should hate intensely and never forgive.” Aka “The biden administration…”


“An undersea pipeline set to deliver gas from Russia to Germany has become exactly what the two countries have always insisted it would never be: A weapon in a geopolitical crisis.”

“How Putin's $11 billion pipeline split NATO and the EU at a time of crisis”


“Ukraine 🇺🇦

American high schoolers get to watch this in their Global History class on video day, right? 😏

“Ukraine on Fire” (2016). The untold story of the 2014 Ukrainian coup, co-produced by Oliver Stone



"An in-depth look at the decades-long effort to escalate hostilities with Russia and what it portends for the future. Since 1945, the US has justified numerous wars, interventions, and military build-ups based on the pretext of the Russian Red Menace, even after the Soviet Union collapsed at the end of 1991 and Russia stopped being Red. In fact, the two biggest post-war American conflicts, the Korean and Vietnam wars, were not, as has been frequently claimed, about stopping Soviet aggression or even influence, but about maintaining old colonial relationships. Similarly, many lesser interventions and conflicts, such as those in Latin America, were also based upon an alleged Soviet threat, which was greatly overblown or nonexistent.

And now the specter of a Russian Menace has been raised again in the wake of Donald Trump's election. The Plot to Scapegoat Russia examines the recent proliferation of stories, usually sourced from American state actors, blaming and manipulating the threat of Russia, and the long history of which this episode is but the latest chapter. It will show readers two key things: (1) the ways in which the United States has needlessly provoked Russia, especially after the collapse of the USSR, thereby squandering hopes for peace and cooperation; and (2) how Americans have lost out from this missed opportunity, and from decades of conflicts based upon false premises. These revelations, amongst other, make The Plot to Scapegoat Russia one of the timeliest reads of 2017."”


“Why Washington’s focus on ‘credibility’ is a recipe for war”

“The US can't even afford to give its citizens health care, but it can afford the huge costs of diverting gas to wavering European states to rally them to war over a place Americans can't identify on a map. That's the power of the war industry.”

“The world is entering what looks like a new, even more complex cold war, in which any misunderstanding, mishap or false move could rapidly escalate into nuclear confrontation”


“It’s not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true” Henry Kissinger

“….. he should know since he has been one of the most dangerous of all warmongers that has ever existed and also an avid supporter of the Apartheid State of Israel and it’s crimes against humanity/Palestinian people.”


“In a previously unpublished eulogy to John Brown from 1908, Eugene Debs proclaimed Brown the “greatest liberator this country has known” and declared that ”the Socialist Party is carrying on the work begun by John Brown.” We publish it here in full.”

“Eugene Debs’s Stirring, Never-Before-Published Eulogy to John Brown at Harpers Ferry”


Ukraine is all about the profit:

“Washington doesn't [care] about Ukrainian independence and sovereignty. Its primary interest in the territory is its location right next to Russia; its other interests lie in the resources and markets a Ukraine under US influence offers.” As proven by Hunter Biden:

“Ukraine as Game Board”


"The US is pushing for a war with Russia over Ukraine, but its own NATO ally Germany (still occupied by thousands of US troops) doesn't want war.

“US President Joe Biden asked to speak with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz... and he said no!

Serious divisions" Ben Norton”


“A media blitz dead focused in provoking a very nasty blitz war.”

“US/UK Media Blitz against Russia on Ukraine Backfires, Highlights Western Divisions”


Yep, that’s a Nazi flag alright – wholly shit! America is really that bad!!!:

“CIA is training Ukrainian paramilitaries to 'kill Russians' via @BenjaminNorton”

“The CIA is training far-right Ukrainian nationalists to "kill Russians" and wage an "insurgency" against Moscow.”


“Top 10 Reasons The U.S. Should NOT Go To War In Ukraine”

“Psaki: ‘Russia could at any point launch an attack on Ukraine’ presented by Lockheed Martin”


America – Merchant of death and destruction the world over from every conceivable angle:

“The United States spends more on defense than the next 11 countries combined” Bar Graph

[Politicians get kickbacks (“campaign donations”) based on the overall total amount]


Democrats Extinction of species\Liquidating the Commons for Votes is ECOCIDE. But sadly as American as apple pie:

“New Idaho law allows killing of 90% of state’s wolves”

“Montana Legislature launches a war on wolves”

“Hunters kill over 200 wolves in Wisconsin in 60 hours”

Deb Haaland MUST RESIGN:

“Demand Congress protect the Endangered Species Act and vulnerable populations like the gray wolf!”


“The Official Dem Slogan....”

“Yes we can and no, we won’t.”


And Democrats looked on, just like the other cop with derrick Chauvin:

“How Will America Finish Collapsing?

Only One Side Has the Guns, a Plot to Overthrow Democracy, and a Hardening Commitment to Violence”

“Only one side in America has the guns, and wants to use them. Note what’s already happened over the last few years. The hard right in America has gone on a virtual killing spree, most of which has gone unpunished. None of this is remotely normal. In America, only one side has been radicalised into violence and hate.”


Privatization raise the basic cost of living:

“On Contact: Corporate assault on US Postal Service”

“"The corporate seizure of public utilities and privatization of schools is part of a broad assault to turn government assets into assets that will swell corporate profit. The post office has been a coveted target for decades. #Corporations such as #FedEx and #UPS have used their lobbyists and campaign contributions to cripple the government postal service in an effort to destroy it and take it over.”


“Eat like everyone’s life depends on it. Because it does.”

“PETA Attacks Slaughterhouse Openings With Full-Page Ad Appeal to Consumers”


Eat the rich

(But remember to cook the meat as it is unquestionably rancid)


“Gas Stoves in the US Emit Methane Equivalent to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Half a Million Cars

Cooking with gas is heating up the climate and filling some homes with hazardous nitrogen oxides in excess of EPA safety standards for outdoor air concentrations.”


“Large Permian Basin Methane Leaks Are Causing As Much Climate Pollution as 500,000 Cars”


“Methane Plume Emissions Associated With Puget Sound Faults in the Cascadia Forearc”


“Increased production of smelly sulfur compound in Southern Ocean tied to climate change”


“A RIVER ON FIRE! Gas explodes from Australian river near fracking site.”


“Most would rather reach down to offer charity than to work systematically to prevent the need for charity.

Maintaining social status while giving sparingly from a surplus acquired from unearned privilege is the opiate of the advantaged class.”


Better for the rich that is:

“Since when is empty shelves and doubling and tripling the price of everything considered building back better”


New Book: “Disposable Children”


Oil Companies are fighting back by having Washington maneuver into creating green energy material shortages:

“The Era of Cheap Renewables Grinds To A Halt”

“Raw material shortages, notably in metals and minerals and polysilicon are impacting the renewable energy industry. The cost of solar panels, wind turbines, and EV batteries is climbing after years of declines. Solar panel prices had surged by more than 50 percent in the past 12 months alone. The price of wind turbines is up 13 percent and battery prices are rising for the first time ever.”


“There is no justice without truth.

And there is no truth without deep inward reflection, intellectual honesty, and critical thinking that leads to moral wisdom.”


John lieber

“Step 1: find any inequity between developed and non developed countries

Step 2: apply a blanket narrative of colonialism without historical nuance or context

Step 3: establish moral superiority

Step 4: Receive recognition and funding for "decolonizating science"

Science has become a joke”

“Colonial history and global economics distort our understanding of deep-time biodiversity”


“1950s propaganda. Good thing capitalism stopped this from happening.”

“A government does not announce that they have become fascist, they announce that anti-fascists are enemies of the state”


“One of the World’s Wealthiest Oil Exporters is becoming unlivable”


Biden\Trump should have never been allowed to be President:

“Under the radar, Why corporate exploitation remains unchallenged and unchecked.

“The primary purpose of every corporation is to profit. Large corporations apply vast resources to shape public policies and create laws that protect their material interests. And they do this without regard for its impact on human and planetary welfare.

“Ordinary people, on the other hand, have no such power. Nor do they have the time and energy to conduct the research needed to fully understand the political and legal systems of which they are bound. For this reason, they go about their daily routines with blind faith in the structures of society, its rules of law and the values upon which they are founded, never giving a thought to how these laws were created and who they are meant to serve.

When people are driven to break these laws, the assume the infractions are caused by their own failings. It doesn’t occur to them that society itself has been structured to favor a capital class and, as a result, has placed them under conditions where they must make unreasonable life choices in order to survive. The dominant social narratives cause them to believe that their hardships must be entirely of their own making, that they are to blame, even though their conditions could have been avoided had they been lucky enough to live in a more humane society.

The facts tell us a different story. More than in all other developed nations of our world, people living in the United States no only bear their own financial burdens, they are also expected to sacrifice in order to help increase the inordinate wealth of its capital class.”


“‘Sixth Mass Extinction’ has begun, scientists warn”


“Earth's sixth mass extinction has begun according to scientists

A study from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) found that hundreds of land animals could go extinct in the next 20 years.”


“Safe planetary boundary for pollutants, including plastics, exceeded, say researchers”

"“There has been a 50-fold increase in the production of chemicals since 1950. This is projected to triple again by 2050,” says co-author Patricia Villarubia-Gómez from the Stockholm Resilience Centre.

Plastic production alone increased 79% between 2000 and 2015, the team reports.

The pace that societies are producing and releasing new chemicals and other novel entities into the environment is not consistent with staying within a safe operating space for humanity."


“Rising temperatures, dying cattle Iraq is reeling from climate change.mp4”


“The Metaverse Is Worse Than You Thought”



Very high greenhouse gas levels continue to show up over the Arctic.

One image, created with a Copernicus forecast for January 4, 2022, 03 UTC, shows methane at 500 hPa (equivalent to 500 mb).

Another image is a screenshot of a Copernicus forecast for January 5, 2022, 03 UTC, again showing methane at 500 hPa, but this time using a North Pole projection.

Note that the darkest-brown color on the scale for 500 hPa indicates methane concentrations from 1950 to 2360 parts per billion (ppb). Sadly, there is no color distinction for concentrations above 1950 ppb at this altitude, but it's clear that concentrations above 1950 ppb predominantly show up over the Arctic.

Another image also shows a Copernicus forecast for January 5, 2022, 03 UTC, this time showing methane at surface level and using a Eurasia projection. Note that the darkest-brown color on the scale for surface level indicates methane concentrations above 2160 ppb.”

“2653 ppb with a Mean of 1913.”


“Climate Change - does the 1.5 degree target make sense”


John Berbatis\Scott Duncan:

“Extreme temperature contrast. Certainly one way to start 2022...

Summer & winter separated only by a few States.

The 99°F at Falcon Lake on Texas is provisionally the hottest temperature ever recorded in the USA in January.”


“Kevin Lester

Waking up at night feeling scared.

Russia is about to invade Ukraine and Europe is about to be consumed in war with all the same mechanisms in place as with the 1st World War;

Methane is blowing off in the Arctic and runaway climate change has entered its final stage;

A global food emergency has brewed;

Inflation has ramped up everywhere;

Global political stability and unity has collapsed, with BREXIT a clear demonstration of the consequences;

And our press is focused on a party in Downing Street, while ignoring that consistent press failures have allowed Downing Street to descend to an analogue of Hitler's Eagles Nest.”


“Putin, Ukraine, and the Preservation of Power

Once more, the Russian President is poised to invade the nation. His weapons include military hardware, malware, and propaganda.”


Sam Carana:


The Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (~66 million years-ago) asteroid impact, described in 1980 by Alvarez et al., caused enough dust and debris to cloud large parts of planet and result in the mass extinction of some 80% of all species of animals.

When Turco et al. (1983) and Carl Sagan (1983) warned the world about the climatic effects of a nuclear war, they pointed out that the amount of carbon stored in a large city was sufficient to release enough aerosols (smoke, soot and dust) to block sunlight over large regions, leading to a widespread failure of crops and thereby extensive starvation.

Current nuclear arsenals by the United States and Russia could inject 150 Teragram (Tg) (10⁹ kilogram) of soot from fires ignited by nuclear explosions into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (Coupe et al., 2019), lasting for a period of 10 years or longer, followed by a period of intense radioactive radiation over large areas. Even a “limited” nuclear war, such as between India and Pakistan, would release enough aerosols to affect large regions, killing millions or billions through starvation. As stated by Robock et al., 2007): “The casualties from the direct effects of blast, radioactivity, and fires resulting from the massive use of nuclear weapons by the superpowers would be so catastrophic … the ensuing nuclear winter would produce famine for billions of people far from the target zones”.

By 2021, with a global arsenal of ~13.000 nuclear warheads, 90 percent of which held by Russia and the US, regional conflicts such as in the Ukraine and Taiwan threaten to spill world-wide. As the clock of the atomic scientists is set at 100 seconds to doomsday, the rising probability of an intended or inadvertent nuclear war, in the background of rising global warming, indicate an hour of truth for the species―a choice between the defence of life on Earth and global suicide.

While the inhabitants of the planet are preoccupied with the 24 hours news cycle, media hype, superlatives, a deadly Virus, economic issues and sport games, the hair-trigger nuclear gun loaded by the powers to be, east and west, are threatening all life on Earth.

When Sagan and colleagues published their observations of a nuclear winter scenario as a warning to humanity, Sagan was painted as an “alarmist” by many, facing extensive criticism not just from pro-nuclear conservatives but also from scientists who resented him for leveraging his personal fame for advocating what some regarded as political views. A similar situation occurs nowadays with regard to the accelerating global warming and the nuclear threat, as confirmed by the warning by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

From the post 'The climatic effects of a nuclear winter on a warming Earth', at:


“Every term at school, the army came in to do a recruitment day.

Only when I got to university, I found out that they did not do the same thing in private schools.

That it was a certain type of person that fought in wars.

And a different type of person that declared them.”


“Demand billionaires pay their fair share in taxes.

If we taxed the top ten richest men on their Covid-19 gains, there would be enough to vaccinate the entire world and still leave these men $8b richer. Enough is enough. Sign the petition today!”


“Animals infecting Humans is scary. It’s worse when we infect them back.”

"A spillback can ignite epidemics in wild species - including endangered ones - ravaging whole ecosystems. It can establish new wildlife reservoirs that shift the pathogens’ evolutionary trajectory - unleashing novel variants that can fuel new, dangerous waves of disease in humans."


Look! Look over there! See what Russia is doing!:

“An Abyss of Human Wickedness, You Can’t Get Much Worse Than Threatening Nuclear War”

“Val Eisman


"As the West worked itself into a lather in the last month over Russia moving its troops within its own borders, one GOP senator, Roger Wicker of Mississippi bellowed on December 8 that the U.S. should attack Russia with nuclear weapons. This horrifying threat to end human life on the planet comes from someone of no little puissance, as others quickly noted. Wicker sits on the armed services committee. So he communes regularly with Pentagon bigwigs, many of whom are said to have little regard for presidential professions of concern for posterity and promises never to explode the nuclear devices that would eliminate that posterity once and for all. One must assume when someone of Wicker’s exalted position speaks, he speaks not only for himself.

Fortunately, the five most impressively nuclear-armed nations moved quickly to throw cold water on those who advocate an atomic apocalypse, and that included drenching senator Wicker. China, Russia, France, the U.K. and the United States issued a joint statement on January 3 that avoiding nuclear war is a paramount goal. “We affirm that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought,” agreed the five countries. “We each intend to maintain and further strengthen our national measures to prevent unauthorized or unintended use of nuclear weapons.” The statement also calls for progress on disarmament. It could not be more apposite.

That’s because the Western Russophobic propaganda machine – the biggest and most deafening of its kind in world history, cranked up to full volume at all corporate news outlets, drowning the world in cuckoo-bird ravings about treacherous Slavs – now would have us believe that the Russians are planning false flag attacks in Ukraine. False flags are pretty much a U.S. military/media specialty, in fact, Washington owns the patent on them, but most U.S. Americans, blissfully ignorant of this fact, are thus easy marks for such hysteria. So now, this rubbish, regurgitated by credulous newspaper scribes and repeated by government officials, screams at us daily from the headlines. There is practically nothing, zilch, to counter it. The most preposterous prevarications abound (vide Ukraine’s president, in November, breathlessly announcing that Moscow intended to overthrow him “next week”). Among these fabrications lurk tales about Washington’s and NATO’s supposedly benign and even altruistic motives.

For what the U.S. is doing in Ukraine and Eastern Europe is one step removed from nuclear brinksmanship. NATO’s existence rests partially on the lie of post-Soviet Russian military aggression (which the West does its darnedest constantly to provoke). Therefore, NATO claims its own aggressions are all defensive. They are not. Were Ukraine to join NATO, the only historical parallel would have been Mexico uniting with the Warsaw Pact. Had such ever occurred, the U.S. would have launched nuclear missiles – as it came close to doing during the Cuban missile crisis, which is perhaps a more accurate comparison. Washington didn’t want nukes in Cuba, just as Moscow doesn’t want nukes on its borders or other NATO weapons. Russia has thus demanded that NATO foreswear absorbing Ukraine. This is reasonable, rational and sane. NATO refuses. Such pig-headed belligerence speaks for itself."



Copernicus forecast for December 12, 2021, 03 UTC, showing methane at 500 hPa (equivalent to 500 mb).

Note: the later version of this image (in this set) has a more accurate scale.

From the set at:

From the post 'Terrifying Arctic methane levels', at:”


“Going Rogue with Caitlan Johnstone:”

“Consider The Possibility That This Is Already The Dystopia You Fear”


“Competition is the law of the jungle, but cooperation is the law of civilization.” Peter Kropotkin



The October 2021 temperature anomaly shows that the Arctic is heating up enormously, with anomalies up to 9.1°C (first image).

The second image shows anomalies from 1900-1920. Globally, the temperature over the past century, i.e. from 1920 to 2020, has risen by 1.3°C. When adjusting data to reflect a pre-industrial base, ocean air (2m) temperatures and higher polar anomalies, temperatures may have crossed 2°C long ago.

The third image shows two trends, based on NASA 1880-October 2021 data, adjusted to reflect a pre-industrial base, ocean air (2m) temperatures and higher polar anomalies. The linear trend (green) misses the point that the temperature rise is accelerating. The polynomial trend (black) shows the potential for 3°C to be crossed by 2026.

Acceleration of the temperature rise may speed up further soon, for reasons including aerosols, sunspots and El Niño, further decline of Arctic snow and ice, seafloor methane and more.

There could be a rise from pre-industrial of more than 18°C by end 2026.”


Washington just past out money,…Tom Brady got a PPP loan for his employees?! He bought a yatch:

“$500 Billion of PPP loans have been forgiven in 2020& 2021”

“PPP Loans List” (and it should be cross referenced to any political donations)

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