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4/2022 carbon credits and offsets rife with potential for abuse

Updated: Jan 11

“carbon credits and offsets”:

Renata Peters\Arctic news:

“Honest Government Ad | Carbon Credits & Offsets”

“The Australien Government has made an ad about its carbon credits and offsets scheme, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.

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Striped Hairstreak (Satyrium liparops)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019-07-16 _F2A2624aaap

“Global Warming and the Fermi Paradox”- by Andrew Glikson


“Fight Climate Emergency by Nationalizing US Fossil Fuel Industry, Says Top Economist”


“‘Black carbon’ threat to Arctic as sea routes open up with global heating

As climate crisis allows new maritime routes to be used, sooty shipping emissions accelerates ice melt and risk to ecosystems”


“Scientists Hit the Streets”

“Dennis Goldwood

Methane is a blow torch to our biosphere compared to the gradual boil of Global warming!”

“Methane in Earth’s atmosphere rose by record amount last year, US government data shows”

“Climate scientists say plugging methane leaks and phasing out fossil fuels are necessary to avert catastrophic global heating”


Reeks of desperation:

“Saving the Arctic with Cloud Brightening”

“This IMMEDIATELY or all life is gone VERY soon . PLEASE tell your government "leaders" and the wealthy. Write to them !! Visit their offices ....Because they obviously do not know or do no think we know and care”


Paul Brown\Arctic News:

“Publishers Weekly review:

As a sequel to Notes from a Dying Planet, 2004-2006, Brown’s eye-opening and often terrifying survey explores what has happened to Earth regarding overpopulation, mass extinction, and climate change in the last two decades. Aiming to provoke action, Brown painstakingly–and unstintingly–lays out the evidence, drawn from hundreds of articles and studies, of what he calls the “planetary death,” detailing the uptick in extreme weather and climate-related catastrophes, the warning signs that too often languish unheeded, and the likely increasingly horrific disasters we can expect in the future. While he never sugarcoats anything, Brown also offers guidance to steps that readers can take to mitigate these compounding dangers—if we as a species really do want to continue living on the planet we call home.

Brown’s core message—that we have very little time to make massive, life-altering changes in order to save life on the planet as we know it—is delivered alongside copious links covering topics that range from media misinformation to political movements. He never shies away from his fears that we have gone too far as a species to be able to reign in the incredible damage already done, which means the book may prove too wrenching for readers who prefer a sunnier outlook.

Brown sounds a resonant alarm about what’s likely to come if immediate action is not taken, and his advice about alternative personal habits and choices that any of us can make are welcome, though some of the recommendations are challenging. Brown suggests humans stop procreating, arguing “there will be enough younger people to carry on due to accidental pregnancies and births,” and he advises an immediate end to mass tourism that results in unaffordable ecological damage. His writing will spark a fear for the future, but readers will walk away empowered to make personal changes to thwart some of the most dire consequences of resource waste and pollution.

Takeaway: A stark analysis of the threats to our planet, with a provocative call to action for environmentally aware readers.”


“Greenland ice melt - why climate communication is conservative - personal story”


Mark Trewick:

“Doggerland, the fertile paradise that joined UK to Europe emerges from sea bed”

“There's probably a whole lot more methane beneath the sea here than a lot of people realize. This area is well studied but a lot remains unknown and knowledge gaps are widely accepted to exist, even amongst the oil and gas drilling industries.

You have to imagine that there was a vast lush land rich in vegetation and animals for thousands and thousands of years beneath here. And that the current water temperature is higher than any time in millions of yrs. It's blowing up it's methane now. This is just one example of why scientists are scrambling to find the reason for the unprecedented rise in global methane .

(It is a discovery that might prove too upsetting for remainers: Doggerland, which connected Britain to the rest of Europe, was an economic powerhouse and a wonderfully bucolic land.

Scientists have extracted ancient DNA from beneath the sea bed to identify the plants and animals that once inhabited the region. It suggests that Doggerland was perhaps the most fertile land in north Europe.)”

2019 7/16 _F2A2624aaa

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