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10/2021 The Path to a Livable Future Or will rich corporations trash the planet?

Updated: Jan 13

“Collective Responsibility and Our Moral Compass”


“We Need to Tax the Billionaires Right Now”


“Pismo Beach butterfly grove sees 3,500% increase in monarch count. ‘We’re thrilled’


“What is the best way to motivate climate action? It may be more complicated than we think! Storytelling and scientific facts are both useful, but they tend to impact people differently, depending on political affiliation and whether or not they're already part of an environmental movement.

Take a look at the article below and let us know your thoughts! What motivates YOU to act and what techniques do you use to reach out to others?”

“What Makes People Want to Save the Planet? Facts or Stories?”

Spring Azure (Celastrina ladon)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-04-23 232aaap

“Who is a terrorist? The Israeli Defense Ministry just declared Palestinian prisoners, women, children, farmers and researchers terrorists, and thus illegal and criminals subject to imprisonment. Leading Palestinian human rights groups have, for decades, meticulously documented and exposed Israel’s grave violations of human rights: Addameer is a an org for the rights of political prisoners; al-Haq documents illegal actions taken by the Israeli government; and Defense for Children International Palestine is a charitable org. The Union of Agricultural Work Committees, Bisan Center for Research and Development and the Union of Palestinian Women Committees are also on the list. Stop whatever you are doing and CALL your members of Congress NOW. Palestinians need overwhelming and undeniable international outrage and it needs to include Congress and the Biden administration. If they want to start centering human rights in our foreign policy it’s time for them to prove it. Call your members of Congress and tell them to condemn this action now.

On a personal note, I have visited the organizations mentioned and spent time with organizers in the field. My friends are now in danger of getting arrest a-g-a-i-n for demanding that Israel itself upholds human rights. No wonder Donald Trump and Israel are best friends. What does it mean that the present administration will continue to fund Israeli militarism which will now be used to silence the voices of Palestinian farmers, prisoners, women cooperatives, researchers, legal orgs and advocates of children. CALL today.



Human Capital is a countries’ number one productive resource:

“I wanna live in a world where a plumber can pursue his passion and get a PhD in medieval studies if he wants to in his free time at no insane cost, and have just as much financial security as his lawyer or doctor neighbor”

“Learning is a right, it shouldn’t be reserved for the privileged. And it just so happens to be the first step to making a better world.”


Kevin Hester:

“The Domino's of collapse are unfolding and everyone pretends to be surprised.

Collapse isn't a sudden event, it's an ongoing process.”

“Thousands of businesses and millions of jobs are on the line amid a “catastrophic” shortage of a crucial commodity, with stockpiles set to run out within weeks.”

“Chinese magnesium shortage: Global car industry to grind to a halt within weeks amid 'catastrophic' halt”


Miles Halpin:

For starters, the earth is no longer the sphere that existed during the Holocene

“some of you may have seen paul beckwiths latest vid about distortions in the stratosphere and a shift in the 'cold pole'... heres todays pic from earth.nullschool 10hpa. cold pole at 72degN... stratospheric circulation is far from circular. i think this is kid of what he was talking aboiut.”


“Amplified Arctic Warming Causing Stratospheric Polar Vortex Stretching and Extreme Cold Outbreaks”


Noam Chomsky:

“The Path to a Livable Future

Or will rich corporations trash the planet?”

"The economic system of the last 40 years has been particularly destructive. It's inflicted a major assault on most of the population, resulting in a huge growth in inequality and attacks on democracy and the environment."


“…Corporate-free People’s party…”:

“Democratic Leaders Are Betting Progressives Will Fold”

“Bernie Sanders supporters have stayed the course since he took over the role of Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. The presence of the "Progressive Caucus" in Congress has had a powerful influence on the hopeful minds of millions of voters. But, as Bernie has shown us, corporate money atomizes the ideology of progressive policy.

It's time to fold up the banners and the tents and step away from the tilt-a-whirl of the two party system. The only serious, viable option for true democracy, right now, is a corporate-free People's Party.”


“Losing their homes because of the growing needs of humans

Habitat loss is probably the greatest threat to the variety of life on this planet today.”


2018: “How Human Overpopulation Leads to Animal Extinction”


2017: “Forests, plains, lakes, swamps and other habitats continue to disappear as they are cleared worldwide to make way for agriculture, housing, roads, pipelines, etc. in response to human population growth. “

How You Can Help to Save Wildlife

“You don’t need a scientist to know what’s causing the sixth mass extinction


“Fireworks, explode like magnified gunfire in the exquisitely sensitive ears of all creatures.

Bees become so disoriented they don’t go back to their hives

Birds have panic attacks at night, causing mass deaths

Wild animals raising babies abandon their dens in fear

Fish & Other animals perish after ingesting firework debris

Companion animals have anxiety & panic attacks

Humans have PTSD”


“Here’s why the workforce is leaving. I don’t wanna bust ass, for admittedly high pay, for a house I’ll never be able to afford, to raise kids I’ll never be able to afford, and sent them to school I’ll never be able to afford, and then retire, which I’ll never be able to afford.”


Footloose Montana:


The 0.5% of the Montana population who participate in trapping?

The two Republican legislators who championed them?

They certainly aren’t for the thousands of Montanans who have voiced their disgust at both the laws and the resulting regulations. Public comment is meant to inform and create better policy.

When it comes to wolves, it is clear that the overwhelming majority of people who are opposed to these measures, whether they are experts or concerned citizens, are being disregarded. State legislators, commissioners, and Gov. Gianforte must be held accountable."

“Letter to the editor: Who are these wolf hunting regulations actually for?”


“Capitalism, Planned Obsolescence: a policy of producing consumer goods that rapidly become obsolete and so require replacing, achieved by frequent changes in design, termination of the supply of spare parts, and the use of nondurable materials.”

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