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12/2021 “I Got Kicked Out of My Rental. Now What?”

Updated: Jan 16

Kevin Hester

“Brace for impact;”

“Losing the remaining Arctic sea ice and its ability to reflect incoming solar energy back to space would be equivalent to adding one trillion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere, on top of the 2.4 trillion tons emitted since the Industrial Age"

““If We Lose the Arctic We Lose the Globe” We’ve Lost the Arctic”


“A Plea to Make Widespread Environmental Damage an International Crime Takes Center Stage at The Hague

During the International Criminal Court’s annual meeting, three nations threatened by climate change promoted a fifth international crime, called ecocide.”


“Sudden Ancient Global Warming Event Traced to Magma Flood

A study has cemented the link between an intense global warming episode 56 million years ago and volcanism in the North Atlantic, with implications for modern climate change.”

Smerinthus ophthalmica (Smerinthus ophthalmica)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018-05-31 071aaa

“Heavy rain triggered Indonesia's volcano eruption. This could happen more”

Val Eisman:


The role of rain in this case has raised questions around whether climate change could bring more frequent eruptions of this kind. That's a concern, because eruptions caused by lava-dome collapse tend to be stronger and more destructive than other types, scientists told CNN."”


“Volcano Watch: After an earthquake swarm, a large explosive volcano in Iceland is now on a raised alert level, with a high eruption risk”

“The result of post-glacial uplift, i.e. the removal of vast amounts of mass pressing down on the crust and mantle as the rapid loss of the cryosphere continues to accelerate.”

“Volcano Watch: Grimsvotn, a large explosive volcano in Iceland is now under an increased alert level, following an earthquake swarm and releasing a glacial flood. The volcano was already near an eruption, creating an aviation risk from an ash cloud release into the North Atlantic region.”


“Earthquake swarm off Oregon coast continues to intensify.. NOT typical.. Earthquake WATCH 12/8/2021”


If only washington was as effective:

“Hippo pools brimming with poo act as communal "probiotic shakes”

Xavier Rosseel:

When not grazing on land, hippos like to keep cool by gathering in packed pools for up to 16 hours a day, and it takes more than some shifting bowels for them to leave again. The semi-aquatic creatures freely release excrement into these waterways, and with it go bacteria and microbes from their bellies. Bold new research has plumbed the depths of these poo-packed pools and found they constitute a type of "meta-gut," in which microbes might be shared between the hippos to their benefit, with potential downstream effects on the surrounding ecosystem.”


“Visualizing the Accumulation of Human-Made Mass on Earth”


“The Great Barrier Reef.

Did It Ever Really Have A Chance?”


“Kevin hester

“Changes will happen decades earlier than previously thought.”

Now where have I heard that before?

“More rain than snow will fall in the Arctic and this transition will occur decades earlier than previously predicted, a new study led by the University of Manitoba (UM) and co-authored by scientists at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) at CU Boulder reports.”

More inconvenient truths from GMP.

Added to my blog post on the Cascading Consequences of the loss of Arctic Sea Ice.”

“Science Update: Arctic Snow Transitions to Rain”


“Collapse Means Collapse”


Guido is Biden’s Scott Walker on steriods:

Juan Guido speaking at the White House is heinous. Special interests have COMPLETELY subsumed the administration & are now directing the country’s resources to commit violent international theft to build select private wealth

“Venezuela’s Juan Guaidó, Who Led Failed Coup Efforts, Speaks at White House Democracy Summit”


“Biden Bringing Back Trump's HARSHEST Immigration Policies | The Kyle Kulinski Show”

Postal service, and now Medicare being privatized; tax cuts for the rich; and now immigration?! Is Biden actually Trump?!

“Dec 2 (Reuters) - The Biden administration will restart a contentious Trump-era border program that forces asylum seekers to wait in Mexico for U.S. immigration hearings, in keeping with a federal court order, U.S. and Mexican officials said on Thursday.

President Joe Biden, a Democrat, has struggled in his first year in office to reverse many hardline immigration policies put in place by his Republican predecessor, Donald Trump, and is facing a record number of migrant arrests at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Biden ended the Trump policy known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) soon after his inauguration in January as part of a promise to implement what he called a more humane approach to immigration. But a federal judge ruled Biden's rescission did not follow proper procedure and in August ordered the policy's reinstatement. The U.S. government said it had to wait for Mexico's agreement before restarting MPP.

"The United States accepted all the conditions that we set out," said one Mexican official.”


“‘Everybody thinks it can’t happen here until it does’: Protesters outside UN hold fake funeral for democracy, voting rights in America”

“From: Black Voters Matter:

“This funeral is for democracy because democracy is dying and is under attack. You all know numbers, right? Y’all know 19 states have passed 33 bills. Over 400 bills that have been attempted right now as we speak."

- Cliff Albright, Black Voters Matter Co-Founder”


“'Pool of blood': US drone strike hits Syria family”

Biden and the Democrats: Our current administration is doing THIS!


The Strategy of Distraction:

“The key element of social control is the strategy of distraction that is to divert public attention from important issues and changes decided by political and economic elites, through the technique of flood or flooding continuous distractions and insignificant information.” Noam Chomsky


Govt’s job isn’t to calibrate predatory behavior to the point where a citizen falls victim to social murder at the exact time that they are no longer able to be profitably exploited. Investing in ALL people maximizes the economy


Democrats - “Trump suffers major defeat!”

Reality – BOLOGNA Mr. Stephanopoulos.

What’s a paper shredder? Does a man like trump really keep meticulous records? Even if required by law? Dems NOT winning


Record Low Number of Americans filing for Unemployment! Good$$$ times are here again!

<yawn> you don’t qualify for unemployment assistance if you quit,... will they ever stop lying to us?!


For-Profit Insurance-based healthcare effectively allows a govt to cull the chronically and temporarily poor from its society. It also allows them to cull groups for whom “poor” is a surrogate measure


“U.K. Court Rules Julian Assange Can Be Extradited to U.S.”

A massive chilling effect on Journalistic reporting on par with history’s worst dictatorships:


And America will export the fuel we don’t use for other countries to burn, and abracadabra-cheezy-poof! I’m a green president!!!!!


The federal government is trying to set an example for a clean energy future, and this is key.

Still, it's one step forward after two steps back: The @WhiteHouse has ramped up oil + gas permitting and failed to nominate a Fed Chair who'll lead on climate.”

“Biden Orders Federal Vehicles and Buildings to Use Renewable Energy by 2050”


“Germany eyes Nord Stream 2 sanctions if Russia invades Ukraine”

“Biden wants natural gas to flow through Ukraine so they can get income I read. Putin wants it to flow through Germany. If the pipeline is halted, would Germany then turn to coal?”



“Deep-sea mining may push hundreds of species to extinction, researchers warn”

The PR says the destruction will help save humanity by supplying the Big Green economy with the metals it needs, as it happens, at a tidy profit. Of course, it is all balderdash, except the profit, that is.

Almost two-thirds of the hundreds of mollusc species that live in the deep sea are at risk of extinction, according to a new study that rings another alarm bell over the impact on biodiversity of mining the seabed.”


“I Got Kicked Out of My Rental. Now What?”

“It's getting quite scarry...I'm betting homelessness will one day outpace the ability to find a home because of Home and Condo owner greed and restricting access to homes to only those who have impeccable financial and credit history and employment history and not pets...all others can be damned to the streets to survive without a roof over their heads and still our Governments will do nothing to enshrine and protect the right to affordable housing as a fundamental human right!”


Xavier Rosseel

“Scientists based in Switzerland have developed a new metric for determining the environmental sustainability of chemical products. Of 492 widely-used chemicals evaluated with the new metric, the majority were judged to be unsustainable.

Earth’s carrying capacity can be described as a set of nine biophysical limits, or planetary boundaries, that include climate change, biogeochemical flows and stratospheric ozone depletion. While life cycle impact assessment is a widely used method for understanding the environmental burdens of chemicals and fuels, standard methods don’t consider these planetary boundaries so fail to accurately quantify a chemical’s absolute environmental sustainability. Researchers have therefore sought to develop absolute environmental sustainability assessments (AESA) to determine whether a chemical exceeds its share of the Earth’s ecological capacity by accounting for planetary boundaries.


The group analysed the extent to which each of the chemicals exceeded seven of these planetary boundaries, known as the transgression level, and found that while the majority of the chemicals exceeded at least one planetary boundary, none transgressed all the planetary boundaries simultaneously.

Compellingly, the study recorded that most of the chemicals – including green hydrogen, methanol and other biofuels – transgressed the greenhouse gas-based planetary boundaries; climate change, ocean acidification and change in biosphere integrity. In fact, only three of the chemicals evaluated – hexamethyldisilazane, selenium and trimesoyl chloride – could be deemed absolutely environmentally sustainable.”


Sam Carana:

From Siberia to US west, wildfires spewed record carbon emissions this year:

“Climate crisis fanned intense blazes that emitted 1.76bn tonnes of carbon globally in 2021, says EU’s monitoring service”

“Copernicus: 2021 saw widespread wildfire devastation and new regional emission records broken “


“Visualizing Global Per Capita CO2 Emissions”

“Measuring the total carbon emissions doesn’t always paint the most accurate picture of a country’s contribution,” You have to consider their population, who is selling them the dirty energy, and for who’s benefit are the generating greenhouse gases (for instance, to make goods for Western Oligarchs in order to satisfy the American consumer market)


“Beware the Blob! Ocean heatwaves threaten microbes that help counter global warming”


“President Niinistö in North Russia: ‘If We Lose the Arctic, We Lose the World’”


This has been going on for years, but it is good to see it is in the news:

“Burned-out Forests Are Not Re-Growing”


“Government should protect people and regulate corporations, not protect corporations and regulate people.”

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