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02/2002 “Watching the World Go Bye”

Updated: Jan 2

“non-linear acceleration”:

Kevin Hester:

“These records aren't just being beaten they are being annihilated. Expect to see the non-linear acceleration of this catastrophe.”

“Cape Town residents may have just experienced the hottest temperature on record for the city yesterday, due to the unprecedented heatwave.”


“Edge of Extinction: Collapse is NOT Survivable”

“There have been over 100 large civilizations that have collapsed and they had many things in common.

Complexity, climate change, military overreach and psychopathic and sociopathic leadership disconnected from the reality for the bulk of the members of those societies.

There has never been a society as complex as ours and as we watch the supply chains breaking down and the 'Just in Time' delivery systems collapsing, we can see how precarious our predicament has already become.

I've added this link to my blog post titled "Collapse: The Only Realistic Scenario".

Collapse isn't an event, it's a process, a process that is clearly underway.”

Small-eyed Sphinx (Paonias myops)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2015-06-04 180aaaa2

Harry Allington:

“It's literally getting worse. Every. Single. Day

Compare this with the post I shared here with a CAMS methane screenshot just over 48 hours ago.

The clathrates are going off. If you can't see it, you are choosing to not see it.”

“Methane forecasts”


Mark Trewick:

“Taken from CAMS just now... methane traces , coastal Antarctica?”



This image hadn't been updated since January 4, 2016. Since that time, many have suggested that it should be updated, e.g. to better include emissions from lakes and from thawing soil that was previously referred to as permafrost.

A number of feedbacks are also mentioned at the bottom that occur globally and that contribute directly to runaway global warming and extinction of species.

Feedbacks in the Arctic, at:”

Great Diagram!:

“Tipping Points in the Earth Climate System. Dr Andrew Glikson returns to Nature Bats Last”


Trudeau must be charged with Crimes Against Humanity:

“Canada underestimating 80 megatonnes of emissions from boreal logging: report

New research finds that by overcounting the carbon storage of intact forests and undercounting emissions from logging, the Government of Canada is vastly underreporting the climate impacts of clearcutting in one of the country’s greatest carbon sinks”


Omnicide is inherently a crime that is attempted, else there would be no one to seek justice for the victims, much less remaining to prosecute those responsible. So what are we waiting for? A couple of elections so they can protect themselves?


““Satellites discover huge amounts of undeclared methane emissions”

"These are large emissions, and we see quite a lot of them on the global scale, much more than we had expected."”

Kevin Hester:

“Methane emissions from the permafrost and sub-sea clathrates can't be stopped because we have triggered their tipping points but much of these emissions could be halted or lowered if there was a political incentive but all the regulators are in the pay of the planet killers.”


“What’s Up With Methane?? A Lot.”

“Methane concentrations in the atmosphere are on a tear. As many people on Social Media have pointed out, methane concentrations lately around the planet are at much higher levels that ever before, and continuing to rise rapidly, almost in real-time.”


Harry Allington

“This is Methane at different altitudes as measured by CAMS.

I would assert this is showing a slowdown in release. The surface level image shows much less methane over the ocean.

Overall, it's still very f*ked. We'll see how the big warm blanket plays out in summer.

Heights are

Surface (1000ish hpa)





I would encourage you to live your life with urgency, and not waste your days.”


Dana Woods

“The methane (150 to 200 times more potent than CO2 for the first 5 years) which has recently been and now is much more so , pouring out of the Arctic ocean (at 2300 some parts per billion) is NOT from fracking and it's limitless for all practical purposes. A tiny fraction will put life on Earth over the top if it hasn't already . This began to look like this about 2 weeks after a large earthquake in the Laptev Sea. (melting ice causes more seismic activity) The shallow WATER on the Coast is rapidly warming, below that is "permafrost" which emits Methane as it melts , and below that is a zone of Methane hydrates (methane in chrystalized form which has/HAD? been keeping the ENORMOUIS AMOUNT of Methane in the sediment under it, contained)

Please stop fooling yourselves and letting climate media personalities (eg lying Micheal Mann) tell you that emissions reductions, or planting trees or even the most efficient carbon capture can save life on Earth from near term extinction. Cloud Brightening in the Arctic must be implemented ASAP (it just involves spraying sea water into clouds to fall back onto ice and can be stopped on a dime if necessary for some reason. It could keep the Arctic from going ice free which which be the end of life on Earth soon after .

Meanwhile. you/we should demand that generous money be allotted IMMEDIATELY to study other , more controversial solar radiation management , as asked for the Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine in March . This is way more than likely the last year we have to study these technologies before we will need to decide between them and complete extinction . If there are dangers involved it's all the more reason to study them more NOW , rather then deploying them without further research and/or having China deploy them unilaterally (China is studying them as I type) which cause more severe weather in other areas of the globe.

They must be deployed uniformly across the globe to not cause water shortages in the Southern hemisphere, at least , and more severe storms in the North. The peer reviewed study I posted yesterday shows that if deployed evenly across the globe, there would be a global cooling effect without additional severe weather anywhere. Calcium carbonate can and should be used and would not harm the ozone layer, but there are other questions and further research (currently overseen by NOAA) is needed THIS YEAR !!”

“Watching the World Go Bye”

“The Demise of Hopium” Eliot Jacobson, Ph.D.

Hopium (n)

Irrational or unwarranted optimism. [YourDictionary.Com]

That deranged condition in which a person is deluded into thinking humanity will survive omnicide. []”

Erik Michaels:

“Quote: "It is worth considering the possibility that one or more elite climate scientists understand the necessity of hopium to maintain social order and are making an active choice. A few have huge media platforms and appear to be pushing hopium to the masses at its full meta-level. Are these climate scientists acting out of kindness? Are they expressing love for our human legacy and all mankind has accomplished? Or is it just ego and greed? After all, without a functioning society, you can’t sell many books and those TV appearances are going to dry up fast.

This oddly benevolent possibility is acknowledged in this remarkable attack on doomers by Michael Mann, published in The Guardian in 2021:

Doom-mongering has overtaken denial as a threat and as a tactic. Inactivists know that if people believe there is nothing you can do, they are led down a path of disengagement. They unwittingly do the bidding of fossil fuel interests by giving up. What is so pernicious about this is that it seeks to weaponise environmental progressives who would otherwise be on the frontline demanding change.

Mann also attacked doomers in this 2021 article in Scientific American:

I call it “climate doom porn.” It’s very popular, it really sells magazines, but it’s incredibly disabling. If you believe that we have no agency, then why take any action?

In Mann’s war, the environmentalists are his unwitting soldiers, his “we,” fighting his meaningless battles to preserve a failing civilization. His “others” consists of oil companies, climate deniers and doomers. Preservation of the status quo is the goal of the hopium he weaves, allowing the elite to enjoy their wealth and privilege for one more day."”

“Eliot Jacobson: "Hopium is the Glue Holding the Wreck of Our Failed Society Together"”

We are doomed not because of a sense of resignation or “what’s the point” since there are no abatement measures that would a helpful difference, but because our politicians and rich special interests will not permit us the opportunity to pursue them:

Koch’s “Climate Doom Porn”

“I call it “climate doom porn.” It’s very popular, it really sells magazines, but it’s incredibly disabling. If you believe that we have no agency, they why take action?”

Aubrey Meyer

“This article correctly addresses a major perception-problem behind which the real and increasingly threatening issue of feedback-denial remains uncounted & under-recognised.”


Harry Allington:

“It's really hard to wrap your head around how big a zettajoule is. This post makes an attempt using analogies that might be more familiar, but even then, the numbers are too big for our monkey brains to comprehend.

10^21 joules in a zettajoule, so the ocean is absorbing.

14,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Joules of excess energy, per year.

That's ignoring the latent heat which is being absorbed by sea ice. You can't see that as heat yet, but you will, briefly.”

“Scientists measured a record ocean temperature increase of 14 zettajoules in 2021.

A zettajoule is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 joules of energy.

But that’s a very big number.

For perspective, it’s equivalent to

440 billion toasters running 24 hour a day, 365 days a year


7 Hiroshima atomic bombs detonating each second, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


145x greater than all the electricity generated in the world.


Never can I remember Corporations so freely feeding & killing working American people with such impunity

Biden exterminates wolves & wild horses for livestock when meat damns the biosphere. Biden courts war to facilitate oil investment in Ukraine as Global Warming races out of control. Biden is infirm. Both political parties are killing us STOP


Christian Baker:

“Our governments seem to be "OK" with destroying our civilization on behalf of "central bankers" and a criminal negative-sum monetary system. It brought us global poverty, radicalization, an anti-economy, 3-4 billion #bullshitjobs, total climate collapse, pandemics spreading via nonsense employment, terror, hate and war.

Still unaddressed by our "leaders". The largest crime in human history”

“In spite of the holy promises of people to banish war once and for all, in spite of the cry of millions “never again war” in spite of all the hopes for a better future I have this to say: If the present monetary system based on interest and compound interest remains in operation, I dare to predict today that it will take less than twenty-five years until we have a new and even worse war. I can foresee the coming development clearly. The present degree of technological advancement will quickly result in a record performance of industry. The buildup of capital will be fast in spite of the enormous losses during the war, and through the oversupply [of money] the interest rate will be lowered [until the money speculators refuse to lower their rates any further]. Money will then be hoarded [causing predictable deflation], economic activities will diminish, and increasing numbers of unemployed persons will roam the streets … within these discontented masses, wild, revolutionary ideas will arise and with it also the poisonous plant called “Super Nationalism” will proliferate. No country will understand the other, and the end can only be war again.”–Silvio Gesell (1918)


Biden & the demgops are risking war with Russia because their Ukrainian Presidential puppet$$$\comedian is scamming the Ukrainian people in a privatization move to benefit the oil and gas industry and wall st.

Privatization is economic cannibalism. It raises the basic cost of living of the people it robs. Like the USPS it is an up stream transfer of wealth from the working People to the Rich.

Wherever there's a pipeline ....


Chevron Interested in Ukrainian Gas Network

" U.S. energy giant Chevron is interested in taking a stake in Ukraine's natural gas pipeline network, which the country is opening to Western investors, Russian media reported Monday.

Last week Ukraine approved a law allowing EU and U.S. investors to buy up to 49% of Naftogaz, which operates the gas pipeline network for both domestic consumption and transit of Russian gas to Europe."


“Iran is not my enemy.

China is not my enemy.

Russia is not my enemy.

The Ruling Class is my enemy.


Ever since and including the Clinton presidency, successive American presidents have been increasingly and blatantly the enemy of the overwhelming majority of American people.

“Dear good People of America, Whatever you wish more good people in Germany would have done in 1931, do it now.” – Rev. John Pavlovitz

Dear Rev. Pavlovitz: If the American people alone could have done it by now we would have. We need the rest of the world’s help us purge the filth of our mutual enemies known as Democrats and Republicans.


“US sanctions prevent Iranian plane to refuel in Germany, endanger passengers’ lives”

“it has become increasingly evident to the world that the US is a criminal enterprise run by thugs in suits and uniforms, and all who aid and abet its heinous acts are its henchmen

“Since its unlawful withdrawal from the nuclear deal, the US has pressed other countries to abide by its sanctions, threatening them with sanctions if they did not, in what Trump described as a ‘maximum pressure’ campaign against the Islamic Republic.

“The inhumane sanctions, which overwhelmingly target civilians, have been maintained by the administration of Joe Biden, who had called Trump’s maximum pressure a disastrous policy and promised to repeal it …

“The sanctions make any third parties who supply Iranian airlines with maintenance, catering, refueling, and even booking, also liable to prosecution, pressing fuel companies to choose between operating in the US and selling fuel to Iranian airlines.

“Although the US government insists that the sanctions do not target civilians, the ban on sales of spare parts for aircraft and the prohibition of selling fuel to Iranian aircraft are only two examples – among many more – of how Washington endangers people's lives through its unilateral coercive measures.”

click the link for a full read”


“Why does the American Ruling Plutocracy Hold Elections?”


“Our Perpetual Class War

Throughout the history of the United States, there has been an ongoing class war between the ruling elite and underclasses.

Even when our young nation was struggling to escape oppressive British rule, our founders were nonetheless primarily concerned about protecting their own power, control and privileges. And despite the humane language expressed in our founding documents, the wealthy established and maintained control over the commoner by silencing their political voices. Only white male property-owners were allowed to vote. African Americans, indentured servants and women were excluded from the electoral process.

As it turns out, we are still engaged in a class war. A 2014 Princeton study concluded that common citizens in our country have negligible influence on public policy. Regulations and laws that affect all lives are written to favor the wealthy. History has shown time and again, that no ruling class gives up its power, control and privileges willingly, and that conditions improve for everyone only when the disenfranchise rise up to exert external pressure upon the political system with specific and actionable demands.


“If income inequality in the USA had remained the same as it was in 1975, the average worker would be making $42,000 more today. That’s what a rigged economy is all about.”


“Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.” Lucy Parsons (1853-1942)


“Birds are remarkable and beautiful animals – and they’re disappearing from our world”


Armageddon playing out:

“Recent upper Arctic Ocean warming expedited by summertime atmospheric processes”

“Our study suggests that a portion of upper Arctic Ocean warming over the past few decades can be explained by low-frequency atmospheric variability characterized by a trend toward anomalous anticyclonic circulation over the Arctic Ocean and Greenland.

This process produces subsidence and adiabatic warming which acts to warm the atmosphere, melt sea ice, and deepen the ocean mixed layer. The resulting open water warms via shortwave radiation absorption and enhanced vertical mixing. Our nudging experiments confirm that adiabatic dynamical forcing associated with winds in the Arctic is able to explain up to 24% of SON upper ocean warming from 1979 to 2018, which is mostly confined to the Chukchi, East Siberian, and Laptev Seas, and up to ~ 60% of the Pan-Arctic upper ocean warming for the period 2000–2018.”


The American Petroleum Institute (API) and its members are an International TERRORIST ORGANIZATION:

“Three big themes in remarks today by API President and CEO Mike Sommers at the 2022 State of American Energy:

• The American natural gas and oil industry has been, is and will continue to be a force for good in our country and around the world.

• The dual challenge of delivering the needed energy while also protecting the environment is doable.

• Industry is taking responsible action on climate – now.”


The consequences and causes of our biosphere collapse are a symptom of our extinction from a flaw inherent in our unique ability to reason - self interest over common good:

“Notes from a Dead Planet, 2022”


Our biological and social natures have caused the collapse of life systems on Earth. They will prevent us from rescuing living things, including ourselves, unless we can use reason, science, and morality to overcome these built-in obstacles. Notes from a Dead Planet has the solutions, but we probably won’t apply them. Please prove me wrong.


Biden’s EPA turning a blind eye to pollution events as enforcement of environmental laws plummet:

Deanna Austin-Crowe:

“I understand the EPA in the US as well as the EA in the UK are blind-eyeing pollution events.

I suppose its impossible for them not to, as pollution becomes normalised due to its extent”

“Environment Agency staff told to ignore low-impact pollution events”


“Corporations and governments led us into Climate Breakdown & Extinction”


“The punch line; "There is no way we are getting out of this."”

“A Geology Insider Explains Why The Global Energy Crisis Is Going To Get Much, Much Worse”

Quote: “It is becoming clear that we are in far more trouble than we are being told.”


“‘It is desperate’: how Environment Agency staff were silenced as pollution worsened

As public disgust at foul waterways in England grew, the body responsible for protecting them tried to stifle internal criticism”


“The opening scene of Tim's latest piece of cinematography reminds me of the hair trigger the world is on as the empire of chaos stalks Russia via Ukraine.

We are either just one bump or one or two more melt seasons in the Arctic away from armageddon.

We really are a day to day proposition. On that note have a lovely day just in case it's one of our last”

“Guy McPherson - A "New" Hope”


“Giant A-68a iceberg released 152 billion tons of freshwater into the ocean”


“Toxic 'forever chemicals' found in Michigan farm's beef”


Kevin Hester:

“It's so refreshing to have another scholarly voice addressing the climate change 'Elephant in the Room'.”

“Methane Growth is Accelerating”


“Antarctica HAS Started Melting at the Same Rate as Greenland!”


“Thawing permafrost can accelerate global warming”


“Climate Change Is Pushing Greenland Over the Edge”


“Wildfires Are Feeding Huge Carbon-Spewing Sinkholes in the Arctic

“With thermokarst, you expose deeper and deeper layers of permafrost to the thawing.””


Heat is energy. Global Warming adds energy to earth. Energy that can cause stuff to happen:

“Earth's Core Is Cooling Faster Than Expected, Creating Uncertain Future for Planet”

“Just what we needed, another planetary crisis. This one is supposedly millions of years off. But with rapidly shifting tectonics due to rapid glacial melt, the entire earth tectonic system is now in flux. The earth beneath glaciers is now springing up due to less glacial weight. Volcanos along continental rifts are now more active as a result. They are not saying that the earth's core is cooling because of the #climatecatastrophe, however, I suspect there are definite connections.


“Fossil fuel industry’s “climate deception” tactics challenged”


“Exposing Big Oil’s Disinformation Campaign to Prevent Climate Action”


“Can We Tame the Methane Monster?”


Good Bye Great Barrier Reef:

“The analysis in this article indicates how stressed the GBR is but it doesn't mention that this bleaching event is unfolding in a La Nina phase, the next El Nino will be the death knell for the largest organism on the planet and Scomo throws bread crumbs from his coal exports at it.

I've added this latest evidence to my blog post titled "The Great Barrier Reef, Catastrophe Laid Bare" published in 2016 with more evidence added regularly to the comments section.”

“Great Barrier Reef on verge of another mass bleaching after highest temperatures on record

Exclusive: ‘Shocked and concerned’ US government scientists say heat stress over Australia’s ocean jewel is unprecedented”


Emissions Mapping:


“‘The treeline is out of control’: how the climate crisis is turning the Arctic green”


“Peru government says oil spill twice as big as previously thought”


Wisconsin's response to the Biosphere's collapse is asinine. Most notably from a cash operating perspective. The current policy of "give me a check$ and do what you want without regard to society or human health" policy is not only depraved, but also wildly and unnecessarily cash-wasteful and dis-economic.

A small handful of people like, Pelosi's and McConnell's Charles Koch, should not be allowed to dictate Climate Policy that will effect the entire planet. I would rather see healthy children with a future to invest in than the profit of the already rich grow even more obscence.

The American Petroleum Institute, Charles Koch's network, and Joe Manchin's coal apparatus are international TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS and should be treated as such

“University Place: The Global Climate Crisis and Human Health”


“A brilliant satirical look at the Canadian tar sands pipeline. Please share.”

“British nature explorer, discovering Canada’s greatest migration. It’s not what you think.”


Tristan Sykes:

“The Newsroom is shocked when a climate scientist tells it like it is.”

“Until the people of the world understand their predicament, there can be no climate justice. We are being systematically lied to. #TalkCollapse

“An amusing short video on breaking the news without hopium. Our predicament is #ExtremeOvershoot. We (mostly the west) have extracted, burnt, processed and consumed our way into mass deficit, using 1.75 planets each year rather than the 1 that exists. #TalkCollapse #EndHopium



Democrats sacrificing a species for votes,...I’d rather have the wolves. And to think they do it for meat agriculture that we shouldn’t be engaging because of its climate consequences is sad.


Realize that when the environment precludes big profits & our dying is going exponential our politicians, from both parties, are going to drop the country like a hot potato and vanish into thin air

It isn’t a joke. For the majority of us Earth’s ability to support life is terminally degraded. They’re not going to tell you to prepare or offer assistance when its time. Bare minimum: have a way to get yourself safe drinking water. Do it now. Prepare


“A Sleeping Giant: Why Permafrost is a Climate Threat | The Agenda"


Russian Arctic losing ice and switching to production of Methane:

“The Russian Arctic ocean has growing open water Komsomolets islands and Severnaya Zemlya area was the start, " center top left.”




Mark Trewick:

“Because of a succession of days with unusually mild temperatures and a profound shortage of wet weather and the fact that its just not usual Winter weather. The Methane is spewing out of the ground.

A storm is currently blowing through, with 60mph gusts. Its 11°C.

Normal has gone. Never to return.”


Controlling population growth will invariably fall into the mindset of the political elites “managing their army of surplus labor” and its effects on wage pressures. In other words, it will effect profits so despite how common sense it would be to our species success going forward it will not be done:

Perhaps, today and into the future, if you insist on having children you should be required to post bond or buy insurance to help cover the cost of disposing of the cadaver.

“The Climate-Change Solution No One will Talk about”


“China Panic-Hoards Half Of World's Grain Supply Amid Threats Of Collapse”

Again, America’s government will not tell you when it’s time to prepare or even offer assistance once it’s needed:

“Does anyone think they will share with the rest of the world?

"About two and a half years ago, we told readers China was panic hoarding food, which was several months before the virus pandemic began to spread worldwide; Beijing has managed to stockpile more than half of the world's maize and other grains that have resulted in rapid food inflation and triggered famine in some countries.

In August 2019, we asked the question:

Does China believe that we are on the verge of a major global crisis? The communist Chinese government has always been very big into planning, and it appears that they have decided that now is the time to hoard food, gold and other commodities.

Fast forward today, the answer is most likely "yes."”


Boycott Texas and Florida:

“Railroad Commission of Texas Chairman Wayne Christian Statement on EPA’s Proposed Methane Rule”


“North American Methane Emissions Over the Last Decade Higher than National Inventories Suggest”

Mark Trewick:

“It's almost always worse than they thought.

(Atmospheric methane is the most important greenhouse after carbon dioxide. Natural emissions of methane mainly come from wetlands, while anthropogenic or human-driven emissions come from the oil and gas supply chain, coal mining, livestock, and waste management. According to researchers, the national inventories underestimate methane emissions from the oil sector, particularly in the south-central US, western Canada, and southeastern Mexico. )”


“How chemical pollution is suffocating the sea”


“Scientists Produce 3D Maps Of Oxygen-Deprived ‘Dead Zones’ In Pacific Ocean”


“Well Water near Fracking sites in The Allegheny Region of Pennsylvania .

The homeowner suffers from Ovarian and Breast Cancer .”


“Beware ‘Climate Delay’ Tactics Meant to Undermine Effective Action, Hastings-Simon Warns”


“Methane in the atmosphere is at an all-time high – here’s what it means for climate change”

Kevin Hester:

“Methane’s short lifetime means that the real rate of methane release is considerably higher than the daily readings imply. Everything about the climate and extinction crisis is always worse than we know.”


Privatizations must ALL be reversed. Any judge saying otherwise gets kicked off the bench and can sue:

“American Capitalism/Oligarchy has turned the public services such as: Health care, education, postal service, working hours, wages, benefits or lack thereof, etc etc etc in to businesses of making profit for decades now.” Chris Hedges


Fascism realizes the importance of schools as a tool in brainwashing:

“Some Republicans want teachers to wear mics and be filmed all day?

Okay…you first. Mic up for those lobbyists visits. Have cameras catch all the wealthy folks who take precedence over constituents. Fair is fair.”


“Large corporations are using the excuse of "inflation" to raise prices on everything and make record profits.

“Over 60% of large retailers say inflation gave them the ability to raise prices beyond what’s required to offset higher costs.”

Source: Robert Reich, link in comments”


“The Gulf Stream has increased steadily over the last century”

“Nordic Seas Heat Loss, Atlantic Inflow, and Arctic Sea Ice Cover Over the Last Century” - by Lars Smedsrud et al.


Kirk Brent Norring:

“Scientists do censor their own research simply because they don't only not accept what they are seeing but refuse to believe that what they are seeing is just plain wrong.

In other words they don't believe their own eyes.”

“Dr. Peter Wadhams: Arctic Research & the Methane Risk”


“Air pollution significantly reduces pollination by confusing butterflies and bees, lessening their ability to sniff out crops and wildflowers.”

“Scientists find there are 70% fewer pollinators, due to air pollution”

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