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1/2023 It is NOT looking good for insects!

Updated: Jan 8

Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021-06-13 _F2A4976n_F2A5938aaa

Yet the typical American faces a government where they are powerless to do anything about it:

“The loss of insects is an apocalypse worth worrying about

A world without bugs is a world we don’t want to live in.”


“Climate Change Could Move 65% Of Insect Population Towards Extinction

Cold-blooded insects are especially vulnerable to temperature changes because they lack the ability to control their body temperature.”


“The world could be on the brink of a mass extinction of insects

Some areas could see half their populations wiped out due to climate change and habitat loss”


“Are insects doomed? New study shows added threat of climate change”


American politicians are guilty of gross negligence in their duty of custodianship of the country:

“Deforestation, pesticides, and climate change: Insects could go extinct”


“Killed in cold blood: Amphibians and reptiles are bearing the brunt of crop intensification

Loss of species due to rising farm productivity is inevitable, says research”


“Nearly two-thirds of coral reef sharks and rays face extinction”


We can not ignore the conditions the fact that humans thrive in the conditions in which we evolved and our most basic physiology was cast. Unhealthy earth = unhealthy humans.

Nature is our human health infrastructure but it is being annihilated for profit

“Urban green spaces linked to less prescription drug use”

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