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Updated: Jan 8

“America is now in fascism’s legal phase”



“Prager University Foundation, the Ayn Rand Institute, and Americans for Tax Reform saw gains while on government aid in 2020, according to new research.”

Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2016-06-17 723aaa

“the game is lost”

The collapse of our biosphere’s will now progress. And it is progressing on a geologic time frame akin to the speed that Omicron spreads in a regular time frame.

“Dr Tero Mustonen | Cascading Arctic Changes will create new planet soon”

Dwayne Polk:

“This is a great interview with a climate scientist who is actually in the know. For the sake of time, I have cut things down to the major, relevant parts, totalling 7 minutes...

11:30--14:30 (3 min)

Here, Dr Mustonen discusses Arctic methane and the issues.


22:10--26:26 (4 min)

Here, Dr Mustonen lays out a very grim statement on the *reality* of what we can expect in the future.

The significance for me: This is the first scientist who is ACTUALLY EVIDENTIAL and based ON THE GROUND that Ive just say flat out that "the game is lost" with respect to the Arctic and lays out why. He tells the bald, hardcore truth on the matter. I havent seen that come from other scientists at all. It was refreshingly honest.

So, FYI.”


“We’re Heading Toward a Very American Climate Tragedy

If Democrats fail to pass a climate policy, they will all but guarantee that the world will warm a dangerous degree and that the U.S. will surrender its technological advantage to China.”


First, the world will go past 1.5 C (which we know has already happened) Second, the technological advantage will go to China and Third) "The left will argue, more convincingly than ever, that only radicalism and political rupture constitute a sane response to the climate crisis." which we know is necessary anyway!!

"If Build Back Better fails, it will be a catastrophe for the Democratic Party too. Biden has argued that only his moderation, his experience, and his institutionalism can relieve the country’s crises. Congressional Democrats followed by electing Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, geriatric pragmatists, to lead the House and the Senate, respectively. If this trio of moderates cannot deliver the goods—if they cannot, despite their decades of yammering, actually succeed in passing what is an aspirational but still insufficient climate law—then the center-left’s case for itself will collapse. The left will argue, more convincingly than ever, that only radicalism and political rupture constitute a sane response to the climate crisis."”


Dwayne Polk \ NearTermHumanExtinction:

Please bear with me. This is different view of the IPCC information in the Interactive Atlas on the Russian Arctic. And a very important one.

In general, the farther up the line you go, the hotter the Russian Arctic area is. Please notice that some of the Near Term dots (ie dark blue) are at higher temperature levels than some of the Medium Term dots (ie light blue). This means that some kind of event in the Near Term (2021-2040) will have a HIGHER TEMPERATURE than some Medium term (2041-2080) events.

THAT event, dear readers, is the IPCC-predicted 2022 Russian Arctic Heat Spike that I have been very concerned about. From what I gather, not only will the wildfires and land permafrost melt skyrocket...but also that kind of abrupt warming of the ocean water could act as the "trigger" for a massive, eruptive release of methane from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (which is **currently** pumping out immense methane in DECEMBER) that Dr. Natalia Shakhova and others have warned about for years.

Just more confirmation of something big happening next year with the methane in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. Link below.

Carpe diem, people!


Sam Carana:

“Update of the potential abrupt rise (top right) and the potential rise by 2026 (left).”


The CO₂ level at Mauna Loa was 415.87 ppm on December 9, 2021. NOAA's most recent global mean methane reading is 1890.9 ppb for August 2021, with a trend of 1894.8 ppb. Meanwhile, NOAA's global mean methane level will have risen further (December levels are typically more than 10 ppb higher than August levels), while NOAA's data are also for marine surface measurements, and more methane tends to accumulate at higher altitudes. The MetOp-B satellite recorded a mean methane level of 1958 ppb on October 25, 2021 am at 295 mb, and when using a 1-year GWP of 200, this translates into 391.6 ppm CO₂e. Together, that's 391.6 + 415.87 = 807.47 ppm CO₂e.

Now add an additional 5 Gt of methane from an abrupt eruption of the seafloor, which is only 10% of the 50Gt that Natalia Shakhova et al. warned about long ago, while 50 Gt is in turn only a small fraction of all the methane contained in sediments in the Arctic. Such an eruption of seafloor methane would raise the global mean methane concentration by almost 2000 ppb which, at a 1-year GWP of 200, would translate into 400 ppm CO₂.

So, that would abruptly cause the joint CO₂e of methane and CO₂ to cross the 1200 ppm clouds tipping point, triggering a further 8°C global temperature rise, due to the clouds feedback.

A 5 Gt seafloor methane burst would double the methane in the atmosphere and could instantly raise CO₂e level to above 1200 ppm, thus triggering the cloud feedback (panel top right). Even with far less methane, levels of further pollutants could rise and feedbacks could strengthen, while sulfate cooling could end, and a 18.44°C rise (from pre-industrial) could occur by 2026 (left panel). Meanwhile, humans will likely go extinct with a 3°C rise, and a 5°C rise will likely end most life on Earth.

From the set at:

From the post 'Terrifying Arctic methane levels', at:”


Kirk Norring

“Carbon removal will not remove N2O which has no carbon.”


Sam Carana

“Ocean's climate change 'buffer' role under threat

Billions of tonnes of carbon is buried in the deep ocean's muddy floor. But this latest research shows that this cycle is disrupted by rising ocean temperatures. The study revealed a "cycle of warming"; ocean temperature rise causes more of this buried carbon to be released as CO2, where it can contribute to yet more global warming.”


“Why the collapse of Biden’s Build Back Better would be a major blow to the climate fight

It would be almost impossible for the US to comply with its greenhouse gas reduction pledges without the $1.75tn package that Manchin refuses to support”

Manchins office phone # 202 224 3954


“The race to defuse Congo’s carbon bomb”

“Industrialists, conservationists and the government are fighting over the future of Congo's peatlands, which hold as much carbon as the whole world emits in three years.”


Sam Carana

“At around 56,000 square miles (about the size of Iowa) and more than 30 feet deep in places, the peatland Congo shares with its neighbor, the Republic of Congo, holds at least as much carbon as the whole world currently emits in three years of burning fossil fuels. If Congo were to drain its pristine peatlands, it is near certain that hundreds of millions or even billions of tons of carbon dioxide would be emitted into the atmosphere.”

- Max Bearak, Chris Mooney and John Muyskens , Washington Post, Dec 16, 2021


Edward Doubell”

“Separation of Church and State is necessary to ensure science, society, and government aren’t impacted and indeed crushed by the archaic pillars upon which supernatural religions, cults and theism in general are built.” David G. McAfee


“What's Driving Higher Prices? Unchecked Corporate Power

The real reason for inflation is clear: the increasing concentration of the American economy into the hands of a relative few corporate giants with the power to raise prices.”


“Warren Slams Grocers for Raising Prices While Raking In Profits”

“Sen. Elizabeth Warren called out major grocery retailers like Kroger and Publix for blaming inflation for their raises in food prices, while raking in record profits.”


“To spell it out, the reason I hate democrats so much and criticize them more than I do republicans is because they take up all the space for opposition to republicans and use that space to give republicans whatever the f**k they want.”


Tom Morello:

“He’s not wrong

Fred: “if the democrats had coordinated and consolidated their fire power against joe manchin like the did against bernie sanders, grandma could have a new hearing aid by easter and child poverty would be cut in half…


“The Democrats Are Trying to Lose”


Omicron Vaccine:

“Army to announce vaccine that protects against an array of COVID-19 variants”


“When you have more than you need build a bigger table – not a higher fence.”


“Early humans hunted the largest available animals to extinction for 1.5 million years”


“Santa if he worked like U.S. capitalism:

1 kid gets all the toys

He shares a couple stuffed animals & is hailed as a noble philanthropist

He bribes elves to write laws saying he will always get all toys

Other kids ask where their toys are & are called ungrateful & lazy”


“The further a society drifts for the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it.” George Orwell

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