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4/2022 Coal Mining Emits More Super-Polluting Methane Than Venting & Flaring From Gas and Oil Wells

Updated: Jan 7

Democrat Joe Manchin:

“Coal Mining Emits More Super-Polluting Methane Than Venting and Flaring From Gas and Oil Wells, a New Study Finds

So much methane is released from coal mining, the Global Energy Monitor says, that it exceeds the carbon dioxide emissions from burning coal at over 1,100 coal-fired power plants in China.”

Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020-06-20 _F2A7551aaa

They are planning on achieving +5C:

“Three Years Remain For Meaningful Action On Carbon Emissions Before We Blow Past 1.5C #climatecrisis #scientistswarning

A major report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that the window for avoiding more than 1.5°C of global warming has almost closed, with immediate and drastic cuts the only way to stay below the target

This is how we are facing up to the challenge.

Dozens Arrested as Scientists Worldwide Mobilize to Demand 'Climate Revolution'

"If everyone could see what I see coming," said one scientist, "society would switch into climate emergency mode and end fossil fuels in just a few years."

Scientists Rebelion Madrid.”


How is Wells Fargo even in businesses anymore?!:

“Wells Fargo Under Attack in the Fight Against Fracking”

“Wells Fracko protest on Friday 3/25/22

Northern Arizona Climate Change Alliance activists targeted Wells Fargo encouraging them to stop funding fracking and other fossil fuel projects.

As a result of this protest, Wells Fargo customers pledged to withdraw $7,033,802.16 from their Wells Fargo accounts.

Wells Fargo has been saying for years that they are reducing their carbon footprint while, in fact, they have done the opposite. Their pledge to reach net zero by 2050 is way too little and way too late. Based on what they have done so far, they won't even try.

See news story in NAZ Today TV and and pics in the AZ Daily Sun below:

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