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5/2021 Manicured, mono-culture lawns must end

Updated: Jan 7

“The young people taking their countries to court over climate inaction

Children and young adults around the world are demanding action from governments on global heating and the ecological crisis”

Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021 6/13 _F2A5440aaa

“2020 Ties 2016 as Hottest Yet, European Analysis Shows

The global average temperature in 2020 was about 2.25 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the average from 1850 to 1900, data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service indicates.”


“Polar Drift Anomaly Has a Surprising Explanation...Humans”


“Yosemite: Giant sequoia grove reopens after 100 mph winds topple 15 ancient trees

January storm caused at least $3 million damage to facilities at Mariposa Grove”


“No Mow May,

Take part in Plantlife’s #NoMowMay

Lock up your lawnmowers

Let the wildflowers grow

Help to protect British wildlife


“Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership”

“Our new report shows that an investment of a million dollars in conservation programs can create 17.4 jobs and benefit fish and wildlife habitat. Let’s put Americans back to work through conservation.”


“We will tread where there is inequality”


“When Jesus Christ came upon the Earth, you killed him. The son of your own God. And only after hew was dead did you worship him and start killing those who would not.” Tecumseh


“While Republicans are going on about Democrats “coming for your guns,” the GOP is actively coming for your right to vote in 46 states and your right to peacefully assemble in 34 states.”


“A QAnon revelation suggests the truth of Q’s identity was right there all along”


“Japanese police shoot paintballs at fleeing vehicles so other police can see the vehicle and identify it later if it gets away. The pain is bright orange and difficult to remove.”


The N700 aka what Asia calls the “"Suck It Buttigieg! by transferring all your wealth to your Rich, you and your Democrats$\Republicans$ have turned your country's economic future into a loser. All the American society does is continue to slide into the stone age”


“Turn down the lights: The ecological effects of bright nights”


“Can scientists help insects survive their fatal attraction to light at night?”


“In Sheikh Jarrah, Palestinian youth are leading the struggle to defend their homes

Sheikh Jarrah's youth are holding nightly vigils to raise awareness and protect their neighborhood from evictions and gradual takeover by Israeli settlers.”

“That is why for the last decade children have been a systematic target of intimidation and harassment. Seems it has backfired.

“Over the past several weeks, Palestinians have been protesting the displacement of families from the neighborhood following an Israeli court order. The eight families facing imminent displacement, like all the families in the Karm al-Jaouni complex, are Palestinian refugees who were forced out of their homes in the 1948 war and their descendants. In the 1950s, the Jordanian authorities and UNRWA housed them in that area, which was an open space with no buildings at the time. Following Israel’s occupation of Jerusalem in 1967, settler organizations have been trying to take over the properties, claiming they were originally owned by Jews.””


Netanyahu is a stain on humanity along with the American Politicians that work with AIPAC:

“Robbing their homes is not enough. Harassing their children and locking them up also not enough. Burning their lands and their crops should hit the spot.

“Walid Saeed, 70, a local farmer in Burin, was sitting on his balcony with his family when he saw a large group of Israeli settlers descending from the hilltops surrounding Burin.

“There were around 50 settlers that came down from Har Bracha,” Saeed told Mondoweiss, referring to one of three settlements and settler outposts located in the area around Burin.

“They came down the mountain and started setting a bunch of fires to the land and trees in the area,” he said.””

“‘We put our souls into this land’: Palestinians mourn land lost to settler arson attack

Palestinians from the village of Burin were forced to watch as the night sky lit up their village with orange flames and clouds of smoke. By the time the settlers and soldiers retreated, the damage had already been done.”



It wasn’t okay in South Africa,

It wasn’t okay in Nazi Germany

Why is it okay in Palestine”


“Our strategy should be not only to confront empire, but to lay siege to it. To deprive if of oxygen. To shame it. To mock it. With our art, our music our literature, our stubbornness, our joy, our brilliance, our sheer relentlessness – and our ability to tell our own stories. Stories that are different from the ones were being brainwashed to believe.” Arundhati Roy

Arundhati Roy: “A U.S. attack on Iran would be “biggest mistake it has ever made”

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