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6/2021 Biden's\Trump’s Postmaster General just released a plan that will slow mail down to a CRAWL

Updated: Jan 7

“Trump’s Postmaster General just released a plan that will slow mail down to a CRAWL. I’m appalled.

People are depending on the USPS for life saving medicine and critical bills. This is NOT the time to be playing around with people’s livelihoods.

I’m demanding that Dejoy resign. I need 10,000 Democrats to stand with me in demanding Trump’s Postmaster General resign NOW.”


“Jeff Bezos’ space startup Blue Origin, spent $625,000 lobbying Congress for a major contract with NASA.

Thought they lost that bid to SpaceX, the Senate found room to create an additional $10 billion contract that Blue Origin would be first in line to receive.”

“Nothing to see here... just one of the richest men in the world spending $625,000 to lobby Congress and receiving $10 billion of *your* taxpayer dollars in return”

Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020 6/29 _F2A9577aaa

“We’ve bought into the idea that education is about training and “success,” defined monetarily, rather than learning to think critically and challenge. We should not forget that the true purpose of education is to make minds, not careers. A culture that does not grasp the vital interplay between morality and power, which mistakes management techniques for wisdom, which fails to understand that the measure of a civilization is its compassion, not its speed or ability to consume, condemns itself to death.” Chris Hedges at “Human Reform Politics” on facebook


“Modern Monetary Theory for Real Progressives”

“This is such an important statement… Neoliberalism thrives on deception, which overtime has caused us to develop a scarcity mindset and an unnecessary reliance on billionaires to fund the popular programs that we need… As long as we continue to maintain this mindset, the neoliberal establishment will continue to push the “we can’t afford it” narrative and push austerity… Yes, billionaires should be taxed out of existence because they are a major obstacle to democracy… but the Federal Government, as the issuer of our currency does not need to tax them or us in order to pay for federal programs… State and local governments require tax revenue, the Federal Government does NOT... The US Congress, through the Power of the Public Purse, can fund any program we can imagine… If you care about programs like #MedicareForAll, a #GreenNewDeal, a #FederalJobGurantee, #FreePublicCollege, etc. then it’s time to learn about #MMT…”

“If you are a progressive, and you’re fixated on raising taxes to “pay for” everything, you are embracing a fundamentally neoliberal (Thatcher-like) approach to public finance.”


“To be clear: I do not oppose Democrats because I’m on the same side as Republicans.

I oppose Democrats because THEY are on the same side as Republicans.”


"American capitalism is premised on many lies. None is more pernicious than the lie that it’s possible to deserve great wealth. This lie is the most necessary one — if people stop believing it, the entire system will crumble. This is ​“The Big Lie,” and it makes a lie about a single presidential election look like a minor gripe in comparison. Yet as important as this lie is to the self-preservation of the billionaire class, they cannot help themselves from continually acting in ways that make it hard for even the gullible American public to keep on believing it."”

“The Real "Big Lie" Is That Billionaires Are Tolerable

Great wealth should be seen as deranged hoarding.”


“It’s not war, it is murder” Noam Chomsky

Boycott Gerard Butler and Pharrell Williams:

“The Israeli Defense Fund have murdered over 3,000 in the past 17 years.”

Gerard Butler and Pharrell Williams helped to raise $60 million to support the Israeli Defense Forces and Israel’s occupation of Palestine at a gala called Friends of Israeli Defense Forces (FIDF).”


“Let’s get this straight:

It wasn’t poor people on welfare who crashed our economy; it was crooked bankers.

It wasn’t immigrants who took your job; it was greedy employers who intentionally hired someone they could underpay for more profit.

It wasn’t Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security that bankrupted our country; it was tax cuts for the rich and absence levels of military spending.”


“Introduction to "Cooperatives and Socialism: A View from Cuba" (2013) by Camila Piniero Harnecker”


“Memorial day is not a day to have a sale.

It is not a day to embrace commodity fetishism.

It is a day to mourn those who have lost their lives in military service.

It should be a day to reflect on the brutality and meaninglessness of war.

The way corporations use it as yet another marketing scheme should fill you with disgust.


A poster for Climate Change Awareness



This reminds me of Democrats and Republicans,…if money were milk,…


Food security is failing in America:

“'Somber Harvest': Crops May Fail, Cattle Sold As The Northwest Descends Into Drought”


“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” Dalai Lama


“NEW: Corporations and a strong stock market shielded CEOs from the financial impact of the pandemic.

CEO compensation rose nearly 16% in 2020 among 281 large firms, while annual compensation of the average worker increased just 1.8%. CEOs earn 307 times as much as a typical worker in these firms.”

“Preliminary data show CEO pay jumped nearly 16% in 2020, while average worker compensation rose 1.8%”


Morrison is an abomination:

“Australia is already paying more for the federal government’s inaction on climate than fossil fuels bring in, analysts warn as missed economic opportunities mount.

The warning comes at the end of a milestone week for climate change litigation in which the federal court found the government has a duty of care to protect young Australians, revealing that inaction will cost young people up to $245,000 each over their lifetimes.

But analysts say those costs are just the tip of the iceberg.

Death, disease, more pandemics and property damage caused by unmitigated global warming are in store for future generations of Australians if the nation does not act now and start transitioning to renewables, they warn.


“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:

Welcome to WWIII... and this time it’s the U.S. at the center of it—not Germany.

This makes it the Second American Revolution—and our Second Civil War. It’s the slaveowner corporations, the billionaires which own them, and the capitalist system from which they thrive (which has hijacked our government) Vs. everyone that has to work, eat and breathe to live.”

“Colombian protesters are burning US and Israeli flags. This isn’t just a strike against austerity measures. Its’ a full on uprising against imperialism.”

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