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01/2022 Money in politics has made America ungovernable and an irresponsible global citizen

Updated: Jan 13

Money in politics has made America ungovernable and an irresponsible global citizen

If there is any waring on the streets of America amongst Americans it will be because our own politicians manipulated us there as part of their ongoing effort to serve the rich

And as always, American politicians & the members of their 3 branches of govt pose a deadly threat to people the world over

“Doomsday Clock Stuck At 100 Seconds To Midnight.”


Biden Nominates Judge from Chevron Law Firm that prosecuted Donziger:

“BREAKING: Outraged to learn that Biden has named @Chevronlawyer Jennifer Rearden to be a federal judge. She was paid millions at @gibsondunn to help jail me, attack Indigenous peoples, and cover up a massive oil spill in the Amazon.

Biden must align with Planet Earth. Corrupt.”

Silvery Blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

5/15/2012 IMG_4726aaaaVsn4 [D:\Data From 500gb OS Drive\Users\Pictures\PHOTOS\Print Photos]

Again, both American political parties consider Charles Koch their leader and will deny the billionaire’s alt-right conservative extremism, including planet hatred, nothing.

Charles Koch’s father, Fred Koch, was instrumental to Hitler realizing his Holocaust. (“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” as Charles is fueling his own Holocaust with his oily climate change denial, a war on wildlife, destruction of the epa, etc. )

Of course, Biden will go to war that favors a neo-Nazi’s regime in Ukraine. It is, after all, it is pretty much where America is headed with its fascist dictatorship. Such governments can be and often are maximally conducive to profit taking:

Victor Herandez:

“We are going to war with Russia to support a NEO-NAZI regime brought to power with a US supported COUP. SMH”

“Nazi symbols on helmets worn by members of Ukraine’s Azov battalion. (As filmed by a Norwegian film crew and shown on German TV)


Woody Harrelson:

“We live in a completed corrupted world where every Government is just a bunch of business men working for a bigger bunch of business men and none of them give a shit about the people.

The sad fact is no one knows how to change it, because no one knows how to take on the corporations.”

“Investors of Big Corps Running The World . . In Your Face Part 1”


For decades our 2 party system drained our blood and treasury in war after war that benefited the already rich.

We all saw the rich grow their wealth by astronomical amounts during an unprecedented deadly pandemic that 99% of Americans continue to struggle through with relatively little next to no help from the same politicians.

And now the world watches and braces itself for possible war by Americans against Americans fought on American streets. This outcome would be a direct product of our own government sowing and then wafting the flames of ideological differences among the masses for no other reason than manipulating us out of our dwindling vote so that the rich can feed ever more. And trust me, they shall feed like never before as we will have been divided and conquered by their hoped for spilling of our own blood. As our biosphere collapses they will also grow their wealth.

We don’t need a civil war. We need solidarity across all walks of American life. We need the president to give us back our country. We need to dismantle the structural crap that alienates so many American’s from the benefits of our nation and destroys their future in the process.

I’m of the opinion that the entire history of acts “they” cite in support of their oppression and exploitation is wildly in violation of the good faith, spirit and intent of any form of civilized government.

Timothy Mcvey’s purchase of fertilizer was part of a much greater crime. And it sure as hell wasn’t consistent with the fertilizer company’s legal right to sell fertilizer. But seeing as the seller had no indication of its ultimate use, they sold it anyway. Now, when somebody wants to buy a truck load of stuff that is generally know for its use as an explosive I would like to think that most governments would ensure that exploding isn’t an intention the buyer can realize.

So today we have Dark money, gerrymandering, voter suppression, etc. the stated reasons for such laws are irrelevant in view of their effect. But I’m not lawyer


“The Real Methane Monster: Satellites Spot Methane Plumes Over U.S.

Methane charts from CAMS Copernicus at a total column and at 300 hPa (30,000 FT, 10 KM) reveal an unfolding nightmare. Additionally, the chart from NOAA MetOp-B shows pink color coding indicating readings at the extreme high end, while large plumes of methane are being reported over the U.S.

Despite the #ScientistsWarnings, production of oil and natural gas in #NorthAmerica is at an all-time high due to the development and use of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, among other things including wanton failure to cap wells and flaring. These plumes are caused by this 'routine work.'

"Methane emissions from the U.S. oil and natural gas supply chain have received much recent attention and are estimated to be ... 41% of the anthropogenic U.S. emissions."

The abundance of stratospheric methane has increased by 13.4%±3.6% between 1978 and 2003. Almost all of this increase is due to human activities, which make up 60% of total methane emissions.”


“Heads UP Indonesia, PNG, Australia, Melanesia and Polynesia.

The head of a dragon plume of sulfur dioxide now reaching Indian Ocean from the emission of Hunga-Tonga Volcano in Tonga.”


No hyperbole – this is what Armageddon looks like. Areas where the ocean is releasing methane that has been trapped on the sea floor will grow and spread:


Kevin Hester:

“The latest from Kris on the methane threat.

Read the whole thread to get the scope of the release;”

Kris Van Steenbergen:

“Please keep an eye on Wiese Island.

Sudden bursts of methane (intiate date: 20th of January). It seems to be a +1 to +3 megaton/day event!!!!…


“Concentrations at 850hPa are also climbing beyond 2100 ppb very rapidly & very easily right above the island. Just run the mode a couple of time.”

“These first raw images show violent sea ice ruptures near the island.”

“It all started 3 years ago near Komsomolets Island (& near the Schmidt Ice Cap). The West Siberian Arctic Shelf is getting warmer way too fast at depths between 20 & 160 meters! -+4C in only 5 years!


“Bubbles of methane rising from seafloor in Puget Sound”

“(A) biological source of methane beneath the seafloor seems likely, Johnson said. The source may be in the dense clay sediment deposited after the last Ice Age, when glaciers first carved out the Puget Sound basin. The methane seems to be biological in origin, and the bubbles also support methane-eating bacterial mats in the surrounding water.

Jerry (Junzhe) Liu, a senior in oceanography, helped to analyze the data and participated in a 2019 cruise that contributed data.

“I’m interested in two seemingly parallel fields: fault zones and air-sea interactions for climate,” Liu said. “This project covers all the way from below the seafloor to above the ocean’s surface.”)”


“A pole shift could be close, check out the video. The result of the Western Antarctic ice sheet dislodging would exacerbate the Earth's rotational wobble (Chandler’s Wobble). The Crust presents the earth with an unbalanced distribution of weight, even a small (10 centimetres) displacement of the crust would cause the earth to wobble more (which ironically could induce more crustal displacement, thus causing more wobble, thus causing more displacement, etc.) Severe seismic activity on or near Antarctica would precipitate crust instability. Added bulges from the expansion beneath the crust would worsen the imbalance. The diameter at the equator is 43 kilometres more than the rest of the Earth’s surface, due to centrifugal forces.”

“David Borlace explains in simple science on "Just have a think" Mass relocation's away from rising seas all around the world in 5 years forget 2100.”

“Antarctica latest research: Doomsday Glacier ice shelf will be gone in 5 years!”


Let’s be clear of just what the voting rights theater is actually about:

From Lakota People’s Law Project:

“Almost as important is what the bill would not do. It would not make participation in elections compulsory, as it is in Australia.

It would not require automatic voter registration for federal elections upon turning 18, leaving it up to individuals to go through the process themselves.

It would not offer voting to noncitizens at any level, as recent legislation in New York City has provided for residents in Municipal elections.

And it would not set up a nationwide universal vote-by-mail system akin to the ones states like Colorado and Washington have successfully managed for years.”

“Breaking News: Costa Rica’s Turrialba Volcano Erupts Again”


War with Iran would concentrate wealth (a stock market “war bubble”) and serve the fossil fuel industry:

“Report: Israeli fighter jets, refueling planes hold massive drill aimed at Tehran. Maneuvers seen as intended to plan for strike on Iran, Saudie-owned Elaph claims, month after New York Times reveals new tankers seen as key to threat won’t arrive before late 2024.”

Ehsan Dashti:

“Israeli fighters took part in a major battle over the Mediterranean Sea involving combustion exercises in the air, according to a report released at a Saudi news base on Thursday

The goal of this fight was to be prepared to attack Iran!


Too late:

“The new Danish Climate Program includes a roadmap with 24 political initiatives required by law to be in place by 2025 to achieve 70% CO2 reduction by 2030.Clapping hands signFlag of Denmark”

“Denmark is accelerating climate efforts with new 2025 deadline”

“COP26 and climate catastrophe - reframing the human spirit - new laws in Denmark for sustainability”


“I don’t know what word in the English language – I can’t find one - that applies to people who are willing to sacrifice the literal existence of organized human life so they can put a few more dollars into highly overstuffed pockets. The word “evil” doesn’t begin to approach it.” Noam Chomsky


Getting America to fail was a deliberate act by America’s own Government and it benefits the rich (who benefited astronomically from the pandemic and foreign wars). History is full of examples of how to do it, of what circumstances you have to create in order to make it possible. It is divide and conquer’s crowning moment. Once America is no longer a collection of united states the rich – who already control multiple state governments will feed at will:

“America is a nation whose governing philosophies failed. It is now a nation caught between sets of failed governing philosophies. Unable to move forward, it has little choice but to move backwards, to regress — right into authoritarianism, fascism, and theocracy.”

“Why America’s Collapsing

How American Ideas of What Makes a Successful Society Failed Catastrophically”


She is making a play for money from rich conservative special interests.

It doesn’t really matter anyway, sufficient damage has been at the State level and judiciary to finish the conversion of American into a Fascist Dictatorship:

“BREAKING: Kyrsten Sinema reiterates that she will not support ANY effort to get rid of the filibuster, even to pass voting protections, despite the fact that 66% of Arizona voters support election reform.

Even Joe Manchin has not ruled out changing the rules on the filibuster so that we can protect the right to vote!

If Senate Democrats are unable to reform the filibuster before this year’s midterms, it will be nearly impossible to pass voting rights legislation (or really any important pieces of our agenda).

That would be disastrous for swing state Democrats, including Sinema’s fellow Arizona Senator Mark Kelly, who’s up for re-election this year. And it could even lose us the House and the Senate.

But that’s really just the tip of the iceberg. If Democrats don’t pass federal voting rights legislation this year, democracy experts are saying that the damage from GOP-led attacks on our elections could be permanent.

Our message to Sinema is clear: If you keep endangering our democracy, we’ll make sure you lose your job. If you’re with us, chip in now to become one of Primary Sinema Project’s founding donors. Your donation will go to organizers in Arizona who are laying the groundwork to oust Sinema.”

https://. I’m not putting the link because democrats are using it as a fund raising opportunity


Social Murder on steroids:

“Beginning in February, Hospitals Will No Longer be Required to Report Covid Deaths to HHS.

Because obviously the pandemic is over, right?”

“No data, no problem: At the same time the news stresses urgency regarding the omicron variant and how hospitals struggle to keep up, you’ll come across a think piece from a wealthy, comfortable pundit who calls for a return to normalcy from the comfort of his own desk. Meanwhile, beginning on February 2nd, the United States will no longer be requiring hospitals to report covid deaths to Health and Human Services.”


No Washington politician today should be allowed to lay in state at the Nation’s Capitol:

Peter Daou:

"Congratulations Joe" is trending. Is this why?

NO medicare for all or public option.

NO meaningful climate action.

NO minimum wage hike.

NO student debt cancellation.

NO filibuster reform to date, just speeches.

NO court expansion, just a sham commission.

NO voting rights protection, just more speeches.

MORE deportations and abuse of asylum-seekers.

MORE droning civilians without repercussions.

MORE arms sales to oppressors.

MORE permits for oil drilling.

MORE money for billionaires.

Or maybe it’s this:

“Let the Children Suffer and Die is Bipartisan U.S. Policy, The duopoly sacrifices children on the alter of capital.”

Actress Susan Sarandon adds:

“Right now, more than half of Americans would be unable to afford a $1.000 emergency. Margaritas and kick boxing this weekend aren’t the answer.”

Biden’s Press Secretary Jan Psaki from the Israeli Mossad speaking from the White House:

“Psaki on voting rights bills failing: “My advice to everyone out there who’s frustrated, sad, angry, pissed off, feel those emotions, go to a kickboxing class, have margarita,….”

Note: the global intelligence community full expects America to be a fascist dictatorship in 10 years and America currently has a 67% chance of descending into Civil War


Biden’s mind is infirm and he is easily convinced of playing a part in atrocities. Here he indicates that he thinks he is performing admirably. History will judge President Joseph Biden harshly.

Sadly, the coming social murder and other deaths that are foreseeable as part of America’s conversion to a fascist dictatorship is on Biden, and all members of both political parties together with their judges, heads – period.

Social Murder: I guess Washington just got too comfortable killing American citizens for profit by participation in all the wars. So now they’ve extended the “privilege” to the non-military

“I am sorry Bernie people, but If you give your allegiance to the Dems and "Vote Blue No Matter Who" as Chomsky instructs, you have surrendered any leverage you might have. And, Biden will throw it back in your face and open the door for the Republicans. We are just "collateral damage" in their pursuit of corporate power and empire. If you want power we must threaten theirs.”

“The Dem party elite would rather allow for a massive Republican takeover of Congress than embrace a truly progressive politics that would upset their corporate masters.”

CBS News:

“President Biden says he’s trying to pull the country to the left: “I’m not Bernie Sanders. I’m not a socialist [a dig to appeal to Koch conservatives and Republicans in general]. I’m a mainstream Democrat…If you notice, 48 of the 50 Democrats supported me in the Senate on virtually everything I’ve asked.”


“The US Senate is one of the world’s most undemocratic legislatures. It needs to go.”

“Abolish the Senate”


“American Values

This week in 1951, 82 US bombers dropped 700 tons of bombs & napalm on Pyongyang, DPRK, engulfing the entire city in flames for days, incinerating 7,800 homes & killing an ‘incalculable’ number of civilians.”



Sam Carana:

“Thawing Permafrost Releases Nitrous Oxide, a Greenhouse Gas

Nitrous oxide (N2O) follows carbon dioxide and methane as the third-most significant greenhouse gas. It is nearly 300 times more powerful warming agent per unit mass compared to carbon dioxide. Microbial activity is the source for the production of nitrous oxide in soils.

“Thawing Permafrost Releases Nitrous Oxide, a Greenhouse Gas”

“Thawing Yedoma permafrost is a neglected nitrous oxide source”by Maija Marushchak et al.


8 million metric tons of plastic waste enters our oceans each year.


“If you pay people so little that they get food stamps and Medicaid, you should have to send taxpayers a cut of your profits. If we’re paying your business expenses we should get some of the revenue, too.

Cc: @walmart @mcdonalds @amazon” Dan Price, CEO of Gravity Payments (Seattle)


Biden is not the President we need nor is he the right President for the times we live in:

“Ralph Nader: Biden's First Year Proves He Is Still a "Corporate Socialist" Beholden to Big Business”


Pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers:

“Study: Eating organic food linked to better cognitive development in children. Researchers in Spain examined levels of children’s “fluid intelligence”, which is the ability to solve reasoning problems and use “working memory” – the ability to retain new information while it is needed in the short term. The team said their findings suggested healthier diets could have a direct impact on the development of children’s brains. Scientists also said factors such as eating junk food, living in overcrowded houses and exposure to domestic tobacco smoke were associated with reduced levels of fluid intelligence. They said their aim was to analyze the influence these factors could have on the development and maturation of the human brain. “During childhood the brain is not yet fully developed for efficient defence against environmental chemicals and is particularly sensitive to toxicity, even at low levels that do not necessarily pose a risk to a healthy mature brain,” the researchers said.

Organic food should be the norm, not just for those that have access and can afford them. We should stop giving billions in taxpayer subsidies to farms and producers of pesticide-laced GMO and conventional crops.”

“Eating organic food linked to better cognitive development in children

Highest levels of ‘fluid intelligence’ associated with better diet, cleaner air and good living conditions”

“Early life multiple exposures and child cognitive function: A multi-centric birth cohort study in six European countries”


Bah Bye, earth:

“Greenland Tipping Point”


This is an indication of extremely alt-right Washington’s unelected president Charles Koch really is. Even most rich can see the Nation’s capitol has dangerously neglected the well-being of American society:

“A group of more than 100 millionaires and billionaires on Wednesday presented fellow members of the global economic elite with a stark choice: “It’s taxes or pitchforks.” 102 rich individuals—including such prominent figures as Disney heiress Abigail Disney and venture capitalist Nick Hanauer—warned that “history paints a pretty bleak picture of what the endgame of extremely unequal societies looks like.””

“100+ Ultra-Rich People Warn Fellow Elites: ‘It’s Taxes or Pitchforks’”


Let’s be clear of just what the voting rights theater is actually about:

From Lakota People’s Law Project:

“Almost as important is what the bill would not do. It would not make participation in elections compulsory, as it is in Australia.

It would not require automatic voter registration for federal elections upon turning 18, leaving it up to individuals to go through the process themselves.

It would not offer voting to noncitizens at any level, as recent legislation in New York City has provided for residents in Municipal elections.

And it would not set up a nationwide universal vote-by-mail system akin to the ones states like Colorado and Washington have successfully managed for years.”



“This is astonishing. What does it say about the undergraduate education of these Ivy League students? And especially their economics courses? Social sciences? Literature? And what does it say about their attitudes toward working people? What kind of bubble are these students in? Where have their distorted perceptions come from?

"Nina Strohminger, professor of legal studies and business ethics, asked her Wharton students what they thought the average American worker makes per year and 25% of them thought it was over six figures. One of them thought it was $800k. Really not sure what to make of this (The real number is $45k."”


“Succession Is a Show About Capitalism in the Era of Economic Stagnation”

““Succession” captures the insanity of elite culture in contemporary capitalism. Like their real-world counterparts, the show’s characters desperately fight for an ever-higher place at the top as the millions below them suffer.”


Dr. Ward Q. Normal:

“My new hobby is taking graphs of economic data over time and indicating the year that Ronald Regan was inaugurated, in case people find the that helpful or informative”

“As these economic charts clearly show, Ronald Reagan was the WORST President in US history and shattered the lives of working and middle class families. They haven't been able to recover ever since Ronald was inaugurated.”


“Four-day work week ‘an overwhelming success’ in Iceland. Shorter hours, same pay, same or even improved productivity, smaller carbon footprint. This should be the future of work.”


“A 10 day forecast for Antarctica by predicts the maximum 2metre above ground temperature to be 3 - 5°C ABOVE freezing over the Thwaites Glacier... stay tuned for more....”


“Arctic Sinkholes Preview ““Make sure to watch researchers at University of Alaska Fairbanks explain some unusual phenomena of methane release from permafrost in Russia and Alaska. Nova have confirmed they'll be broadcasting 'Arctic Sinkholes' on 2nd Feb at 9pm ET.”


“Tens of millions of middle class homeowners pay annual taxes on the unrealized gains of their homes – but the idea that 700 billionaires should also pay taxes on the growth of their stock portfolio is sending folks into a fit of rage. Stop defending billionaires. Start taxing them.”


“Giant canyon discovered underneath Vanderford Glacier in Antarctica, revealing history behind rising sea levels”

“The East Antarctic Ice Sheet was meant to be the most stable ice in the world. Because it's almost entirely landlocked ice, above sea level, on solid ground, it should (theoretically) be the last ice to melt.

These findings could throw a spanner into that idea.

As someone who lives just across the Southern Ocean from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, this is very concerning, and will almost certainly accelerate my death.

But oh well”


“One of the World’s Wealthiest Oil Exporters is becoming unlivable”

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