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10/2021 wealthy elite will fight tooth and nail against free college

Updated: Jan 13

“PLEASE STOP framing climate change denial as matter of ignorant yokels disbelieving in science. It’s a deeply coordinated propaganda campaign bankrolled by right-wing owners of capital, whose interest would be threatened by any legitimate effort to curb emissions. Treat it as such.”

Silvery Blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017 5/26 149aaa

Republicans gaining control of the Congress, Senate and then White House starting with the 2022 election:

“Reading Winston Churchill’s book “The Gathering Storm” about the rise of Nazi Germany. He notes there were numerous times the world could’ve stopped the rise of the Nazis but instead simply hoped for the best. History is SCREAMING at us we can’t hope for the best with the DNC”

To be sure, make no mistake of the matter, that Democrats are more than willing to lose to Republicans as they figure they can stay alive to fight another day. Meaning, when the People are ready for the fascism they offer the rich, we will TRY to re-elect them.


“The human eye can only see between 430-770 THz. Our ears can only detect sound between 20 Hz- 20 kHz. These ranges make up a fraction of the total sound and light frequency range. This means that there is a lot going on around us that we cannot see or hear.”


“The Economic Bill of Rights (January 11, 1944)

The economic truths are self-evident; and we have accepted a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all – regardless of station, race, or creed.

Among these are:

The right to a useful and remunerative job.

The right to earn enough to provide necessities.

The right of every family to a decent home.

The right to adequate medical care.

The right to a good education.

The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident and unemployment.

All of these rights spell security. We must move forward in the implementation of these rights, to new goals of human happiness and well-being. America’s own rightful place in the world depends in large party upon how fully these and similar rights have been carried into practice for our citizens.”

Franklin Delano Roosevelt


“Procter & Gamble's got skid marks its Charmin brand toilet paper can't clean up. For years, it has been sourcing pulp from endangered caribou habitats. Tell P&G to stop using boreal forest for toilet paper.”


“The wealthy elite will fight tooth and nail against free college for two reasons:

1. It will be harder to fill the ranks of the military with poor people if college is free.

2. Starting off workers with enormous debt is the greatest innovation that capitalism ever came up with.”

3. Higher educated folks tend to have a better understanding of their self worth, reducing how much the rich can exploit them.

4. Higher education also fosters innovation and entrepreneurship, leading to more small companies, more competition, and an even smaller exploitable work force.

5. The class gate to higher education will be opened. And their kids will finally be truly judged based on their academic merit rather than the fact they could afford to attend in the first place.


Kevin Hester:

“Until recently 24% of the Northern Hemisphere was covered in permafrost.

Every single square metre will melt releasing carbon, methane, nitrous oxide and a multitude of pathogens we have no immunity to !

On that note have a lovely extinction.”

“Siberia's ‘gateway to the underworld' grows as record heat wave thaws permafrost

Batagay megaslump entices researchers with its deep climate history”


“Avoiding climate disaster will depend largely on three things: reducing emissions and finding ways to remove carbon from the atmosphere, adapting to climate change; and getting the global politics right. Listen to “To a Lesser Degree”—our new podcast”

“What should be prioritised in the race to avoid climate disaster?”


“Three years ago, on 2 October 2018, a team of Saudi officials murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. The purpose of the killing was to silence Khashoggi and to frighten critics of the Saudi regime by showing that it would pursue and punish them as though they were agents of a foreign power.

It was revealed this week that a year before the Khashoggi killing in 2017, the CIA had plotted to kidnap or assassinate Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, who had taken refuge five years earlier in the Ecuador embassy in London.

The plan was to “break into the embassy, drag Assange out and bring him to where we want”, recalled a former intelligence official. Another informant said that he was briefed about a meeting in the spring of 2017 at which President Trump had asked if the CIA could assassinate Assange and provide “options” about how this could be done.”

“The CIA Plot to Kidnap or Kill Julian Assange in London is a Story that is Being Mistakenly Ignored”

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