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Updated: Jan 13

“Who’s really using up the water in the American West?

Hint: Water scarcity in the Western US has more to do with our diets than our lawns.”

Silvery Blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017-05-23 576aaa

“U.S. Bitcoin Mining Pollutes as Much as 6 Million Cars Annually, Report Finds”


“A Huge Dollar Rally, and A Tipping Point”


What little percentage of the entire stock market working peoples’ cumulative ownership makes up (yes, the rich are THAT rich) it does represent a large proportion of their total wealth and if you are part of this 401k crowd you should consider your exposure to a very BEAR market:

“3 major indicators pointing to impending economic collapse”


The Cost of Car Insurance Has Dramatically Increased Every Month This Year

The BLS has car insurance data but it's not seasonally adjusted. Nonetheless, let's take a look at what's going on.


Having 1 of the blades of the fan on a wind power generator the color black will dramatically reduce bird deaths:

“Offshore Wind 125 Times Better for Taxpayers Compared to Oil and Gas

A report finds per-acre revenue from offshore wind blows oil and gas out of the water.”


Warring against the poor - it’s all the rage in privileged political\economic circles:

“Preparing for class war, Sri Lankan president declares “high security zones””


“The Logic of Capitalism Is to Commodify Everything”

“Which is the ultimate path to destruction”


government won’t be doing anything about it:

“Gas crisis lands LNG cargo market in hands of energy giants”


“Five things about covid we still don’t understand at our peril

Unlocking these secrets might arm us with strategies to protect ourselves and stop the next pandemic”


“While DeSantis was flying legal asylum seekers to Martha’s Vineyard, business owners in his state were struggling for workers”


The rich & their govt continue to wait too long to do too little, in furtherance of a class war, with the result that severe biosphere catastrophe is backed in and worsening exponentially with some 65+ feedback mechanisms of the planet


If raising interest rates acts to lower prices (inflation) by putting a drag on consumer spending. And rising prices at the pump and energy in general is increasing basic living costs & biz production costs while sales go down,…recession


“As Americans prepare for a potential recession, they're united in the belief that states should continue funding their public higher education systems, even when they face a tough economic outlook.

Learn more in our latest Hidden Common Ground report.”

“America’s Hidden Common Ground on Public Higher Education: What’s Wrong and How to Fix It”


That’s $2 trillion spent in pursuit of political donations from concentrating the already rich’s wealth. All by lying about killing people and destroying where they live:

“The MSM reports the cost of college loan forgiveness may exceed $400 billion over the next 30 years. My response is compared to what???

The Iraq and Afghanistan Wars cost at LEAST $2 trillion ...that's 5 times as much as the college loan forgiveness. Since both these wars were debt financed, by 2050 the total cost will exceed $6 trillion (see articles in comments).

In less than a year, Biden and the D. C. establishment have spent nearly $60 billion on a corrupt Ukraine government and civil war. Oh, and if Russia responds with tactical nukes the cost could be millions of lives, and perhaps, the total destruction of the human race.

At least some Americans received a positive educational benefit from college loans. All Americans have received from these endless mid-east wars is more endless wars and rivers of blood... and refugees.”

“The Iraq War has cost the US nearly $2 trillion”


“Act now! Contact Congress and help save 300 million birds each year by supporting a common-sense solution to help birds avoid collisions with buildings.”


“In an interview with Fox News’s Sean Hannity, Trump claimed that he could have declassified government documents “even by thinking about it.””

“Trump Claims He Used His Mind to Declassify Documents Before Leaving White House”


Politicians don’t want an exemption for rape and incest in their abortion ban because that’s where they get most of their relations


People from Wisconsin traveling to Florida to speed Hurricane recovery: they are good people to do this but god dammit why are the 99% left to fend for themselves while the rich & their politicians feast on Govt’s resources?!


If Washington really wanted to control inflation in a manner that doesn’t come at the cost of the nonrich they’d NATIONALIZE THE OIL & GAS Industry$$$ and electric utilities

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