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12/2022 Ah, Sweet, sweet Ukraine!: “The US is selling gas for heat to Europe at 4x the cost."

Updated: Jan 18

Silver-bordered Fritillary (Boloria selene)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

6/1/2012 IMG_6837aaaa2p [2015 WIP]

Maureen Haley:

“The US is selling gas for heat to Europe at 4x the cost.

Clare is concerned!”

“MEP Clare Daly DESTROYS the EU for Disastrous War in Ukraine”


“The Chris Hedges Report: The truth about Ukraine with Medea Benjamin”

“This is the kind of regime US imperialist handed back to power to, after spending trillions of $ of our tax money-and 20 years of devastating war in Afghanistan.”

“A heart-wrenching incident emerged from Afghanistan as the first public execution takes place in the new Taliban regime.

Rukhshana was stoned today in the province of Farah for refusing to be pushed into marriage by the Taliban.”


“Huge amounts of taxpayer money are being spent on the "climate emergency". How do you like the results so far? This article shows how much a climate change "solution" is worth using government's own reports.”

“How much is a climate change “Solution” worth?”


American Corruption is astronomical:

“Bedazzled by money’: Democratic ties to Sam Bankman-Fried under scrutiny after FTX collapse”

“Crypto firm’s founder doled out $40 million, mostly to Democrats in 2022”


“The roots of native prairie plants extend deep into the soil - over 15 feet in some cases! In contrast, the roots of non-native turf grasses and agricultural crops often only extend several inches into the soil. As such, native plant roots are far better at preventing erosion, reducing runoff, and sequestering carbon. These roots also support microfauna far below the surface which serve to further improve soil health. Celebrate National Soil Day and improve the soil in your own backyard by installing a native prairie or landscape. #grasslands #prairies #nativeseeds


“There’s a reason driftnets have already been banned worldwide by the U.N.

They are massive walls of destruction — 1.5 miles long and 200 feet deep. For every one swordfish they catch, seven other marine animals are unintentionally killed.

But the practice is still taking place right now in U.S. national waters.

Sign TODAY to officially stop the deadly use of driftnets.”


Erik Parsels:

“The supreme court is ruling on a North Carolina case challenging the courts' power to nullify gerrymandered electoral maps. This could go badly.

Why are we still even running legislative elections with this crude 18th-century winner-take-all system anyway? We've known about gerrymandering for more than two centuries, and for most of that time have known how to fix it once and for all. Proportional representation would solve this problem immediately.”


“What matters is not so much the color of your skin as the power you serve and the millions you betray.” Frantz Fanon

“Comrade Frantz Fanon passed away #OnThisDay (6th Dec of 1961) , 61 years ago. He was an intellectual, Pan-Africanist, and Marxist who was interested in the psychological effects of colonisation and the social, political, and cultural repercussions of decolonization. He was also a psychiatrist and philosopher.”


“Banning antiwar voices!”

“Twitter Ban Exposes Twitter’s “Free Speech” Sham”


“Medieval peasants worked only about 150 days in a year. The Church believed it was important to keep them happy with frequent, mandatory holidays.

You have less holidays than a Medieval peasant.”


“Dec 5 (Reuters) - Investors have proposed shareholder resolutions at two U.S. railroads calling for paid sick leave for workers, an issue that nearly caused a national rail strike, and they could go to an advisory vote at shareholder meetings in the spring.”

“U.S. railroad investor resolutions urge paid sick leave for workers”


“Venezuela Under Hugo Chavez’s Era:

1 Unemployment dropped from 14.5% of the total labor force in 1999 to 7.6% in 2009.

2 GDP per capita has risen from $4,105 to $10,801 in 2011.

3 Poverty has decreased from 23.4% in 1999 to 8.5% in 2011.

4 Infant mortality fell from more than 20 per 1,000 live births in 1999 to a rate of 13 per 1,000 live births in 2011.

5 Oil exports have boomed – Venezuela has one of the top proven oil reserves in the world and in 2011 OPEC put the country’s net oil export revenues at $60bn. In 1999 it stood at $14.4bn.

“#OnThisDay (December 6) of 1998, Hugo Chavez won the presidential elections with 56.2 % in Venezuela and came to power. A part of the revolution was carved under his ministry the vision of which one can still clearly see, despite the coups and sanctions of the western world.”

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