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9/2021 IPCC willful misstatements attempts to hide loss of 250 billion megatons of ice

Updated: Jan 18

“Interesting interview here with Radio Ecoshock. The host has spoken to about a dozen scientists now who agree the current IPCC models are underestimating SLR. In this one the host asks, should we fear a new burst of warming and extreme weather due to record wildfires? I ask atmospheric scientist John C. Lin from Utah. From the UK, Dr. Edward Hanna says unusual air pressure over Greenland can ruin European summers and pump up sea levels. Again IPCC models fail to properly account for increased air pressure of the GIS (blocking conditions) and it’s impact on the Jet Stream, melting & SLR. GIS losing around 250+ billion MT annually and rate increasing.”

“Btw, it looked like the combination of Nora and Ida yesterday with the upper level cyclonic rotation venting off the surface/lower anti clockwise rotation, just enabled the Jet Stream to link up (commingle) with it’s Southern counterpart.”

Silver-bordered Fritillary (Boloria selene)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2019 9/2 _F2A4607aaa

Wall St wants to sell off Lake Superior as bottled water:

“A Fight Is Brewing Over A Bottled Water Proposal Near Lake Superior

Future Of The Proposal Likely To Be Decided In Court After Board Upholds Denial Of Special Land Use Permit”


“"Stop the Madness!" Rev. Yearwood on Climate Situation”


Dems & Reps are largely responsible for the destruction of the Amazon and the consequent degradation of the Global Ecosystem because they never even tried to prohibit American anything from benefiting from it. In fact, it very probably wouldn’t have happened without financing tied to American entities (e.g. Trump Mc Connell, Schwarzman, etc). Not to mention the clandestine role America played in deposing Dilma (remember Hillary dancing in Brazil?)

“If we don’t, someone else will” is not a legitimate excuse, it’s your basic self serving rationalization, and not a very sophisticated one at that




“When the rain falls on Greenland … only negative emissions can cool the Arctic – and the planet”


American government forces, like Israel and other countries, has taken up the habit of shooting people in the eye:

“‘Blinded by police’: my search for fellow survivors of an alarming trend”


“Military contractor CACI Intl. does not have to broadcast its positions on the war: Instead, it is funding a think tank that has been actively urging the Biden administration not to leave Afghanistan.”

“When Military Contractors Fund Their Own Pro-War Think Tanks”


“A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by a majority.” Booker T. Washington


“First we overlook evil. Then we permit evil. Then we legalize evil. Then we promote evil. Then we celebrate evil. The we persecute those who still call it evil.”


A common Washington tactic. He's doing a shake$ down$. Manchin wants more money for his support:

“Manchin Jolts Democrats by Urging ‘Pause’ on $35. Trillion bill”


Washington’s to do list if they really cared about 99% of the American People:

Add Judges to SCOTUS;

kill the filibuster;

do what it takes to purge DeJoy;

cut all support$$$ to Manchin and Seneca;

Give Charles Koch the finger;

ban ALL pesticides; and

pass a green new deal now


Class warfare is getting very, very ugly. 99% of the People are more than welcome to just simply die in support of continuing the lifestyles of the rich:

“Big Business to Planet and People: Drop Dead. Damply.


“The New Normal: Doomscrolling Through the Climate Tipping Point Outside Your Window”


“Fewer butterflies seen by community scientists across the warming and drying landscapes of the American West”


“How many species of native bees are in the United States?”


“Insect Populations Are Declining Around the World. How Worried Should We Be?”


“Plummeting insect numbers 'threaten collapse of nature'”


“Many entomologists are warning that an “insect Armageddon” is under way in response to pollution, habitat destruction, overuse of pesticides and global warming.”

How You Can Help to Save Wildlife

“Where have all our insects gone?”


The same type of misrepresentation, spin, lying, delays, media propaganda, etc that went into making the AFGAHNISTAN WAR one of the most profitable American undertakings in US history, is going into Big Pesticides\Chemicals extinction of Insects.


This is what insects are up against in their fight for their survival. It’s polished, it comes with seemingly authoritative testimony from University’s with conservative ties, it comes with some truths so as not to alarm suspicion, and it ranks high in search engine results. IT PROVIDES COVER FOR POLITICIANS NOT WANTING TO UPSET CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PESTICIDE MANUFACTURERS.

The article makes no mention of pesticides. It also refers to insects as “creepy crawlies.” It clearly deflects responsibility for the disappearance of insects on to Climate Change which no doubt plays a role.

But, how and what it chose to report on seems to be taken right out of Government\Big Chemical echo chamber in support of Neonicotinoids and Monsanto\Bayer Chemical’s strangle hold on Washington. It even relies on Government data and links to Washington websites.

And like the National Resource Defense Council, which has a strange habit of locating its offices in major financial districts (including wall street), upon further inspection the office of OZY Media is just a hop, skip, and a jump from Nancy Pelosi’s office in the silicon valley region.

So yeah, the article is about insects, but is tinted against them and in favor of the disastrous status quo of wiping insects off the planet. Beware Carlos Watson and Andrew Mentock of OZY Media.

Other developed countries have rid the madness of all the chemicals America sprays and their pollinators are thriving. There is no excuse of Biden propelling insects to their extinction with Pesticides, Herbicides, and Fertilizers. At a time, when they need the help the most America MUST ban this madness. Frailty of mind and depravity of values is no excuse to follow the science:

"What's bugging the planet"


“Why is the eastern monarch butterfly disappearing?”


And all the while, wealth concentrated:

“A look at #military budgets says everything about our priorities:”

“When the war budge was $711 Billion

Before it was $780 Billion

Now adding another $24 Billion.”


“Who won in Afghanistan? Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Gen. Dynamics, Northrup Gruman: enjoyed 1000% profits in 20 years.”

And now big chemical is set to rack up a similar success with the extinction of pollinators


“The New Untouchables”

““The New Untouchables:  The Pecora Files,” meticulously detailing the rampant financial fraud that has been poisoning our economy for the last century, and what is to be done about it.  “The Con” took a simple but revolutionary approach to explaining the epidemic of elite fraud driving the great financial crisis of 2007-2008.”


“Laws: We know what they are, and what they are worth! They are spiders webs for the rich and mighty, steel chains for the poor and weak, fishing nets in the hands of the government.” Pierre-Joseph Proudhon


“Fires in the Amazon are out of control. Again.

Hundreds of wildfires have already scorched the rainforest this year, and the worst is likely yet to come.”

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