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11/2021 “It’s not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.”

Updated: Jan 12

Yeah, about China v USA in shitting on the atmosphere,...China’s use of coal still doesn’t make them responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than USA. Washington fosters Sino bashing because western super rich can’t compete:

“Coal emits more than twice as much carbon dioxide as natural gas to generate the same amount of energy.”

“China Addicted to Coal - Will Use More”


Sam Carana:

“Snow on strike in the world’s coldest region, as temperatures in Siberia go 4 to 12C above the norm. Locals in southern Yakutia share surprise over bare ground; Russia’s leading meteorologist says some areas of Siberia are 12C too mild”

“Snow on strike in the world’s coldest region, as temperatures in Siberia go 4 to 12C above the norm”

Common Ringlet (Coenonympha tullia)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2015-06-10 076aaaaVsn2

“Antonio Gramsci was twentieth-century Italy’s greatest intellectual. Fifty years ago, the English translation of "Selections from the Prison Notebooks" allowed his unorthodox Marxism to spread worldwide.”

“How Antonio Gramsci’s Ideas Went Global”


Filibuster, sinema\manchin, 200 major Corps behind$ Jan 6 coup, Judiciary a joke, only white people can vote, etc. now governorships going Republican!? ...America is on the cusp of deep irreversible FASCISM complete with all manner of violence.

Democrats will allow the country to plunge into deep fascism before they turn it over to “mob rule” by the non-superrich.

“Progressives Kick Nancy Pelosi Out Of Their Meeting”


“Urban farms work. It’s our financial system that’s failing them.”


“A Texas radio “Christian” host was sentenced to three life prison terms Monday for a Ponzi scheme in which he scammed elderly listeners out of millions of dollars.”

“Christian radio host Doc Gallagher gets 3 life prison terms for bilking listeners out of millions of dollars”


Make America Great Again:

“This is Carl Braden. He was arrested for sedition in 1954. His crime? Buying a house for a Black family that were denied the suburban home.

Sentenced to 15 years, he served 7 months. Mr braden fought intolerance and bigotry and risked his freedom. So, THIS was sedition, but Jan. 6 was just a normal Capitol tour?

Everyday Republicans show us why we need MORE critical race theory in schools.”


Not in complete agreement but here is a quote:

“Every fabric of society must enable its citizens to learn, grow and develop to become valuable assets. And to produce this outcome, society must ensure each individual is free from the burden of stress that impedes optimal learning and growth. For this reason, it is the moral obligation of government to provide sufficient shelter, healthcare and education to all its members.


Critical Race Theory (CRT)

“The people who threw rocks at Ruby Bridges for trying to go to school are now upset their grandchildren might learn about them throwing rocks at Ruby Bridges for trying to go to school.”


“Conservatives and libertarians love to cite studies ranking different countries’ levels of “economic freedom” as evidence for the glories of capitalism. There’s just one problem: the rankings are nonsense.”

““Economic Freedom” Rankings Don’t Tell Us Anything About Capitalism”


“A major goal for delegates at COP26 is to improve humans’ relationship with nature. Here’s how one Indigenous rights leader is trying to rewrite Chile’s constitution to put its ecosystem first.

TIME's Climate Report 2021 is Presented by CITIZEN”

“An Indigenous Rights Leader Is Trying to Rewrite Chile’s Constitution to Put its Ecosystems First”


In their pursuit for ever more$, they will render civilization incapable of producing anything at all. Greed is a blind addiction.


“One of the many issues with these climate talks is that while heads of state are gathered to talk about climate change, they’re officially not supposed to talk about energy.

But this year, that could change.”

“Five reasons that energy is the dinosaur in the room at the UN climate talks”


Maureen Haley:

“Billionaires Are Not Morally Qualified To Shape Human Civilization”

“Caitlin Johnstone writes

Excerpt from "Billionaires Are Not Morally Qualified To Shape Human Civilization":

Human civilization is being engineered in myriad ways by an unfathomably wealthy class who are so emotionally and psychologically stunted that they refuse to end world hunger despite having the ability to easily do so.

The United Nations has estimated that world hunger could be ended for an additional expenditure of $30 billion a year, with other estimates considerably lower. The other day Elon Musk became the first person ever to attain a net worth of over $300 billion. A year ago his net worth was $115 billion. According to, America's billionaires have a combined net worth of $5.1 trillion, which is a 70 percent increase from their combined net worth of under $3 trillion at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

So we're talking about a class which could easily put a complete halt to human beings dying of starvation on this planet by simply putting some of their vast fortunes toward making sure everyone gets enough to eat. But they don't. This same class influences the policies, laws, and large-scale behavior of our species more than any other.

To get a sense of how insane this is, imagine if you had seen a video clip of me calmly watching a child drown to death in a swimming pool and doing nothing to help. After watching such footage, would it ever in a million years occur to you that I am someone who should be in charge of the entire world?

I'm going to guess no. I'm going to guess that, in the unlikely event that you ever decided anyone should rule the world, after watching me let a child drown I'd rank somewhere near the very bottom of possible candidates.

Now imagine if instead of letting one child drown, it was millions.

That's how absolutely insane it is that we allow this class to shape our civilization.”


“Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs (informed by Blackfoot Nation (ALTA)”


“It’s not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.” W. Edwards Deming


“Billionaire Reveals Virtual Reality Experience Called ‘Mainstream Media’”

“Maybe this will help those who still ridiculously think FOX News is the only major source of "propaganda news", wake t f u.

Excerpt : " My holdings in the New York Times give me leverage over the hiring and publishing practices of the most influential paper in the most powerful nation on earth," said Slim.

"By buying up media influence and controlling the public's perception of reality, we ensure that all the systems which have been funnelling wealth and power toward us remain intact," explained Bloomberg.

"And it keeps the guillotine blades away from our necks!" Slim interjected.

"That's right Carlos," Bezos said. "By psychologically helping the public to perceive a different reality than the one that actually exists, we can prevent prevent social uprisings which might prove hazardous to our wealth and vital organs."

"So we give the riff raff a virtual reality to live in," said Murdoch. "Because actual reality belongs to us."”


“Rick Scott is worth $250 million and says his mom is having a hard time putting food on the table due to inflation. Imagine that..”

“"Sounds like Sen. Rick Scott's mom should have done a better job raising her son."

Oh and get this, his mother has been dead for 9 years. She died in 2012.

Another Republican caught in a big fat LIE.”


“Perhaps, electing Joe Biden president in 2020 wasn't such a good idea for congressional Democrats?

Today’s Virginia election may be a harbinger of next year’s off-year election.

Since 1992, electing a first-term Democrat President lead to significant Democratic gubernatorial and congressional losses in the following off-year general elections.

After Bill Clinton’s first election in 1992, Democrats lost 10 state governorships and 10 U.S. Senate seats in the following 1994 General Election. And for the first time in 40 years, Democrats lost the Congressional House Majority by losing 54 House seats, which lead to their serving in the House Minority for the next 12 years.

After Barack Obama’s first election in 2008, Democrats lost six governorships and six U.S. Senate seats in 2010 and lost the House Majority won in 2006 by losing 64 House seats in 2010.

After both John Kerry’s (2004) and Hillary Clinton’s (2016) losses Democrats picked governorships and congressional memberships. In 2005, Dems picked up 6 governorships and 6 U.S. Senate seats, while House Democrats gained 32 seats. In 2018, Dems picked up 6 governorships and 41 House seats but lost one U.S. Senate seat to the Republicans.

Since 1993, Terry McAuliffe is the only Virginia governor to have won election (2013) following a winning president of the same party (Obama-2012). But Obama’s 2012 win was a second presidential term victory.

I’ll be surprised if McAuliffe can make it this time.”

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