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12/2021 It’s Not a "Supply Chain Crisis" — It’s a Failing World

Updated: Jan 15

“Big Pharma Is Making a Killing from Vaccine Apartheid”

“With the spread of the new Omicron variant and low levels of vaccination throughout much of the world, there’s still no real end to COVID in sight. It’s bad news for global public health — but great news for big pharmaceutical companies.”


"Prices are high because corporations are raising them—so they can keep paying themselves with ever-larger executive bonuses and stock buybacks."

“As Executives Hike Prices, US Corporations Rake in Biggest Profits Since 1950”


“Opinion | if he Supreme Court throws out ‘Roe v. Wage,’ it will tear the country apart”

Of course. That’s what it’s all about. Charles Koch - mr divide and conquer of Wisconsin - owns Barrett, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh outright and has power over the rest of the conservative judges

Reversed Haploa (Haploa reversa)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA


Divide and Conquer is their bread and butter:

It is no coincidence that Koch controls the Supreme Court at a time when people are discussing the possibility of a 2nd American civil war


“On the first day of the Ghislaine Maxwell trail…

The CEO of Twitter resigned.

The CFO of Walmart resigned.

The CFO of CNBC resigned.

NYC Chief Coroner (Barbara Sampson, who oversaw the autopsy’s of Jeffrey Epstein, Joan Rivers and Eric Garner) resigned.


“CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children. They Weren’t Prosecuted.

Declassified CIA inspector general reports show a pattern of abuse and a repeated decision by federal prosecutors not to hold agency personnel accountable.”

“Over the past 14 years, the Central Intelligence Agency has secretly amassed credible evidence that at least 10 of its employees and contractors committed sexual crimes involving children.

Though most of these cases were referred to US attorneys for prosecution, only one of the individuals was ever charged with a crime. Prosecutors sent the rest of the cases back to the CIA to handle internally, meaning few faced any consequences beyond the possible loss of their jobs and security clearances. That marks a striking deviation from how sex crimes involving children have been handled at other federal agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and the Drug Enforcement Administration. CIA insiders say the agency resists prosecution of its staff for fear the cases will reveal state secrets.”


“It’s Not a Supply Chain Crisis — It’s a Failing Economy

The Age of Consumption is Over — And Now We’re Heading for the Greatest Collapse in Economic History”

“"The way that the story’s being told is this — it’s a “supply chain crisis,” because ports are backed up, distribution networks are struggling, while there’s been a huge spike in demand, now that Covid’s over. Sorry, but — and you probably already feel there’s something wrong with this story — none of it’s true.

It’s a shame, by the way, that Biden’s betting his Presidency on this story, because it’s false, and his approach is not going to work — but I’ll come back to that."


"Does that mean that supply chains aren’t snarled? Sure they are — but it’s not because they can’t keep up with demand. It’s for a very different reason — the polar opposite. A lack of supply.

What does a lack of supply mean? Those are anodyne words we economists use — but in this case, they’re very troubling indeed. They mean that our economy — the global one — can’t supply things at the same level that we’re used to.

One way of life — artificially cheap, easy, thoughtless, mindless consumption — is coming to an end."


"Now we face, as a civilization, a turning point. There’s not enough supply to go around the way that it once did. Necessities are becoming luxuries. Prices are skyrocketing for basics — like food, water, and energy, coffee and sugar, fruit and vegetables. Now maybe you get what I mean when I said: one way of life is coming to an end. A way of life based on mindless, thoughtless consumption — me, me, me, I get what I want whenever I want it, shop till you drop, buy the latest fancy shiny thing — is over.

The Age of Consumption is now coming to an end. You are beginning to live through it. Shortages and inflation are the result of a massive, historic turning point — we have hit the limits of global supply, of what the planet can supply to our civilization. Price are now going to rise and keep rising, and shortages are going to keep intensifying, for everything.

This gargantuan supply shock we are now just beginning to experience is going to be one of the greatest economic events in human history — it is going to define the decline of our civilisation, and its probable collapse, too. The planet can no longer supply us with the things we once took for granted — basics and staples like coffee and sugar or fruit and vegetables. So what happens to countries, systems, people, societies, economies? They are going to go through a Big Crunch. Countries and people are going to have to learn, for the first time in modern history, to make do with less.

Let me explain how, by now putting all this in formal economic terms."

--continue reading here:”


Kevin Hester:

“The Soon to Erupt Climate Change Fuelled Wars”

““Beyond rising sea levels and extreme weather, climate change has opened up new areas of strategic competition like the Arctic and intensified the competition for scarce resources, such as the raw materials required to make the lithium-ion batteries crucial to electric vehicles.”

"Senior Pentagon official warns the US military is ‘not ready’ for climate change"

Imagine what war mongering in the Arctic will do to the albedo of the region!”


This type of thing has happened before and it was accompanied by a ferocious mass extinction.

“As waters warm and sea ice decreases in the Arctic,” says Fachon, they “are experiencing an opportunity to grow that they have not had in the past.” Research indicates continued warming will make large blooms more likely.

“In a First, Alaska’s Arctic Waters Appear Poised for Dangerous Algal Blooms”





“Crude Reality: One U.S. state consumes half the oil from the Amazon rainforest”


“Coming soon, to a country where YOU live.”

“A slow motion climate disaster: the spread of Barren Land”



“Here is your periodic reminder that “Medical Debt” isn’t something that exists outside of the US. It doesn’t exist in any other western/capitalistic countries. It doesn’t exist in any socialist countries. It doesn’t even exist in those 3rd world countries we’re bombing for oil”


The word “abrupt” should cause everyone to lose sleep. Yet it’s more merciful than, say, “drawn out” or “protracted”:

“Overview Of Abrupt Anthropogenic Climate Change”


“I am curious, what is really going on with Bezos' donation to the Obama foundation?”

“Bezos CAUGHT Giving $100 Million To Obama's 'Fake' Library | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar”


“Rich Countries’ Climate Policies Are Colonialism in Green”

John lieber:

“Developed countries continue to use climate policies to oppress developing ones.

For example, while Norway is increasing its natural gas exports by 2 billion cubric metres, it is at the same time also lobbying the World Bank to stop all financing of natural gas projects in Africa and elsewhere by 2025, and until then only under "exceptional circumstances".

At COP 26, 20 countries went further, pledging to end funding for all overseas fossil fuel use projects by next year.

The equity demension of fossil fuels and the double standards being imposed should not be overlooked on the crusade towards a low carbon global economy.”


DEMOCRATS new brazenness in their fascist leanings:

pelosi officiates oil billionaire heiress wedding & biden spends thanksgiving at home of billionaire with ties to privatizing Postal Service


In addition to repaying the over $68 billion in govt assistance they coached their workers to rely on so they could underpay them, make WALMART instal solar panels that cover the entire surface of all their roofs on all their facilities


“Capitalism has told us that the American Dream is becoming a megamillionaire or even billionaire.

The American Dream should be collectively building a society where nobody starves or goes homeless, and everybody is treated equally, fully insured and paid a living wage.”


Younger people may not know it, but every older person remembers very well that any road trip up to about 20 years ago meant a windshield covered in insects, crushed by the impact. Today, this doesn't happen the same way.

It might look great to travel with a clean windshield. But doesn't he tell you nothing? After all, where did the insects end up?

Scientists associate the dramatic decline in insect populations with agribusiness due to the destruction of natural habitat and the application of pesticides. The decline of insects, besides being a tragedy in itself and by itself, affects all earthly ecosystems, such as the bird diet, reptiles and amphibians, and pollination of plants, etc. The collapse of insect populations could be the precursor to the collapse of Earth's ecosystem.



“CATERPILLAR posters, puzzles, calendars, 365 calendars, stickers, cards, t-shirts and more! Get some great new Caterpillar Swag this season from The Caterpillar Lab and support our not-for-profit educational outreach work while your at it!”


Alessandro Stefani:

-37.3 °C Nikki, Sweden

- the lowest temperature of this season in Europe

- the lowest in November in the last 40-50 years, the November record is -39.0 °C from 1952

-37.3 °C Nickeluokta, Sweden

- the lowest temperature this season in Europe

- the lowest in November in the last 40-50 years, the November record is -39.0 °C since 1952

Sunday of Non-Eating


“Farmed Norwegian Salmon World’s Most Toxic Food”


“Radar remote sensing reveals magnitudes and patterns of large-scale permafrost ground deformation”


Naturally occurring viruses do not mutate into additional deadly forms much less cross species so readily. It may appear that COVID is actually gaining in function


“Polar bear that walked unprecedented 1,000 km south from Arctic habitat is caught in Yakutia”

“Interesting to put on the map 2 of this year's pretty extraordinary cases - of a female polar bear walking an unprecedented 1000km south from the Arctic shore, and of an Amur tiger wandering 1300km north of traditional habitat. Earlier story about the polar bear”


“Collective Conservation

promote biodiversity in your yard and in your region”


“Federal spending doesnt come from taxes. That said the rich need to be taxed anyway”

“All Federal spending is NEW MONEY.

All Federal Taxation is the deletion of money. Have to repeat this all the time to make it stick, but the fact is money isn’t created then spent. It is spent into existence. It’s not sitting in a vault. Nor is it sitting on brinks truck.”


Corporate media and Dems are the masters of this:

“The most effective propaganda relies on framing than on falsehood. By bending the truth rather than breaking it, using emphasis and other auxiliary embellishments, communicators can create a desired impression without resorting to explicit advocacy and without departing too far from the appearance of objectivity.” Michael Parenti


“The goal of a good society is to structure social relations and institutions so that cooperative and generous impulses are rewarded, while antisocial ones are discouraged. The problem with capitalism is that it best rewards the worst part of us: ruthless, competitive, conniving, opportunistic, acquisitive drives, giving little reward and often much punishment – or at least much handicap – to honesty, compassion, fair play, many forms of hard work, love of justice, and a concern for those in need.” Michael Parenti, “Land of Idols”


“The second half of a man’s life is made up of nothing but the habits he has acquired during the first half.” Fyodor Dostoevsky


“Saying it again for emphasis:

Must never be operated for profit:

1 Healthcare

2 Prisons

3 Education

Those correspond exactly with

1 Life

2 Liberty

3 Pursuit of happiness

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