Regal fritillary (Speyeria idalia)
Southcentral Wisconsin, USA
2020-07-18 _F2A2639aaa2
Time to complete your bucket list:
“Planet Earth’s Climate Change Dashboard”
Barrow, Alaska Atmospheric Baseline Methane (CH4) levels:
“And, if the Methane is blowing across the surface, it is LOW. But, it is on its way to reach high in the sky as it floats up.”
The expression “global fossil fuel suicide pact” is not entirely apt. Remember the rich plan on surviving. But when they orchestrate a self serving scheme resulting in the mass death of any group or class of people it should be called genocide. And when it comes to today's planetary degradation via destruction of the life supporting ability of the atmosphere those that are and will continue to be dying are the nonrich. In fact, they nonrich are even targeted. This is genocide.
But apparently if the criteria to be selected for death by the ruling class was anything else, say, race or religion, it would cause an uproar and be rightfully compared to the acts of Hitler and America’s Native American population. But the killing is of the nonrich by a fascist state it’s legally acceptable
With atmospheric CO2 and methane soaring, Survival today is world decarbonization-rapidly, so all countries have to get off fossil fuels fast, which should be easier, as well as better, for the less (fossil fuel) industrially developed countries. Today we remain on a global fossil fuel suicide pact. “
“Methane in the Climate System: Monitoring Emissions from Satellites”
Atmospheric oxygen levels (sourced in no small part by the Oceans) are falling – good luck adapting:
“Ocean deoxygenation: "Deoxygenated deeper ocean waters produce greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and methane that may reach the ocean surface and be released into the atmosphere, contributing to further warming"”
The earth is flat and science and math are the language of Satan (besides if the rich need innovation or cheap resources they can use the us military to steal it by force from a foreign country. Right now that is Peru, after that ugly business of democracy ruined wall st orgy in the Amazon
Last year, 32 states banned 16,000 books. Help Us fight back for the freedom to learn. Sign this petition.