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1/2023 The Inflation Reduction Act is climate hopium at its worst

Updated: Jan 18

Regal fritillary (Speyeria idalia)

Southcentral Wisconsin, USA

2018-07-19 515aaa3p

The journal “project-syndicate” is biased in favor of a Democratic Party that is the root of the problem:

“America’s New Era of Industrial Policy”

Matching private investment with government with tax credits. It’s like the whole thing was made up by a Private Equity tycoon.

The Inflation Reduction Acts climate provisions will not save us from catastrophic warming or horrific levels of extinction. The Act embraces bogus solutions to climate change and fails horribly in addressing sky rocketing new emissions from feedback that must be removed from the atmosphere. Mankind could easily be extinct before research makes existing carbon capture even relevant. But in the meantime, wealthy investors will save on their taxes.

Worse still, the administration’s continued waring and emphasis on expanding LNG and other fossil fuel development more than offsets any benefits from the misguided Inflation Reduction Act.

Washington is expecting private for profit industry, flush with government money, to meet social needs. Private industry opposed to government will own any solutions and the solutions will be offered to society on a for profit basis. This will fail those American’s who have a need for relief from our dying biosphere but can’t pay the profit margin.


“An annual check-up for the climate movement”

When you haven’t done anything before of course the Inflation Reduction Act’s climate provisions will be the largest emissions reduction in the country’s history’s BUT THIS SAYS NOTHING ABOUT THE PROVISIONS ADEQUECY OR SUFFICIENCY which appears to be little next to NIL given that 85% of new green house gas emissions are coming from feedback and American carbon capture is a lurid joke of an obscenity. Go ahead an electrify all the vehicles you want, convert factories to zero emissions, stop all wars, and bring man’s emissions of gases to absolute zero and we will still be obliterated by the planet that we have caused to emit 85% of the problem.

The Inflation Reduction Act is cynical Washington hopium. It provides cursory, little and fluffy, highly publicized miniscule lip service to the climate collapse and mass extinction while giving wealthy Americans a chance to get rich off government assistance.

If you say this on Facebook, your account will be plagued by all manner of interference designed to silence you.

While I’m ranting, why is that the Environmental Defense Council’s offices are in financial districts within major metropolitan areas? Why does the Nature Conservancy always gets its leaders from Goldman Sachs?


And something similar is going to happen with carbon trading?:

“Panic: The Untold Story of the 2008 Financial Crisis | Full VICE Special Report | HBO”


Climate collapse? Never fear Wall Street is here!!

Remember what happened back in 2008 with Collateralized Mortgage Bond Obliterations? Aka mortgage backed securities?

“After the UN climate meeting in Egypt, carbon market participants are focused on a pricing benchmark similar to those present in other key commodities.”

“Post-COP27, Carbon Markets Turn Focus to Pricing”


This will not be cured by the Inflation Reduction Act

“Major scientific breakthroughs have ground to a halt, study finds”

What’s the surprise? In American education: the Earth is 5,000 y/o and flat, and science and math are the languages of Satan. Besides if the rich need something they’ll have the US military steal it and stick the working class with the costs of blood and treasury


And in the process destroyed the atmosphere’s ability to support life:

“America Has Been at War 93% of the Time – 222 out of 239 Years – Since 1776”


“More military spending does not mean more security. On the contrary, bloated military budgets decrease military effectiveness, which means more pollution.”

“A Climate-friendly Military is a Better Military

Shrinking the military’s global footprint would reduce its carbon footprint and improve U.S. security.”


Inflation Reduction Act is Hollow:

“Honest Government Ad | Carbon Credits & Offsets”



“Honest Government Ad | COP26 Climate Summit”


“Alex Jones: "America is a toothless, gibbering crack whore"

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