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02/2002 “Pesticide seed coatings are widespread but underreported”

Updated: Jan 18

Tyson raised prices 20% due to “inflation costs.”

At the same time, Tyson’s profit margin went up to 19% and hit $1.1 billion last quarter.

Companies are getting richer than every be referring to corporate greed as “inflation.”


“America Is Running on Fumes

In film, science, and the economy, the U.S. has fallen out of love with the hard work of ushering new ideas into the world.”


“Electricity Generation From Coal (2020):

Regal fritillary (Speyeria idalia)

Southcentral Wisconsin, USA

2020-07-24 _F2A3726aaap

“Melt the assault Rifles, instead of burning the books.”


“If we switched to renewable energy, the number of ships crossing the ocean would fall almost in half. Because they’re just carrying coal and oil and gas”

“If only fossil fuels were not used in manufacturing solar / renewable systems. I am looking for Hemp Batteries. We need renewable renewables!”


“Hottest Temperatures ever recorded”


“Russia’s Moscow rated best city in the world for quality of life. I challenge you to find this report in U.S. MSM…”



“"Department of Fire and Emergency Service Deputy Commissioner Craig Waters said on Sunday just having three at emergency level at once was “unprecedented”.

Unprecedented in a La Nina phase to boot. Imagine what the next El Nino will be like. BOM have suggested it's possible for a El Nino phase to evolve later this year.

The Great Barrier Reef and I are dreading the next El Nino.”

“Freight trucks ignite as homes, businesses burn across ‘unprecedented’ fronts in WA”


“10 Reasons why: Wolves

Why is wolf recovery critical in maintain healthy ecosystems and how doe sit positively affect human populations?


“Mountain Lions Are Way More Important to America Than We Thought”


Democrats and Republicans in a nutshell:

“There are very few people who are going to look in the mirror and say, “That person I see is a savage monster;” instead, they make up some construction that justifies what they do.” Noam Chomsky


“Pollinator-Friendly Seeds and Nursery Directory Growing plants to protect managed and wild bees, butterflies, birds and other pollinators”


“Pesticide seed coatings are widespread but underreported”


“Pesticide-Treated Seeds”


“Seeds That Poison

Advocating for the removal of bee-toxic pesticides and the transition to organic policies and practices.”


“Keep Animals Safe With These Natural, Harmless Alternatives to Pesticides”


“These Poison-Drenched Seeds Threaten Health and Wildlife”

“Perhaps this is a petition worth signing?

Urge the California Department of Pesticide Regulation to crack down on use of seeds treated with pesticides - they harm fish, frogs, birds, bees, butterflies and other wildlife and pesticides from the seeds are routinely being found in public water supplies!”


Kill not non-rich while protecting the Rich and their wealth building – The USS Kansas City (Charles Koch’s home town)

“Brought to you by “teeth ain’t healthcare nation”


“New Railcar Designed to Escort Spent Nuclear Fuel Departs for Final Phase of Testing”


Ice age or today’s rich and their existing runaway earth hot house, either way one whole hell of a lot of humans are going to die

It lasted 1,000 years.

“13,000 Years Ago, a Firestorm Covered 10% of Earth's Surface, Triggering an Ice Age”


Today’s Democrats would make sure President Franklin D Roosevelt NEVER got so much as his name on a ballot:

“History Repeats Itself

“We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace – business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.

They had begun to consider the government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob.” President Franklin D. Roosevelt


“Remembering when bankers tried to overthrow FDR and install a fascist dictator

Yes, a coup d'état.”



“I followed the science and kept leading back to cronyism, corporate lobbying and a company that has a long list of extensive fines and records.”

“Fuel Our Work:

TFTP T-Shirts:

TFTP Podcast:

TFTP Newsletter:

TFTP on Telegram:

Join Us: The Free Thought Project 4.0

Or: The Free Thought Project Group”


Vaska Tumir:

“Seeing how the Nazi-loving Ukraine wants to erase all historical connections the country has had with the former USSR, I propose as only fair that it return all of the territories that same USSR gifted it with, viz. the ones Lenin and Stalin imagined they had the right to annex to Ukraine in the first place, back to Russia.”

“Tim Hidori Johnson writes:

“Pretty ironic that Ukrainian nationalists hate Lenin and Stalin so much, when their "country" would be so much smaller without them.

And frankly, from a linguistic point of view, Ukrainian and Russian are mutually intelligible, and thus Ukrainian is really just a Russian dialect and really the same nation as Russia to begin with. “”


The Fourth Reich has made great strides at the State level and with Democrats help they will take down the federal government over the course of the next elections:

“The Epidemic of Book Bannings Must Be Read as a Warning”


“Brown University Faculty Reject Push for Koch-Funded Scholarship”

“"I did not come to Brown to study at an institution that promotes the presence of the Koch anti-science, anti-democratic ideology," wrote one student in a recent op-ed.”


“America’s Military-Industrial Complex Is Ruining the World”

“The Pentagon budget, now up to nearly $800 billion, is a monument to waste and profligacy. If we want to tackle the major crises of our times, like climate change and global inequality, we can’t afford to keep showering the military with money.”


“Teachers can only deduct up to $250 for school supplies on their taxes, but billionairess can write off the entire cost of a private jet.

This is what it looks like when laws are written by millionaires, funded by billionaires.

Unrig the system.

Elect a working class Congress.”

Reader Comment: “Thomas Thieme

Start with mandatory term limits. Then abolish healthcare and lifetime pensions for elected officials. Illegalize lobbying. Serving in government should be closer in principle to jury duty than a haven for bureaucrats who have no practical real life skills. In fact, holding a real job should be a prerequisite for holding office. This should be a position that should not be attractive to career politicians of any political persuasion.”


“"If COVID was Ebola would we just be living with it? In the largest Ebola outbreak 11,300 people died, which is happening every week in America alone. Would it be different if COVID caused more bleeding? Would people fear it then? Would it make a difference to the living? Because it makes no difference to the dead." Meanwhile, corporate media does the dirty work of corporations that just want everyone back to work.”

“When Did Avoiding The Plague Become Controversial?

You know, you still don’t want to get COVID”


“The Humane Society of the United States


EXPOSED: Virginia wildlife killing contest where 600 animals were slaughtered in just 2 days.

The heartbreaking callousness and carnage revealed by our recent undercover investigations into wildlife killing contests in Virginia make it clear that it’s time to ban this shameful pastime.

We won’t stand by as a small subset of people treat our country’s wild animals as nothing more than pawns in a game for cash and prizes. Will you? “

Join the fight to ban killing contests today:


“I will say this until I cannot physically say it anymore: The safest communities are the ones that have the most social resources – education, housing, and healthcare. Not the ones that are over-policed.”


“Indian Ocean Heatwaves Are On the Rise, And Are Altering Monsoon Rains Across India, Shows IITM Study”


Collateral Murder

"Julian Assange faces a 175 year sentence if extradited for revealing war crimes & human rights abuses including the #CollateralMurder gunning down of civilians, including children and 2 @Reuters journalists"


“Remember the US govt holocaust killed millions of Native Americans.”


“Did you know regular immersions in nature can help lower stress hormone levels, reduce depression, allow for better sleep and even foster creativity? Here's why enjoying the great outdoors is good for your physical and mental health.”

“Nature: The Prescription for Better Mental Health”


“Boris Jones writes:

“ It is becoming more and more evident that the U.S. story about a Russian false flag operation is a false flag operation. Given the long and unbroken history going back to World War II of the U.S. intelligence agencies lying to the American people in order to advance their own agendas (the WMDs in Iraq and Assad's gassing of his own citizens are but two of the more recent examples), we clearly are not "sharing the proof" only because there isn't any. The new liberal dogma: Trust government, intelligence agencies and mainstream media talking heads since you are not qualified to think on your own -- if you dissent from their conventional wisdom, then you must be a Russian puppet and a traitor. And to think that in the 1950's, '60's and 70's, it was the liberals who were warning us about intelligence agency mendacity and overreach. Only abusers demand that you continue to believe them even after they have been caught lying numerous times. It's called gaslighting. “”


“Democrats to Struggling Masses: You Haven’t Had it This Good Since Ronald Reagan!”


“‘Major’ Oil Spill Off California Coast Threatens Wetlands and Wildlife

A pipeline failure sent at least 126,000 gallons of oil into the Pacific off the coast of Orange County, creating a 13-square-mile slick. Dead fish and birds washed ashore in some areas.”


“Banned Book List”

A Wrinkle in Time

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

The Handmaid’s Tale

The catcher in the Rye

Of Mice and Men

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


The Kite Runner

To Kill a Mockingbird

The Giver

The Outsiders

Thirteen Reasons Why

Harry Potter series


The Hate U Give

The Grapes of Wrath

The Color Purple

The Lord of the Flies


Song of Solomon

The Call of the Wild

The Lord of the Rings

Bridge To Terabithia

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings


Humanity's last fatal mistake:

“Fossil Methane Venting into the Atmosphere - Not Predicted So Not in Climate Computer Models”

Jason Scherl:

“Its hard for me as a climatologist and reporter, and most atmospheric scientists, to stay calm and rational after seeing things like this. This was Not Predicted so it is NOT accounted for in climate models Wildcard for the climate Ive been telling scientists something they did not anticipate would get us so we would be unable to prepare for it Like that ozone Hole Which should be gone for 3 decades now..”


“Abnormal temperatures responsible for 2.6 million deaths in Asia every year, global study finds”

From July 2021

"BANGKOK: More than 5 million deaths, including about 2.6 million in Asia, can be attributed to abnormal hot and cold temperatures that are becoming more common due to climate change.

According to a first-of-its-kind study published in The Lancet Planetary Health earlier this month, 9.4 per cent of global deaths over the past two decades could be linked with extreme temperatures. The vast majority of them are due to cold weather, but climate change is already exacerbating the risks of dangerous heat."


Daniel Alexander Zeck:

“Are you expecting someone from the system to hold the system accountable for doing what the system was designed to do?

Are you siting back “trusting the plan,” and waiting for someone to subvert the entire system and save all of us?

The system was designed this way, and no one is coming to save us. We must act, and we must save ourselves. We must be free, now.

We MUST step away and create the new.”


Don’t be fooled:

“Arctic Sea Ice extent is the highest since 2009, now above 14 million square kilometers. On the other side of the pond, Antarctic Sea Ice at an all-time low.”

“This is deceptive since the sea ice is still thin. The likely driver is particulates in the stratosphere from so many firestorms/fire tornados since the pyro-cumulonimbus put large volumes of particulates into that level if the pyro-cb extends into the stratosphere (an anvil cloud shows the demarcation). There was also a volcano in the Northern Hemisphere last summer. Those particulates can take 9-12 months to come down.

That also is partially why the winter is fueling a strong polar vortex but one that is not contained in the polar jet stream. If it were, it could help flash freeze that sea ice more. The issue as the article notes is how much is left in the summer. We will see.

But, in case someone uses this as negation of climate change/warming- it’s not. The particulates are largely off firestorms.”


“Fire-Induced Storms: A New Danger from the Rise in Wildfires”


“Historic Drought in East Africa is Worst in 40 Years and is Caused by Global Warming”


“Say No to Balloons”


“Democracy is not about trust;

It is about distrust. It is about accountability, exposure, open debate, critical challenge, and popular input and feedback from the citizenry.

It is about responsible government. We have to get our fellow Americans to trust their leaders less and themselves more, trust their own questions and suspicions, and their own desire to know what is going on.” Michael Parenti


Ukraine now has Iraq's WMD's?!:

“Video: Journalist Hammers State Department Spokesman Over Russian Lies”

“I don't think we will ever have enough SHARES of this!

Alex Jones now works at the U.S State Department.

Ukraine now has Iraq's WMD's”

"In a testy exchange that’s garnered a great deal of attention, State Department spokesman Ned Price was confronted by reporter Matt Lee over Price’s repeated repetition of allegations of planned misdeeds on the part of Vladimir Putin’s Russia in possible preparation for an invasion of Ukraine but without providing any evidence to back up his dubious claims.".


Someday he to can be President of the United States!:

“A miracle dog who’s missing part of his brain is the “happiest pup in the world””


“Deglacial bottom water warming intensified Arctic methane seepage in the NW Barents Sea”

“Interesting study from 2021 re past glaciated periods on effect of ocean water on ocean bottoms leading to methane release.”


Our politicians MUST be held accountable:

“Openness and Transparency - Pillars for Democracy, Trust and Progress”


“Larsen B Embayment Breaks Up”

“Larsen B ice shelf is gone. 400 square kilometers now just Icebergs. Nothing is holding back the glacier now ... soon to start sliding into the sea.

(FYI, this is not the "doomsday" glacier, but one scientists have been waiting for this day for over a decade)”


“Scientists race to gather winter data on warming Great Lakes”


“Grapes of wrath is banned

Did you know John Steinbeck's depression-era classic 'The Grapes of Wrath' is among the 'Top 100 books banned' in America? I can see why:

Here's a short passage from Chapter 25:

"There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our successes. The fertle Earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And the children dying of (hunger) must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificates - died of malnutrition - because the food must rot (if not sold at a profit).

...and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage."”


Identity Politics:

“The White man will try to satisfy us with symbolic victories rather than economic equity and real justice” Malcom X

“Poet Maya Angelou becomes the first Black woman to appear on a US quarter”


“Why Catching COVID-19 to ‘Get It Over With’ Is a Terrible Idea”


“1 million species face extinction in the coming decades”

“Mass extinctions (when 75% of all species on Earth die out) are world-changing.

Right now, many scientists say, we’re experiencing the sixth mass extinction in Earth’s history.

Here's 5 key facts about the extinction crisis how we must confront it:”


Not only is Biden going back on his promise to forgive Student Debt but now he is even going back on any effort of any kind for the non-rich to get any education for free.

Democrats have written off the need for votes from the young. Probably because their plan is to run out the clock and deliver us to a deep plunge into hard FASCISM. Trump’s claims are bullshit but America most empathically does NOT have free and fair elections, and its record on Human Rights is getting worse by the hour:

“Jill Biden Confirms Free Community College is OFF THE TABLE”

Will the Trump then Biden “double whammy” finally be what breaks nonrich Americans’ tolerance of abject garbage or are DemGOPs’ lying, thieving, & social murdering ways just getting started?


“While millions of people are spellbound by false conspiracy theories, the real conspiracies that are wrecking our world go about their business unheeded. Here are five genuine threats that everyone should know about—and take action on.”

“The Five Real Conspiracies You Need to Know About”


A major win for privatizing America’s Educational System:

Tipping point: Could public education be a month away from collapse?


6 million killed over 20 years and now lying about Ukraine. The criminal enterprise of America’s Democratic$ & Republican$ parties$ must be dismantled to save the planet


“If Democrats believed in democracy they would not have rigged primaries against Sanders campaign & they would not have gone to court to have the Green Party kicked off the ballot in key swing states. Bath parties represent interest of U.S. capitalist oligarchs.”


When trump’s filth get thrown off scotus and the rest of the Judicary I’ll believe voting Dem for AG’s might make a difference, until then,..don’t tell me how to vote:

‘State AG races become litmus test for GOP election claims”


“Where mining is thriving”


“Plants are adversely affected by the racket of urban traffic”


“Winter Olympics: Western Reporters Compete for Gold in Fear-Mongering”


“The Los Angeles basin will bake in a 90F + heatwave this week.”

“Temps forecast to reach 90s as SoCal faces winter heat wave: NWS”


Sam Carana:


Ocean heat is at record levels. This heat is a threat for the Antarctic snow and ice cover. Antarctic sea ice extent was only 2.403 million km² on February 8, 2022, a record low for the time of year.

Ocean heat is reducing the sea ice around Antarctica and is getting underneath floating sea ice. The Thwaites Glacier, which is on a retrograde slope, is especially vulnerable to collapse. The Thwaites Glacier contains enough ice to raise global sea levels by 65 cm (25.59 inches) if it were to completely collapse.

Another danger of a rapid loss of the snow and ice cover on Antarctica is release of methane. Jemma Wadham warned about this in a 2012 study, as discussed at the post methane hydrates. More recently, Jemma Wadham said: “We are sleepwalking into a catastrophe for humanity.”

A recent study concludes that mountain glaciers may hold less ice than previously thought. Their disappearance means less water for drinking and agriculture, and faster temperature rises due to albedo loss. While the study found that the Himalayas contain more water than thought, another recent study, Mt. Everest’s highest glacier is a sentinel for accelerating ice loss, describes how human-induced climate change has a huge impact on the highest reaches of the planet.

The outlook for the Arctic is most threatening, as the post methane hydrates also concluded back in 2013, as described in numerous post here at Arctic-news and as discussed in a recent video by Jim Massa.

From the post 'Accelerating loss of global snow and ice cover', at:”


Killings of environmental defenders by country (very likely all attributable to Western interests$ like Koch, Blackrock, Fink, etc):


“Arctic Methane. Has 2020 triggered a tipping point?”


“Says a lot that America dips into the $750 billion defense budget to pull the National Guard in as substitute teachers instead of just paying teachers a living wage.

You’re spending public money to solve the problem either way but would rather keep wages down than help kids.” And it also gives inertia to eliminating public education in favor of christofascist private scams:


Putin: “They are trying to reassure Russia by saying that NATO is a peaceful and purely defensive organization. Iraqis, Libyans, Afghans,…and Belgrade…they all experienced the extent of this peaceful organization.”


From: Heather Cox Richardson.

"Today, more than 140 former Republican officials and leaders issued a statement saying that the RNC has “betrayed the GOP’s founding principles and ceded control of a once-great movement to grifters and extremists.” They condemned the description of “the January 6th insurrection” as legitimate political discourse,” calling that description “an affront to the rule of law, peaceful self-government, and the constitutional order.”


“93% of Russian men between the ages of 17-21 were killed during WWII.

Russians know what ware is and have no interest in it.

NATO and the U.S. war machine are the real threat to peace.”

And NATO and the U.S. war machine represent the Rich


“You have to start with the truth.

The truth is the only way that we can get anywhere. Because any decision-making that is based upon lies or ignorance can’t lead to a good conclusion.” Julian Assange


John Lieber: “Tornado alley is moving eastward”

“Tornado Alley” May Be Shifting to The Densely-Populated Southeast, Study Shows”


Did you want fries with that?:

“Insect ranchers pour $5 million into world’s first large-scale genetic breeding facility

Genetically engineered mealworms could provide fertilizer—and food—for millions”




“This is a really good idea to build resiliency in our communities.”

“This is America’s first urban “agrihood” in Detroit. It feeds 2,000 households for free from this 1280 acres garden and a fruit orchard with 200 trees. They also supply food to local markets, restaurants, and food pantries. It also has a sensory garden for kids.”


Sam Carana

“Mountain glaciers may hold less ice than previously thought – here’s what that means for 2 billion downstream water users and sea level rise”

“Ice velocity and thickness of the world’s glaciers” - by Romain Millan et al.

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