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11/2021 Biden spent thanksgiving at the home of private equity billionaire, with ties to privatizing

Updated: Jan 18

“Joe Biden is spending thanksgiving with his boss who is thanking him for cutting his taxes

Biden Will Spend Thanksgiving Week At Private Equity Billionaire’s Nantucket Home

Joe Biden is enjoying his Thanksgiving at a billionaire’s home in Nantucket. Regular America? Enjoy the expensive gas and groceries!”

whilst free trade has driven up the costs to the poor by 25%!!!!


“Biden Will Spend Thanksgiving Week At Private Equity Billionaire’s Nantucket Home”

Regal fritillary (Speyeria idalia)

Southcentral Wisconsin, USA

2020-07-18 _F2A2902aaap

Biden spent thanksgiving at the home of private equity billionaire, with ties to privatizing USPS, while bragging on Twitter about kicking unemployed Americans off aid - Dems can NOT be trusted & should NOT have been trusted:

“David Sirota @davdisirota

when you’re bragging about cutting people of expanded unemployment insurance from a private equity billionaire’s vacation home in Nantucket

President Biden @POTUS

Last year, there were 21 million unemployment insurance claims before the Thanksgiving holiday. Today, there were 2.4 million.

It’s historic progress. Let’s keep it going with…”


Democrats have never truly had ANY intention of block the privatization of the Peoples’ Postal Service


Biden’s shameless pandering to billionaires, in the form of selling out the nonrich, goes beyond party fundraising and illustrates his lack of character. He’s probably going off on some bizarre notion of his self worth being boosted vicariously by hanging out with Billionaire “friends”. The billionaires I’m sure are more than happy to play off it.


“Prof Zenkus


Dear Americans who are sleeping on sidewalks, under bridges, or barely paying rent and cannot afford a Thanksgiving dinner this year:

Rest easy. You president will be well fed in Nantucket this week and staying warm and snug in the mansion of a Republican billionaire.”


No need to panic. Biden buoys Financial Markets with assurances that he will in fact let American workers die instead of ordering a lock down in response to deadly Omicron variant of COVID:

“Biden: We won't fight Omicron with lockdowns

“Dow drops 900 points amid fears over new COVID-19 variant”


“The discovery of the variant has already prompted several European and Asian nations to suspend flights from southern Africa, as health authorities investigate how the variant may interact with current COVID-19 vaccines.”

“UK official warns COVID-19 variant is 'most significant' yet”


“Bernie Sanders Is Right: Biden’s Big Build Back Better Bill Is a Huge Gift to the Rich”

“Tax cuts for the rich are now the single biggest component in joe biden's infrastructure bill

The democrats big "Big Beautiful Tax Cuts" for wealthy parasites


Now, in order to win the votes of House Democratic moderates who represent high-earning districts mainly in New York and New Jersey, the Build Back Better bill takes the cap on deducting state and local taxes from $10,000 to $80,000, an eight-fold increase that would give millionaires and billionaires a big fat tax break that if enacted into law goes against everything progressives in the House and Bernie Sanders in the Senate have been fighting for in the battle for income equality and fair taxation.


Joe Biden is Disgusting and so is Hunter Biden:

“China Joe Biden's Corruption... The "Left" once home to progressive reforms prostituted its necessary economic reform movement by empowering Clinton/Obama/Biden shakedown artists...

Key Passage:

Some day, perhaps in another era, someone will look back when there no longer is a Left to cover up Biden nonfeasance, malfeasance, and misfeasance. Someday, the entire story will come out: Biden’s lifetime of manipulating White assembly-line Rust Belt union workers, playing them for dummies, and posing as a working-class stiff from Scranton who rides the trains. Give the guy his due: In one solitary area of life, Biden truly figured out and discovered the color of his parachute, the one and only area where he really does excel: making wealthy people of nuclear family mediocrities by empowering and enabling them to leverage his government roles to gain them insider access to millions. George Neumayr has written on it. So has Peter Schweizer. But there always is more because, for the Bidens — especially Hunter — it is never enough”

“Arrangement in Hunter Green

With Biden corruption, it always is back to China.”


And he promised McConnell he wouldn’t eliminate the racist filibuster. His first and only duty is to the greater good of the country:

“I’m going to lower prescription drugs by 60%, and that’s the truth.

But by the way, how are you going to do it, Joe?

Because these wealthy people are going to start paying their fair share.” Biden 11/20/20


“Katie Porter decimates Louis DeJoy’s leadership of USPS with a sharpie,

Democrat hailed for ‘whiteboarding’ Donald Trump’s appointment to postmaster amid decline in ‘on time’ deliveries”


“The moment you understand how your actions harm others and continue to do it anyway you cross the line from willful ignorance to calculated evil.”


“Think Everything’s Expensive Now? Get Ready for What’s Next”


“Climate crisis could bring the end of human civilization by 2050 ... and that's just the start”

“...or by the end of 2022...”


“The Dreaded Rainforest Shift”


Washington gave $4.9 billion to an unpatriotic corporation. Clinton’s repeal of Glass-Steagul facilitated Goldman Sachs’ financing of China’s automotive industry. Democrats are guilty of economic treason

“Tesla to invest $188 mln to expand Shanghai factory capacity -Beijing Daily”


“Ban Private Equity”

“The relationship between private equity firms and workers is zero sum: when they thrive, working-class communities suffer.”


China pledges billions of doses of COVID vaccine to Africa. Not USA.

“China's Xi pledges another 1 bln COVID-19 vaccine doses for Africa”


COVID Omicron: we did it to ourselves. Greed & Politics allowed COVID to flourish in Africa. Flourish = Mutations Up

I’ll say it again, naturally occurring viruses do not mutate into additional deadly forms


The Southern Poverty Law Center:

Today’s Democratic “pro filibuster” and Republican parties are organized hate groups if only by discrimination and persecution of people because of their relatively poor economic standing,

And the body count is growing. So what gives?! How come McConnell and Pelosi and the rest are getting away with it? Social murder is a product of their economic discrimination.

Both parties are deadly organized hate groups.

“Opinion: The Southern Poverty Law Center has lost all credibility”


“Catastrophe Capitalism in America”

Bring on the climate disaster

**Wars and chattel slavery are obvious, and easy to find examples of deaths under U.S. capitalism. However, there are far more subversive means of keeping capitalism afloat in exchange for blood. There are deaths due to extreme poverty, causing at least 20,000,000 lives traded at the altar of global capital every year. There are deaths due to lack of healthcare, totaling about 68,000+ per year in the pre-COVID era. In the COVID-era, deaths due to America’s collective lack of healthcare and directly attributable to COVID-19 in the first year alone totaled 339,934 people. FDR’s Social Security Act of 1935 originally had universal healthcare. It was dropped in order to pass the remaining aspects of the bill. Figuring 68,000 deaths per year since 1935, American capitalism has caused an additional 5,848,000 deaths. That’s nearly six million deaths from lack of healthcare in 86 years, excluding COVID-19 data and other pandemics. **

# **So, from ‘just’ wars and conflicts, American and American-influenced capitalism has killed at least 19,366,900 people. Once we include the genocide of the Indigenous tribes and First Nations and the Africans that died as slaves in the area that is now the United States of America, the death toll is now at least 169,619,900 people and counting. Every COVID-19 death in America is a death due to American capitalism. Every death in America due to starvation, homelessness, or other poverty, is a death due to American capitalism. This is because we hide food, medicine, and housing behind green paper and choose not to provide enough green paper so everyone can live freely.


**Furthermore, America is only “the greatest country in the world” for the flow of transnational capital and right-wing politics. By definition, anything supporting any form of capitalism is right-wing in the political sphere. America is so far right that most Americans are conned into thinking their taxes and/or welfare programs are “socialism” and that liberals are the left. **


So much for US fighting FOR democracy!

“Venezuela’s socialists win elections in landslide – so US tries to discredit them”


The Duke of Cambridge is dumbass.

AMERICA CONTINUES TO MAKES PERHAPS THE SINGLE GREATEST CONTRIBUTION TO THE 6TH MASS EXTINCTION. It does so in many ways, not least of which is by being a tax have for the rest of the world, including developing world.

By allowing every tinpot dictator to avoid taxes in the country by buying “lights out” multi million dollar condos and other financial laundry vehicles, America robs the underlying countries people being cheated of the revenue to fuel social support, education, job training, medical care, etc. etc. etc. And when people are alienated from their countries bounty to the point of their own severe poverty they turn to alternative ways to eat and provide a roof over their families head. Enter black market trade in wildlife and poaching.

“The Duke of Cambridge has made fresh comments this week regarding the ‘pressure’ put on Africa’s wildlife by human populations.

In a speech at the Tusk Conservation Awards on Monday he stated that, “the increasing pressure on Africa’s wildlife and wild spaces as a result of human population presents a huge challenge for conservationists, as it does the world over".

This is the second occasion the Duke has raised the issue of rising African population rates, having made a similar speech at the Tusk Trust Ball in 2017.

The first comments were made while the Duchess of Cambridge was expecting their third child, leading to accusations of hypocrisy, as the couple now have more children than needed to replace themselves.

So why is Prince William so focused on growth in Africa, and is it fair for a Royal from Europe’s second most densely populated country to point the finger?”

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