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01/2022 The oceans will die just as surely as insect pollinators

Updated: Jan 18

“I assumed we could trust the government and each other during the pandemic. I was wrong.”


Ban abortion because,…? the kiddies are so damn much fun to kill after they’re born?:

“COVID hospitalizations soar for kids under five”


“Manchin’s Coal Corruption Is So Much Worse Than You Knew”

Regal fritillary (Speyeria idalia)

Southcentral Wisconsin, USA

2020-07-18 _F2A2669nOther aaa

“Non-Rich Folks Are Pointing Out Things The Wealthy Don't Understand About Poverty, And It's Eye-Opening”


Everybody wants to be in the new permanent American ruling class.

BBB Take 2: when DemGOPs fail to advance voting rights with a filibuster carve out, they’ll realize it’s too late to advance voting rights by adding Judges to SCOTUS,...Democrats are part of the problem (eg DeJoy and not doing what it takes to get him & private equity out of the USPS)

“Manchin and Sinema could scuttle another major Democrat effort, this time on the filibuster and elections”


The oceans will die just as surely as insect pollinators:

“Hottest ocean temperatures in history recorded last year”


Catastrophe capitalism - Glad the dying planet could be of service:

“Fed's Powell: Climate stress tests to be 'key tool'”


“Lufthansa Group Admits To Flying 18,000 Empty Planes To Keep Airport Slots

The European Union requires airlines to maintain flight slots or face losing them.”


America acting as a tax haven puts pressure on citizens who’s rich don’t pay their fair share of taxes to turn to black market activities like wildlife trade. Want to prevent pandemics? Change the disclosure laws to ban untaxed acapital being brought into America and it will combat extinction and pandemics.

"Most of the pandemics that have occurred in recent years resulted from wildlife trade or factory farming. If we want to prevent pandemics from occurring in the future we must ban both. If we fail to do so we will be responsible for countless animal and human deaths that could have been prevented." - Garth Newman

"Coronavirus? What about AIDS, SARS, Swine Flu, Ebola and all of the rest? They all came from wildlife or animals on industrial farms. We have to ban wildlife trade and factory farming. Otherwise such outbreaks will occur again in the future." - Nancy McClusky

“Ban Wildlife Trade and Factory Farming to Prevent Pandemics”


Government assisted Mass Extinction:

“Hunters kill 20 Yellowstone wolves that roamed out of park”


“One Answer to America’s Recycling Problems—Make Big Brands Pay

Consumer-product makers are under pressure to pitch in as customers and lawmakers pay more attention to plastic waste”


Paper and Pen domestic terrorist Neil Gorsuch - koch's $10 million sycophant:

“Supreme Court issues revised transcript of Gorsuch remark about flu deaths”


Preserving something that is part of a dying whole is Democrats’ NONSENSE:

“Did you know that only 7% of the oceans are protected but 100% of oceans are dying. Did you know that about 12% of the land in the USA is protected but the whole planet is suffering? Greenpeace USA is working to save 30% of the ocean by 2030 - and we can't do it alone. When you donate, you support all our work to protect, rebuild, and fight for your future.”


“Democrats and Republicans have failed the American people and should should be barred from any further elections”

2013 Global Pay Ratio – CEO vs average worker

Country Ratio of pay

of Employment CEO v avg worker





U.K…………………… 22.1

Mexico 47:1

U.S. 475:1 [now it's over 1,000 : 1.]


"I was born here, I got married here and I gave birth to all my children here. My three sons, their wives and children all live here now.” Palestinian family live in fear as they await forced expulsion at any moment from their home in Sheikh Jarrah.

“Sheikh Jarrah: Palestinian family faces forced displacement

Salem family lives in fear as they await forced expulsion at any moment from the home they have lived in since 1951.”


“The Democrats look to save democracy but cannot pass a wildly popular, presidential agenda because *checks notes* the Democrats are blocking it.”

Prof Zenkus:

“Jan 6th ceremonies were one long fundraising commercial for the failing Democratic Party. It’s all they have and they know it.”


“‘Drastic’ rise in high Arctic lightning has scientists worried

The region’s air typically doesn’t suit strikes – so they have become an important climate crisis indicator”


Alessandro Stefani:

“Antarctica Record

For the second day in a row, Base Belgran II broke its record temperature with 10.5°C (6/1) and 11.4°C (today, 7/1). The previous mark was 10.1°C on 21/1/1999. Belgrano II is our most Australian station on the white continent

Record of Antarctica

For the second consecutive day, Base Belgrano II, has broken the historic temperature record with 10.5°C (on 1/6) and 11.4°C (today, 7/1). The previous sign was 10.1°C on 01/21/1999. Belgrano II is our southernmost station of the white continent

Smn Argentina

On 7 January the highest temperature on records (1980-today) was set in the Argentine Antarctic Base of Belgrano II (77,5S) with +11.4C. It's the first station with a POR of over 40 years to set an all time record in 2022. The minimum temperature of +0.9C was also its highest.”


“American’s Don’t Want Socialism!

…says mitch mcconnell, the senator from Kentucky: A state with 521,000 people on food stamps, 163,000 on SSI disability and 1.4 million on Medicaid. Every year, Kentucky gets $37 billion more from the federal government than it pays in taxes. Kentucky is the ultimate “socialist” state!”


“Which milk is best for the planet? Emissions? Land use? Water use?: Diary, Rice, Soy, Oat, Almond”


“Biden is keeping Trump’s America First policies alive”

“Biden plans to continue many of Trump’s foreign policies – at least for now”

“Biden is carrying on Trump’s political legacy”


Small Government”? In terms of cash outlays? Number of employees? Social Services?, etc.:

“The Myth of the Fiscal Conservative”

“Austerity measures don't actually save money. But they do disempower workers. Which is why governments pursue them in the first place.”


“We are no longer observers of the distressed futures that afflict other people. We are those people now.”

“It’s January 6 and the Warning Lights Are Flashing Red”


Jan 6 was indicative of one approach to killing Democracy, but not the only way to do it:

“Democracy was under attack when we voted for a Bernie Sanders presidency & the corporate Dems, Hillary, Obama & the DNC made damn sure we didn’t get Bernie.”


“Biden is a two faced vegetable hypocrite! Biden and the Democrats’ inaction on voter suppression laws, a weaponized SCOTUS, M4A, environmental racism, the filibuster, are a threat to our Democracy

“President Joe Biden warned about the looming threat of autocracy during his speech marking the first anniversary of the January 6 Capitol attack on Thursday.

Historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat says Trump has grown his “personality cult” since his election loss and converted the GOP into a violent authoritarian party.””

“Biden Warns of “Dagger at the Throat of America”; Fascism Expert Says Trump’s Personality Cult Growing”


"As the crisis gets worse, the calls to tech our way out of the mess will grow ever more fervent. Already, this is the preferred solution of the billionaire class, who see no reason to halt the megamachine that is ultimately causing the extermination event we are witnessing."

“The Biggest Threat in 'Don't Look Up' Are the Capitalists on Earth

We don't need piecemeal change; we need a systematic transformation of our societies. What that looks like and how fast we get there should be up to us, not profiteering billionaires who have a Plan B to terraform a distant planet on the backburner.”


“The climate crisis reveals that our civilization has never really been organized around science, contrary to the usual Enlightenment narrative. It is organized around capital. Science is embraced when it serves the interest of capital, and is often ignored when it does not.”


“Stop the Use of Wildlife-killing 'Cyanide Bombs'”


Whittling down Washington’s involvement in solving problems is divide & conquer with a dash of small federal government to boot:


Conservatives are a plague on the Planet and mankind:

“How India's sequencing mess and slow response led to the global spread of a deadly coronavirus variant.”

“How Errors, Inaction Sent a Deadly Covid Variant Around the World

India was slow to identify and publicize the emergence of delta”


Buffett is a Democrat:

“Class warfare is Warren Buffett becoming $41 billion richer during the pandemic while a manufacturing plant his company owns in West Virginia is trying to cut the real wages of 450 striking factory workers and quadrupling their healthcare premiums. Let’s stand with the workers.”


“The last 7 years have been the warmest on record as planet approaches critical threshold”


“‘It Could Be the Last One’: Stories of People Helping Rare Critters”


“How a Company Called BlackRock Shapes Your News, Your Life, Our Future”

“Lou Grant’s death (okay, Ed Asner’s) left me nostalgic for those Chuckles the Clown days when newsrooms buzzed with idiosyncratic idealism. Five giant corporations now control most of what we see and read. The smallest number of media companies are now reaching the largest number of people in U.S. history, and the strongest critical analysis I can find is not in mainstream media, but in the student newspaper at Vassar. Which gives you some idea of the pickle we are in.”


“The Lord God Bird and Dozens of Other Species Declared Extinct in 2021”


The Jan 6 coup attempt was wrong; World War III would be wrong; what’s needed is innumerable nonviolent civil uprising to purge the conservative filth acting against mankind from positions of power in USA, England, Canada, Australia, Brazil, India, France, and elsewhere and return what’s left of the future to the nonrich


“Hi, may name’s Dr. David Kelly

I was an expert on biological warfare employed by the British Ministry of Defence and a United Nations Weapons Inspector in Iraq. I exposed the fact that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction in July 2003 and was called to appear before the parliamentary foreign affairs committee which was investigating the issue.

Two days later, I was murdered by the secret service and found dead in a field about a mile away from my home.”


Frances version of Democrats are also failing the people

“Ahead of April’s presidential election, France’s left is badly divided. But calls for unity behind a milquetoast centrist threaten only to deepen the Left’s split with its historic working-class base.”

“France’s Left Has Lost Touch With the Working Class”


“The Need To Grow”

“Our global food system is broken. In fact, the UN estimates we have fewer than 60 years of farmable soil left on Earth.⠀

And many of us are concerned that governments, pesticide manufacturers and “Big Ag” want to control what we eat. However, there ARE solutions.⠀

And our movie “The Need to GROW” documents disruptive (and hopeful!) new technology that threatens to shift the balance of power AWAY from the global food companies…And into the hands of the people.”


Thru Trump Democrats have inflicted severe damage on the nation, and all must be held accountable:

“#BernieWouldHaveWon II (Full Film)”


“10 Ways to Manipulate a Narcissist | (Keeping the Peace with a Narcissist)”


“Part of restoring our democracy is getting corporations out of it.”


“Himalayan Glaciers Are Melting at Furious Rate, New Study Shows”

“An analysis of almost 15,000 ice sheets in the Himalayan region shows they are shrinking 10 times faster now than in previous centuries.”


Morrison should be jailed:

“While victims of the bushfires are still living in tents, garages & makeshit shelters…

[Morrison] gives $10 million from the Bushfire Recovery Fund to a paper mill owned by one of Australia's richest men.”


When McConnell, Graham and Collins got re-elected via clear and obvious election fraud, Democrats did nothing

When monopolies, oligarchies, and their rich grew ever more wealthy and powerful over our government - assisted by Citizens United - Democrats did nothing. In fact they even help build their wealth with tax breaks

When Trump and Koch’s Leonard Leo stacked the US Supreme Court with republican activists, Democrats did nothing

As Private Equity continues its push to privatize the US Postal Service under DeJoy, Democrat Biden spent Thanksgiving dinner with a leader in the private equity industry.

When Bernie Sanders’ bid to take the White House was sweeping the Nation, Democrats did whatever it took, including committing fraud in the primary, to thwart the will of the people

And now Biden tells us that Republicans are holding a “dagger” to the throat of Democracy.

The rich want the same thing out of either party and either party is working to get it for them at our and the planet’s expense.


Corporations financing insurrectionists should have their company’s stock delisted from all stock exchanges:

“Corporations Ceasing/Resuming Funding to Sedition Caucus, Source, Contact Info”


“Proof that corporations are making US government policy”

“US Vice President Kamala Harris is working closely with top corporate executives from Wall Street and Silicon Valley to create government policy -- and she's not even trying to hide it.”


“Is Biden Risking War by Pushing Taiwan Independence? - Larry Wilkerson”

“Lawmakers of both parties slam Texas GOP candidate who called for ban on Chinese students

Shelley Luther, who’s running to represent state House District 62, tweeted that Chinese students should be banned from “attending all Texas universities.””


True or False: Raising interest rates will compensate the rich holding Treasury bills, bonds, and notes but will do little to end it since its root cause is not govt monetary policy.

“U.S. Inflation Hits 39-Year High of 7%, Sets Stage for Fed Hike”


“Cryptocurrencies are funding human trafficking, a new government report warns

A new federal report is calling for more data and more transparency around the use of virtual currencies like cryptocurrency.”


I’m having trouble buying Biden’s rosy job and employment numbers.

Firstly, what about the pandemic? The nation’s economy essentially came to a complete standstill and now people are being forced back to work during a deadly pandemic.

Then there are the quitters. How is this being reflected in labor stats? If I’m not mistaken quitters don’t qualify for unemployment assistance because they are not considered unemployed.

For that matter neither are people counted as unemployed when they are unemployed for over 6 months.

And how about privatizations? Privatizations move employment over from govt to private for profit. Is Biden boosting his job and employment performance with the 100’s of thousands of workers from his having privatized the Postal Service?! Privatizations increase the basic cost of living.

Finally, how many of Biden’s fluffy labor numbers are a consequence of the fossil fuel industry or otherwise coming from digging our own grave. I suppose next he’ll take credit for wage improvements striking workers fought for with no help from his Obama’esque white sneakers


“The War on Terror Has Been Very Successful at Creating New Terrorists”


Eric Prince?:

“Who Won in Afghanistan? Private Contractors

The U.S. military spent $14 trillion during two decades of war; those who benefited range from major manufacturers to entrepreneurs”

“Why did the United States attack the people of Afghanistan & occupy their country for twenty years; leaving it in ruins & facing mass starvation?”


America’s White Supremacists Structure:

“The idea that the concept of white supremacy is limited to white nationalism is, in fact, a way in which the true system of white supremacy seeks to disguise itself. A person can passively perpetuate white supremacy without being a white supremacist, which, when used as a noun, generally refers to a person who actively promotes the superiority of white people.

"This graphic, adapted/expanded by Ellen Tuzzolo from an original graphic published by the Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence, offers a great encapsulation of how the fullness of white supremacy hides behind its most obvious or glaring manifestations.

"... It’s important to note that not all white people benefit equally from white supremacy—because the ultimate aim of white supremacy is not to benefit all white people, but rather to keep power and resources consolidated (and accumulating) among white elites: wealthy, male, able-bodied white people who have a longstanding monopoly on power and resources. Nat Chioke Williams has written powerfully about this truth.

"This reality means that white supremacy negatively affects the vast majority of white people—albeit to far lesser degrees than its effects on People of Color—because the vast majority of white people are not exceedingly wealthy, able-bodied men. It also means that patriarchy, classism, and ableism are tangled up in mutually reinforcing ways with white supremacy.

"So know your radical vocabulary and use white supremacy accurately. It’s not active hatred of people who are not white or active belief that white people should rule over everyone else. It’s not limited to the most overtly racist fringe elements of society. It’s not a slur or an insult. It’s not a historical artifact. Rather, it’s the water most white people swim through without realizing they are wet. It’s a basic fact of U.S. culture and everyday life and a foundational truth of this country.”

Quote above from Alex Kapitan on White Supremacy which is the first link below.

• Alex Kapitan on White Supremacy

• Lori Lakin Hutcherson on White Privilege

• Shae Collins on Why ‘I have black friends’ is a terrible excuse for your racism here:

• Robin DiAngelo on “Why I’m not racist” is only half the story

• Robin DiAngelo on Confronting White Fragility

Many thanks Sarah Maiani & Vivian Llodra”


Washington is attacking a generation of little kids with COVID in no small part through their schools:

“The Hardest Days: When Schools Ignore Tragedy”

“If the government cared so much about kids and school they would adequately fund education. They want kids in school because otherwise parents aren’t at work and that’s that.”

“A Brief History of Killing Children”

“Romeu Peitinho

“Remnants of shame and guilt still clung somehow. After that came 20 years of indifference and complacence. Soldiers and pilots have killed 2,171 children and teenagers, and not one of these cases shocked anyone here, or sparked a real investigation or led to a trial. More than 2,000 children in 20 years—100 children, three classrooms a year. And all of them, down to the last, were found guilty of their own death.””


“Accelerating global warming and amplifying feedbacks: The imperative of CO2 drawdown

- by Andrew Glikson

Satellite measurements indicate that 2021 was one of the warmest years on record, with the past seven years being the hottest period recorded globally. Attempts at global emission reductions, lowered in part due to COVID-19 economic slow-down, appear to have little effect on atmospheric CO₂ rise.

Because of the longevity of CO₂ and other greenhouses gases in the atmosphere, a decrease in carbon emissions, while essential, is not sufficient to reduce CO₂ levels in the atmosphere in time.

Global emission reductions, decreased in part due to COVID-19 economic slow-down, have little effect on the atmospheric CO₂ level, as indicated by the current trend of atmospheric carbon dioxide, at record high levels despite reduced emissions in 2020. This suggests to a significant extent the current rise in atmospheric CO₂ arises from amplifying feedbacks from land and ocean.

From the post 'Accelerating global warming and amplifying feedbacks: The imperative of CO₂ drawdown' - by Andrew Glikson, at:”


“Socialize Finance”



"Thus far, Biden administration actions raise sobering questions about its commitment to ending the so-called "War on Terror." Measures of concern… include the Justice Department's willingness to side-step critical legal questions on habeas rights for the men held at Guantánamo and to block certain testimony related to CIA torture, and Biden's apparent intent to continue using lethal force outside recognized war zones with drone strikes and special forces raids euphemistically rebranded as "over the horizon" operations.

"The authors highlight that "abroad, the U.S. has continued abusive practices against terrorism suspects including transferring them to countries that torture, and, in at least some cases, unlawfully detaining them at U.S.-run sites abroad or at sea."

"Although such U.S. detention-related counterterrorism violations have dramatically decreased, Washington has replaced capture with kill, conducting airstrikes—often with armed drones that have killed thousands of civilians, including outside recognized battlefields," they note. "Its counterterrorism campaign has spread to 85 countries with scant transparency or oversight."

Gitmo Stats:


“Putin: US Presidents Are Not Very Powerful, Bureaucracy Prevents Real Changes In Washington Politics”

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