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12/2022 Ukraine and how the military-industrial-complex has become the enemy from within

Updated: Jan 18

Regal fritillary (Speyeria idalia)

Southcentral Wisconsin, USA

2021-07-16 _F2A2125aaa

Sam Carana:

“From the 2022 #ArcticReportCard, here is one highlight.

Snow-cover duration continued a longer-term pattern in 2021–22, of significantly faster springtime snowmelt. This is true even as total winter snow accumulation hasn’t changed over the modern period of observations.

Meanwhile, in June, North American snow cover extent has fallen below the long-term average every single year since 2008. Over the same period, Eurasian June snow cover extent has fallen below the long-term average every year except 2017.

Why is this important? How long into the warm season the ground remains snow-covered has a large influence on streamflows and surface water, soil moisture and plant growth, and surface heating and permafrost thaw. A lack of spring snow cover may also negatively affect animals that change their coats or plumage with the seasons, leaving them repeatedly “mismatched” to their environment and increasing their vulnerability to predators.”


“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Henry Ford


“In the 1920’s and 1930’s, los angeles, salt lake city, Baltimore, st louis, philadephia, Oakland, boston, detriot, seattle, and other cites had sprawling electric streetcar rail lines.

Until GM, Standard Oil, Philips Petroleum, and Firestone bought up a controlling interest in National City Lines, which owned the railways, and shut them down. This would force people to buy cars instead of ride GM-Manufactured busses, fueled with Standard Oil and Phillips Petroleum, that had firestone tires.”


Clarence Thomas “Mr Monsanto” needs to go!:

“State goes 100% organic. Wildlife returns, crop yields improve, tourists flock.”

“Indian State Bans All Pesticides. Wildlife, Crop Yields and Tourism Flourish.”


“Elon Musk is now explicitly encouraging his 120 million followers to start following QAnon,” a behavioral scientist, tweeted. “Put differently, Elon Musk is encouraging 120 million followers to join a domestic terrorism movement.””

“Elon Musk Is Now Promoting QAnon

Since 2018, the saying “follow the white rabbit” has become synonymous with QAnon. Musk has tweeted a version of that.”


“"The sheep are shocked and gashed during shearing. The wool is rendered into textile by a long, pollution-intensive process of scouring, carding, grading and weaving. The garments carry slogans like ‘sustainable.’ But scientists tell a different story."”

“How “Sustainable” Wool Wipes Out Wildlife and Pumps Out Emissions”


“The country is in deep trouble.

We’ve forgotten that a rich life consists fundamentally of serving others, trying to leave the world a little better than you found it.

We need the courage to question the powers to be, the courage to be impatient with evil and patient with people, the courage to fight for social justice.

In many instances we will be stepping out on nothing, and just hoping to land on something. But that’s the struggle.

To live is to wrestle with despair, yet never allow despair to have the last word.” Cornel West


“An insider blows the whistle on how the Fed has allowed crypto to invade Federally-Insured Banks.”


“Demand Congress fund the National Labor Relations Board, so the Board can investigate and enforce the laws that protect worker organizing.”


“The Chris Hedges Report Podcast with Dennis Kucinich on the folly of the proxy war in Ukraine and how the military-industrial-complex has become the enemy from within.”


“Part of the Arctic, already warming much faster than the rest of the world, is warming even faster than scientists thought. Meanwhile, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge & Western Arctic face drilling threats that would lead to massive climate pollution.

The need for the Biden administration to take strong executive action on climate to help our most threatened places, including the Arctic, is more urgent than ever.”

“Arctic warming is even worse than we thought, climate scientists say”

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