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5/2023 Biden is outpacing Trump in drilling permits on public lands.

Updated: Jan 18

Regal Fritillary (Speyeria idalia)

Southcentral Wisconsin, USA

2022-07-16 _F2A3491aaa

“Billionaires are the grotesque products of an exploitative, immoral economic system. We should get rid of them.”

“Abolish the Billionaire Class”


“Hoarders” tv show but it’s a host interrogating rich people about why they hoard wealth that could be used to eliminate suffering”


“Insects are not optional.

It’s not okay if they disappear.

Insects are the primary drivers of our ecosystms.

If they go, we go.”

Dr. Doug Tallamy


“Who Can Save the Amazon?

Brazil’s President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, promises to keep miners and loggers from destroying the rain forest. On the ground, the fight is complicated.”


“Ice sheets can collapse into the ocean in spurts of up to 600 metres (2,000 feet) a day, a study has found, far faster than recorded before.

Scientists said the finding, based on sea floor sediment formations from the last ice age, was a “warning from the past” for today’s world in which the climate crisis is eroding ice sheets.”

“Ice sheets can collapse at 600 metres a day, far faster than feared, study finds”


“Let it be known to the World

The US Government No Longer Represents the Will of the American People”

“Xi Jinping:

President of China

"The international community has recognized that no country is superior to others, no model of governance is universal, and no single country should dictate the international order. The common interest of all humankind is in a world that is united and peaceful, rather than divided and volatile."”


“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day”

Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States


“The final stage of capitalism, characterized by the transfer of wealth from oppressed nations to oppressor nations, monopolies’ decisive role in economic life, the emergence of finance capital (the merger of industrial with banking capital), the formation of international monopolist capitalist associations, and the territorial division of the world by capitalist powers.”

Imperialism enriches the oppressor country whose ruling class, the bourgeoisie, utilize various instruments including international free trade organizations, financial institutions, the state apparatus, and fascist forces to expropriate wealth generated by working class in the exploited semi-colonies (neocolonies) in the Global South (The Third World)

“This is the real reason why the US wants to ban TikTok.

A thread of videos that young people are watching and sharing by the millions:”

[that and American big tech wants the market represented by TikTok]


This means Human Extinction. It is a stunning success of Washington that no one is freaking out right now:

“The 1.5C target certainly will be exceeded, and the world will almost certainly blow through the 2C ceiling.”


“Biden is outpacing Trump in drilling permits on public lands. He's not keeping his promise to end new oil and gas drilling.”

“Ban Fracking on Public Lands!

We need President Biden to keep his campaign promise to take bold, immediate action by permanently banning fracking and stopping new fossil fuel extraction on public lands. The inherent dangers of fracking mean that no set of regulations can ever make it safe for communities or the environment. And every day, climate news makes it clear we must move off fossil fuels entirely.

Tell President Biden we're running out of time — ban fracking on public lands now!”


Maureen Haley:

“Hemp Hemp Hemp!

30% of birds in the United States have vanished since 1970. Habitat loss has been the main cause of bird declines. More People, Fewer Birds...”


“Tell Biden that we can't afford higher energy bills—we need to say no to LNG export expansion!

Demand Biden say not to LNG export expansion”

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