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5/2023 Washington's Genocide: “Why Disrupt the Public as we face the Final Death Project”?

Updated: Jan 11

Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2022-06-17 _F2A7131aaa

Technically there not even a remotely precise precedence in our planet’s history for what mankind has done to Biosphere

No more warnings – time to pay the price.

As El Nino arrives FOUR different indicators are in a bad starting position.

♦ Sea Surface temperatures are at a record high, have been so since early March, and are not yet dropping as past years have done.

♦ All 3 persistent greenhouse gases are at record high concentrations, trapping more heat into Earth's system

♦ We are entering this summer with the 2nd lowest Arctic Sea Ice Volume on record. (We also know the waters beneath the ice are warmer than in past years.

♦ Solar radiance cycle is on its pattern of increase and will increase into 2026.

Anyone still listening to FAUX News or climate denying politicians is unlikely to be prepared for what is ahead as the predicted El Nino arrives and takes hold. People expect the future will be a variation of the past, that is based on natural balances in Earth's systems. LOOK at Ft. Lauderdale flooding.

The intensity of heat waves, droughts, storms floods, etc will only increase as our society persists in attempting to grow (population, energy use, materials processing, crop production.) Believing this can happen is to be believing a fairy tale. Food will not grow as needed, people in tropical climates will need to flee their homes, conflict will grow.

Good leaders can and would moderate the conflict, but tough times are ahead. Learn enough about the climate trends to consider where to live (if you even have the resources to move.) Consider flooding and storm issues in the actual home or rental choice.


• “Daily Sea Surface Temperature “

• “Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide”

• “Artic Sea Ice Volume” 12-Apr-2023


• “Climate”

• “Climate Change & Food Security “

For many millennials there is one more choice, and it is significant:

• “Climate ‘apocalypse’ fears stopping people having children – study”


“Rudy Sovinee \ Climate Alert April 16 at 2:46 AM

“Our group is well aware of the situation. I've tried to make a single post that highlights several of the key ways we are entering a cycle that will amplify the consequences to human society and the biosphere of our planet.”


Reader Comment:

“Rudy Sovinee

How unusual is the amount of anomaly shown here? This post from Sam Carana:


This year, the sea surface temperature between 60°South and 60°North has remained above 21°C for 27 days. Temperatures above 21°C haven't occurred before on any day in earlier years in the NOAA record that started in 1981.

The image shows a difference between 2022 (orange line) and 2023 (black line) of as much as 0.3°C and this is partly due to the fact that we're moving into an El Niño.

Vast amounts of ocean heat are moving toward the Arctic this year. With further melting of sea ice and thawing of permafrost, the Arctic Ocean can be expected to receive more and more heat over the next few years, i.e. more heat from direct sunlight, more heat from rivers, more heat from heatwaves and more ocean heat from the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

Last year, North Atlantic sea surface temperatures reached a record high of 24.9°C in early September. Rising temperatures threaten to trigger massive loss of sea ice (and loss of albedo) and eruptions of methane from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean.

A huge temperature rise thus threatens to unfold over the next few years. Altogether, the rise from pre-industrial could be more than 18.44°C by 2026. Meanwhile, humans are likely to go extinct with a rise of 3°C and most life on Earth will disappear with a 5°C rise."

From the post 'Temperatures rising fast March 2023', at:”

“Monthly Northern Hemisphere Land Temperature Anomaly

Temperatures have been rising fast in March 2023. The image below shows the Monthly Northern Hemisphere Land Temperature Anomaly up to March 2023, with two trends added.

The blue trend, based on Jan.1850-Mar.2023 NOAA data, points at a 3°C rise in 2032. The magenta trend, based on Oct.2010-Mar.2023 NOAA data, better reflects variables such as El Niño and sunspots, and illustrates how they could trigger a rise of more than 5°C in 2026. Anomalies are versus 1901-2000 (not versus pre-industrial).”


“The god of the old testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, blood thirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” Richard Dawkins


“The oil industry built a Black enclave in Texas. A century later, residents face a climate, housing and health crisis.”

“The Neglect Is Intentional”: Inside a Black Enclave in TX Devastated by Big Oil “


Paul Cogan:

“A billionaire complaining about paying an extra $1 million in taxes is equivalent to someone worth $100,000 complaining about paying $100. Think about that. The scale of wealth among the 1% is so vast, it’s ridiculous that raising their taxes is somehow considered controversial.”


So called international organizations such as World Bank, UN, WTO, IMF, WHO, ICC etc etc etc are tools of US imperialist and it’s western vassals.

Btw where are the arrest warrants by ICC for war criminals like the Clintons, Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden, Colin Powel, Condoleezza Rice, Chaney, Rumsfeld, Albright (dead), Blinken, Victoria Nuland, and dozens of others?

Richard Wolff:

“World Bank scandal exposed. Corporations and the rich, in and out of gov't positions they buy, run a racket with politicians. The masses choose between GOP and Dems: which party they prefer to run the same racket.”

“World Bank staff were told to give special treatment to son of Trump official

Exclusive: Leaked recording raises concerns over governance at development bank, at which David Malpass is now president”


“Peter Carter April 14 at 11:56 PM


U.S. north-west cold. U.S. north-east hot

This has been happening for a new years.

The US has been hit by major extraordinary extreme weather events all year of 2023. Economic cost so far is huge.

“Summerlike heat wave shatters dozens of records across the US before cold front charges east

Highs will once again rise to record levels Friday with a potent cold front quickly advancing east across the Central U.S. throughout the weekend. “


“The real tragedy of climate science is that we tried to warn you far ahead of time, and we continue to trying to warn you of what is still yet to come, but no one listens until the disaster is upon us.” Peter Kalmus, @ClimateHuman

“Shura Hana \ Scientists Warning, February 21, 2022

The Tragedy of Unheeded Scientists' Warnings

The ongoing systematic failure to heed the scientific warnings to humanity is the result of a very purposeful, well-funded, and well-organized denial/disinformation campaign

Underlined Embedded link: “Debunked: The Climate Denier Campaign

…and an ongoing crime against humanity.

Underlined Embedded link: “IPCC report’s verdict on climate crimes of humanity: guilty as hell

This is a Final Death Project….

Underlined Embedded link: “Why Disrupt the Public as we face the Final Death Project

…At 2C, which is already baked in,

Underlined Embedded link: Ben See @ClimateBen

…there will be 1,000 M refugees, according to the paper "The Future of the Human Niche."

Underlined Embedded link: “Future of the human climate niche”

…Further, everything that scientists have predicted so far is now undeniably unfolding in front of our eyes in #climatedisaster after disaster as storms, floods, wildfires, and droughts have increased globally. Business as usual is killing us, according to the Scientists’ Warning on Affluence.

Underlined Embedded link: “Scientists’ Warning on Affluence”

In short, call your representatives until the phone lines are all busy, join #ScientistsWarning, and/or another climate action group near you, and whatever you do take action today. Sign up for slow marches by following this link:

“Take Action With Just Stop Oil”

Bring your friends.

“Extinction Rebellion Founder Speaks Out”

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