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9/2021 Ozone Layer Hole Over The South Pole Is Larger Than Antarctica This Year

Updated: Jan 11

“Time's Up

It's the End of World, and We Know It.”

Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017 6/18 188aaa

Washington is looking to pass a law increasing atmospheric CO2 of 1 billion tons.

“If passed, the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill would cut 1 billion tons of carbon dioxide from being emitted into the atmosphere, a new report says. Now climate activists say they’re in a race against nature—and a political deadline.”

“In the Democrats’ Budget Package, a Billion Tons of Carbon Cuts at Stake

The package is imperiled by opposition from Joe Manchin, a coal state Democrat, who is balking at the costs, and advocates fear the chance won’t come again.” [all democrats have to do to force his compliance is cut all funding to his political campaigns,…but they won’t]


It is increasingly obvious that Washington thinks that so long as corporations can turn to robotic or mechanical means of pollination, it’s therefore ok to let pollinators go extinct (for the sake of profits to big Chem). This would be a mistake:

“Fascinating example of how pollinators impact the quality of crop production. This implies mechanical mechanisms of pollination may not be effective and supports the case for protecting and restoring biodiversity for the purposes of strengthen food systems.

"The type of pollination has an influence on the quality of the fruit produced. For apple cultivation, trees whose leaves have been pollinated by hand produce a very large number of small fruits with an unusually large number of pips (left). These apples are not suitable for selling. When apple blossoms are pollinated by insects, fruit growers obtain the desired yield and consumers obtain the desired apple quality (middle). In contrast, excluding insects from pollination results in a few large apples without pips which are not suitable as eating apples (right). The example shows the common “Topaz” variety, which is organically grown near Lake Constance."

From the 2020 document “Biodiversity and Management of Agricultural Landscapes” by German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina”


John Berbatis:

“This larger Ozone hole will cause greater melting of the ice.”

“Ozone Layer Hole Over The South Pole Is Larger Than Antarctica This Year”


John Berbatis:

“Extreme heat in 2021 breaks the famous Dust Bowl record from 1936 for the hottest summer on record in the USA.

In 1936, we observed a hot blob on a relatively cool planet. Today, we have a hot blob on a warm planet.

The combination of Canada and the USA combined is by far the hottest year on record for these two countries. The extraordinary and mind-blowing heatwaves which captured global attention played a crucial part.”

Source: Scott Duncan


For both the Environmental Holocaust as well as the war on terror:

Reparations in the form of seizing all the wealth accumulated by all politicians past and present. Then the same, together with any lawyers and judges that try to fight for them, get turned over for prosecution and sentencing by international bodies of justice.

“Can the U.S. atone for lives lost during the war on terror?

If so, how?”


“Huge amounts of methane are leaking out of the deep soil of Greenland through the glacier mills (moulins).

Everytime 2-3 days after the draining (of supraglacial lakes) stops the methane concentrations explode.”


“Holes in Greenland Ice Sheet Are Larger Than Previously Thought, Study Finds”



Pesticides don't just get rid of unwanted insects. They kill pollinators like bees, attack children's neurological systems, and wreak havoc on ecosystems.


AOC’s dress:

“The unfortunate truth is we’re not going to tax the rich or win Medicare for All or 15 by attending billionaire galas.

We won Seattle’s historic $15/hour & Amazon Tax not by me attending Amazon or Chamber of Commerce events, but by me using my office to build fighting movements.”


“How do you know you’ve been propagandized?

Other countries have universal healthcare, free college, paid vacations, paid maternity leave & multiple political parties.

You’ve been convinced we can’t have the same in the richest & most powerful nation on earth.

Of course we can.”


“Climate crisis: 233 journals ‘call for emergency action’ to limit global heating”


“Love Your Servitude - Aldous Huxley & George Orwell”


Fire engulfs Giant Sequoia trees:

"World's largest trees are being wrapped in aluminum insulation as fire nears California's Giant Forest

As flames rushed toward the storied Giant Forest in Sequoia National Park, where fire was expected to hit the grove of some 2,000 big trees within 24 hours, crews were wrapping sequoias with aluminum insulation, digging protective lines around the trees and planning to light back burns to push away the approaching flames."


“Crews wrapping giant sequoias to protect from wildfire”


“There is something drastically wrong in America when the same political party that tries to take away Voting Rights, Civil Rights, Human Rights, Religious Rights, Social Rights and Constitutional Rights encourages people to take up arms in the fear that “government” is taking away our rights.”


Americans are cutting back on the number of meals in the day:

“Now would be a good time to cut back on meat and find other sources of protein. In my household we prepare just one meal a day and the rest of the time eat fruits veggies and nuts or things like olives, pickles, popcorn and seeds, it takes a while to get used to it but I find that the body adapts. I also am losing a very little bit of weight as I go which I really need to do anyways, I won't hold my breath waiting for the government to intervene though lol.” [unfortunately meat is still being imported from Brazil’s destruction of the Amazon]

“Grocery prices headed higher: Kroger

Beef prices have risen 14% this year while pork prices have jumped 12.1%, and poultry prices are up 6.6%.”


“The rich people needed our food stamps for the tax breaks”


Map “Sea Surface Temp Departure from Normal”


“Hope Is A Mistake”

“This is not meant to be a negative thing. This is about realistic expectations.

If you hope to fix something that's unfix able, you will fail and it will eat you up.

Quote is.

"You know hope is a mistake. if you can't fix what's broken, you'll go insane"

From Mad Max: Fury Road.”


“Consider how the so-called owners of the land got hold of it. They simply seized it by force, afterwards hiring lawyers to provide them with title-deeds. In the case of the enclosure of the common lands, which was going on from about 1600 to 1850, the landgrabbers did not eve have the excuse of being foreign conquerors; they were quite frankly taking the heritage of their own countrymen, up on no sort of pretext except that they had the power to do so …

It is desirable that people should own their own dwelling houses, and it is probably desirable that a farmer should own as much land as he can actually farm. But eh ground-landlord in a town area has no function and no excuse for existence. He is merely a person who has found out a way of milking public while giving nothing in return. He causes rents to be higher, he takes town planning more difficult, and he excludes children from green spaces: that is literally that he does, except to draw his income.”

George Orwell


“Classical Political Economy and the War on Sloth

The classical political economists joined in the chorus of those condemning the sloth and indolence of the poor. Although they applauded the leisure activities of the rich, they denounced all behavior on the part of the less fortunate that did not yield a maximum of work effort.

Consider the case of Francis Hutcheson—‘‘the never to be forgotten Dr. Hutcheson,’’ as his student, Adam Smith, later described him in a letter to Dr. Archibald Davidson (reprinted in Mossner and Ross 1977, 309)—the same Francis Hutcheson whose Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy in Three Books(1742) seems to have served as a model for the economic sections of Smith’s Glasgow lectures (see Scott 1965, 235, 240). A later work, his System of Moral Philosophy, exemplifies Dr. Hutcheson’s contributions to that noble field of moral philosophy. After a few brief notes on the need to raise prices, Hutcheson (1755, 2:318–19) mused: ‘‘If a people have not acquired an habit of industry, the cheapness of all the necessaries of life encourages sloth. The best remedy is to raise the demand for all necessaries. . . . Sloth should be punished by temporary servitude at least.’’ The menacing ‘‘at least’’ in this citation suggests that the never-to-be-forgotten professor might have had even sterner medicine in mind than mere temporary servitude. What else might the good doctor recommend to earnest students of moral philosophy in the event that temporary servitude proved inadequate in shunting people off to the workplace?

This attitude, of course, is not unique to classical political economy. We might ask, was there ever a nation in which the rich found the poor to be sufficiently industrious? The universal howl of ‘‘sloth and indolence’’ can be heard as far away as nineteenth-century Japan, to cite one example (see T. Smith 1966, 120). However, no country seems to have gone as far as England in its war on sloth. Indeed, writers of the time charged that a want of discipline was responsible for criminality as well as disease. By the late eighteenth century, even hospitals came to be regarded as a proper medium to instill discipline (see Ignatieff 1978, 61ff.).

Almost poetically, Thomas Mun (1664, 193) railed against ‘‘the general leprosy of our piping, potting, feasting, fashions, and misspending of our time in idleness and pleasure.’’ Josiah Tucker (1776a, 44–45) employed a military metaphor to make a similar point: In a word, the only possible Means of preventing a Rival Nation from running away with your Trade, is to prevent your own People from being more idle and vicious than they are. . . . So the only War, which can be attended with Success in that Respect, is a War against Vice and Idleness; a War, whose Forces must consist of—not Fleets and Armies—but such judicious Taxes and Wise regulations, as will turn the Passion of private Self-Love into the Channel of Public Good.”

~ The invention of capitalism, Michael Perelman See Less

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