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12/2022 You're as good as dead: "This is still just the merest beginnings of climate breakdown" NASA

Updated: Jan 11

Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2016-07-29 466aaa

Stephen Schwarzman of BlackStone:

“Amazon loses 10% of its vegetation in nearly four decades”


“Life Beyond 1.5C”


“Increased drought forces California to deliver less water to cities

Only 5% of requested water supplies can be provided.”


“Battle lines drawn in talks on new plastics treaty”

“US and Saudi Arabia want a bottom-up deal focused on recycling, while a “high ambition coalition” wants top-down curbs on plastic production”


“Pawpaws, America’s latest fruit craze, are being threatened by climate change

Everyone wants a piece of the lovingly nicknamed "Appalachian banana.” Can the species survive warming temperatures?”


“Who's really using up the water in the American West?”


“Unbelievable footage of major floods in Santa Catarina, Brazil”


“Inflation, Europe's energy crisis, and the Fed with Richard Wolff | The Chris Hedges Report”


“Global Warming: An Inconvenient History”


“Socialism: the radical idea of sharing”

“Examples: Public education, public transportation, fire departments, police departments, public libraries, every branch of the US military, roads & highways, social security, medicare/medicaid, public prisons & jails, public hospitals, the veterans affairs administration, public universities, public parks, public toilets, public drinking fountains, public parking, public everything.”


“Joe Biden Could Singlehandedly Lower Rents for the Millions Crushed by Them”

Rents are too high. Joe Biden should issue an executive order to lower them.:


“The problem is not simply that capitalism produces too much, but that it produces the wrong stuff: SUVs, fast fashion and planned obsolescence instead of public transit, affordable housing and universal healthcare.

It overuses resources and still fails to meet even basic needs.”


“If railroad work is so important that the United States Congress can vote to prevent a strike, then railroad workers should be important enough to have 7 days of paid sick leave.”


“Three things EVERYONE needs to know:

1 This is still just merest beginnings of climate breakdown

2 It’s irreversible, best we can do is halt it at whatever level it gets to

3 It’s caused by the fossil fuel industry, which has been lying and blocking action for decades

Peter Kalmus, NASA Climate Scientist


“You know we live in a dictatorship of capital when every corporate media outlet is framing the rail strike as one of “workers vs. the economy” instead of “workers vs. rail corporations that reaped $27 billion in revenue last year”


“If the U.S. economy depends on railroad workers having no paid sick days then it’s time for a new economy where the workers not the owners are in control”


“The CEO-to-Worker Pay Gap Is Climbing to Truly Obscene Levels

“A report found that the gap between worker pay and CEO compensation continues to grow at some of the United States’ lowest-paying firms. At dozens of companies, the ratio exceeds one thousand to one.”

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