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8/2021 Tough on crime: means “tough on the working class”. No one in the US is tough on upper class

Updated: Jan 11

““Tough on crime: means “tough on the working class”. No one in the US is tough on upper class crime – that’s what privilege buys.”

Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017 6/12 098aaa2

“Two huge icebergs have torn loose from glaciers in Northeast Greenland. One has taken the trip all the way along the east coast, south of Cape Farewell and is close to Nuuk. The second is still along the east coast of Greenland south of Tasiilaq.”


“Wildfire fighters advance against biggest US blaze amid dire warnings

Oregon’s Bootleg fire 84% contained but parched conditions raise risk of new ignitions”


“There is no solution to the climate crisis and no hope for human life on this planet that does not include disarmament and an end to war.”

“Resisting Nuclear Weapons in a Climate Crisis”


“How a Democrat Killed Welfare”

“Bill Clinton gutted welfare and criminalized the poor, all while funneling more money into the carceral state.”


“These forests are like libraries informing us about the ancient past. Just picture the huge amount of knowledge that would be lost if these forests no longer survive.”

“The oldest tree in eastern US survived millennia – but rising seas could kill it”

“A 2,624-year-old bald cypress could teach us how to fight climate change – if it doesn’t get destroyed first”


Next it will be Americans roasted in their own homes:

“Video shows salmon injured by unlivable water temperatures after heatwave

A conservation group recorded the video after a heatwave in the Pacific north-west on a day when water temperatures breached 70F”


“Friends, What is the value of a Wisconsin State Park? What is the value of a clean Lake Michigan? What is the value of uncontaminated drinking water? What is the value of 75,000 trees? What is the value of honoring the resting site of early peoples? What is the value of preserving a rare Lake Michigan coastal landscape and its wildlife?”

“The professor who assigns value to nature — then persuades world leaders to save it”

Join FBRF and world conservationists affirming the value of our natural world. You can help at


“A world without bats would look very different than the one you know — and not for the better.”



“Bans on natural gas in new construction, requiring solar panels on new homes, ensuring government buildings are “electric ready.” In cities and states across the country, conflicts over climate-friendly standards for buildings are heating up.”

“The Fight to Change US Building Codes”


“Today, 92 percent of the companies on the S&P 100, an index of leading U.S. stocks, have announced intentions to reduce at least some of their carbon emissions… [but] only 40 percent of those companies have engaged with lawmakers at the state or federal level to advocate for science-based climate policy.”

“Report: Corporate giants have been lobbying against their own emissions targets

Almost every S&P 100 company plans to reduce its emissions. But only 40% have lobbied for science-based climate policy.”


“Seagrass: Another Vital Carbon-Sequestering Ecosystem Threatened by Climate Change”


Patrick McNulty:

“Two record high ice melt events for Greenland in July. What else would you expect with record low Arctic Sea Ice folks?? Thanks again fossil fuels... Ocean Mechanical Thermal Energy Conversion yet anyone??”


“It’s wild how so many Americans view the outsourcing of domestic manufacturing to China over the past 25 years as some devious Chinese plan for domination rather than a strategy by which the American ruling class exploded its profit margin by exploiting global inequality.” - @tsengputterman


“DIVIDE & RULE - The Plan of The 1% to Make You DISPOSABLE - Vandana Shiva”


“Mankind has seen horrendous climatic situations at great lengths over the past few weeks. Flash floods in Germany, Belgium, China, India, and wildfires and heat waves in the US and Canada all were overwhelming. China has received a year's worth of rain in three days as well. The deaths from these horrible incidents are unforeseen in these developed countries. Can you picture yourselves in this scenario?

The world’s climate is now warmed up in a way that can supercharge rainstorms and create flash floods abruptly. Despite having an organized plan, Germany suffered an incomprehensible loss. Scientists and policy planners anticipate all the time that Bangladesh and India are the worst victims of climate change. Even so, the facts are unraveling these days and it’s no longer a regional problem.

United Nations Secretary-General is angry regarding the prediction of 3-5 degrees Celsius temperature rise in the current century. What can we do to reverse the impacts or has it become irreversible?”


“Some people make it seem as if we’re not doing enough to stop the climate crisis. But that’s not true.

Because to not do enough, you have to do something. And the truth is that we are basically not doing anything apart from “creative carbon accounting” and creating loopholes.

What some call ”climate action” is actually outsourcing and excluding consumption, setting vague distant targets, burning biomass instead of fossil fuels and excluding the emissions, offsetting, switching from one disastrous energy source to a slightly less disastrous one etc.”

Photo by Dixie fire, Capt. Eric Limones, Cal Fire Santa Clara Unit


How convenient:

“A global environmental disaster!! The world's largest tire dump caught fire in Kuwait!! Toxic!!!”


“Homeownership Is Dead. The Future Lies in Public Housing.”

“Market-centric housing policies have failed and the path forward is clear: have the government create robust public housing.”

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