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6/2022 Temps may rise strongly soon (forcing Humans Extinct by 2025) as they rocket to +18C by 2026

Updated: Jan 11

“Amid Alaska’s permafrost areas, more soil is staying thawed year-round, UAF scientists find

Warmer winters and thicker layers of insulating snow are spurring creation of more taliks, sections of ground that doesn’t freeze even in winter”



An April 2022 analysis found that the temperature rise from pre-industrial to March 2022 could be as much as 2.35°C. When adding 0.65°C for the joint impact of the upcoming El Niño and a peak in sunspots, the rise could be as much as 3°C by 2025.

Humans will likely go extinct with a 3°C rise and, as said, this could happen by 2025 just due to the combined push of the upcoming El Niño and a peak in sunspots, i.e. without change in other forcers.

Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 8/6 _F2A5189aaa

What would happen if just methane kept rising, i.e. without change in other forcers? The image shows methane with a trend added that points at a rise that could represent a forcing of 780 ppm CO₂e in 2028, which means that the clouds tipping point at 1200 ppm CO₂e would be crossed by methane and carbon dioxide alone (assuming no change in other forcers and with carbon dioxide remaining at 421 ppm), which would cause an additional 8°C rise in temperature.

The image shows that such a trend is contained in existing methane data. When also adding a large eruption of methane from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean, the situation would be even worse, further underlining the potential for a rise of more than 18°C by 2026.

In conclusion, temperatures could rise strongly soon, driving humans extinct as early as in 2025, while temperatures could skyrocket in 2026, making it in many respects rather futile to speculate about what will happen beyond 2026. At the same time, the right thing to do now is to help avoid the worst things from happening, through comprehensive and effective action as described in the Climate Plan.

From the post 'Cataclysmic Alignment', at:”

“Record high carbon dioxide”


“Looking beyond the Energy Price Shock to China’s Low Carbon Transition”

Val Eisman:

"First accelerating the energy transition would strengthen Beijing’s resilience to the volatility of global fossil fuel prices by reducing its dependence on oil & gas imports. Last year alone, China imported fossil fuels – oil, gas, and coal – worth $ 365.7 billion – the equivalent of more than two percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). This dependence on fuel imports is exposing the economy to global commodity price fluctuations. In contrast, renewable energy is essentially a domestic resource, especially for China, which is a major producer of key renewable energy technologies from wind turbines to battery storage.

Secondly, while higher energy prices may boost the short-term global supply of fossil fuels, in the longer-term outlook, higher and more volatile energy prices will push incentives for energy importers to diversify away from fossil fuels. This will likely catalyze individual and global efforts to decarbonize energy systems, boosting global demand for low carbon technologies and alternative sources of energy. China has the technological capabilities to benefit by anticipating and getting ahead of this all-important global shift.

Additionally, rising energy prices would challenge China’s investment and industry-led growth model, reinforcing the case for accelerated structural changes and rebalancing. High prices will increase pressures on China’s economy to diversify away from traditional investments and heavy industries, including iron, steel and cement production, which account for a disproportionate share of the country’s GDP but face diminishing returns and low productivity growth. The slowdown in the domestic real estate sector is already pointing in this direction. Higher energy prices could galvanize the shift toward an innovation- and services-based economic growth model."

“Looking beyond the Energy Price Shock to China’s Low Carbon Transition”


“Model-based net-zero scenarios, including those of the IPCC, aren’t worth the paper they are written on, say leading economists”


Nick is Fred Hampton Leftist:

“Maybe Democrats should have held meetings to figure out how to stop Joe Manchin, not Bernie Sanders”


Caitlin Johnstone:

“Study US Foreign Policy By Looking At Oil Reserves”

“You can learn more about US foreign policy from a casual glance at a list of the world's largest proven oil reserves than you can from a lifetime of consuming mainstream news media.”


“A barrell of oil was $127 in March & gas was $3.50

This week a barrel of oil is $120 & gas is $4.50

This isn’t inflation, this is GREED & GOUGING by BIG OIL”

And since the vast majority of the Stock market is own the by wealthiest and big oil companies are publicly traded it is CLASS WARFARE. Making it worse is that energy acts as “core inflation” and causes price inflation in nearly every other good.


“Oil giants reap record profits as war rages in Ukraine, energy prices soar: Here's how much they made”


American politicians are killing free speech. Their is no bottom to the depth of depravity western rich and American politicians are willing to go for more wealth and power:

“Plot to Take Down Anti-War Journalists Exposed in Emails.

The Predator Class Needs to Stop Accurate Info Getting to Our Citizens on Foreign Policy.”

“Plot To Take Down Anti-War Journalists Exposed!”


“Peter Gleick 🇺🇸


This graph will appear in the chapter "The End of the Homo Sapien Species" in the future alien archeology textbook on "The Rise and Fall of Planetary Civilizations."

The figure caption will read: "They knew and still their power-hungry politicians didn't do anything."”



“"Octopuses are complex, intelligent and sentient animals very well known for their eight arms and their amazing cognitive abilities....Octopuses' exceptional characteristics make them uniquely unsuitable for intensive farming."”


“Protect the Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge from Commercial Shellfish Aquaculture”


“Bob McCormick writes

I am an old one of us, and I no longer have faith in any existing strategies for changing human behavior. All of the strategies we are employing today were created by our ancestors to change their behavior, not necessarily ours.

The time needed for any existing religious or national strategies to gradually change our current behavior is no longer available. We are wasting precious time trying to use tools created by our ancestors, to fix our problems.

The critical task of our times is to create a new, effective strategy/tool for changing our current behavior, in a manner that allows our story to continue.

via Michael Moran”

“National divisions, religious divisions, social divisions, political divisions have been destroying this wonderful world, why do we still follow the same path? Why do we continue to make these mistakes again & again?” J. Krishnamurti

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