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12/2022 Yet another Keystone Pipeline leak, spill, rupture, or whatever

Updated: Jan 11

Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

6/5/2018 _F2A6497aaap PRINT Fall2018


Eddie Hall, a working engineer who pushed for a more aggressive stance in contract showdown, wins upset victory to lead major rail union BLET.”


“Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg and John Young, the founder of, have both asked the Department of Justice to indict them alongside Julian Assange for possessing or publishing the same documents as the WikiLeaks founder.”

“Indict Us Too: Daniel Ellsberg & Cryptome’s John Young Demand U.S. Drop Charges Against Julian Assange”


“This society will have you angrier at an unhoused person stealing $5 to eat than at a guy in a suit stealing $5 million to buy a third house.”


A country will perform no better than how many of its people it can get to fully express their full potential, and that includes economic potential:

“Nothing more, nothing less.

White House economics adviser Kevin Hassett went viral over the weekend for referring to American workers as “human capital stock” — a racially charged, dehumanizing turn of phrase that conjured up images of livestock.”


Yet another Keystone Pipeline leak, spill, rupture, or whatever


Working California home owners suffer financial loss & contemplate abandonment as homes run out of water. You’ll note that the cost of global warming is not being borne by Big Oil.

“Household water wells are drying up in record numbers as California drought worsens”


“Using billions of emergency pandemic dollars to plug gaping holes in their budgets, local governments across Wisconsin are setting the stage for increasing taxes or slashing basic services when the federal funding runs out.”

“Local pols filling old budget holes with massive COVID aid”


“They told us that our Ancestors added nothing to civilization because they weren’t civilized, yet their Museums are filled with stolen treasures from all over Africa made in the image and likeness of our African Ancenstors.”


“In recent comments written in response to the USDA’s proposed rules, Howell, 73, voiced his frustrations with the system. “The integrator has all the control and the grower has all the debt and I pray that you can come up with a better business model for the future poultry farmers of America,” he wrote.

Rudy Howell is a whistleblower client of Food Integrity Campaign. You can read Rudy’s full comments to USDA here”

“A rigged game? Poultry farmers complain of big debt, unreliable income”

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