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01/2022 We can change voluntarily or we will be changed involuntarily

Updated: Jan 9

Hell on earth has been unleashed in the Arctic. Its effects cannot be contained. Pollinators and the oceans are in grave danger.

Please understand our biosphere is collapsing. The severity of the situation is way beyond the worst-case scenario that govt or IPCC has ever made generally known. Catastrophic change will dominate the planet in a few years

An immediate non-violent revolution is demanded by our present circumstances. Sadly, like Pinochet, our Predator State with it’s billionaires’ Democrats and Republicans will probably react by spilling our blood

“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.” Leonardo Da Vinci

“Football, beer, and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.” George Orwell, 1984

“The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.” M. Scott Peck, “The Road Less Traveled” (1978)


SCOTUS & USPS Weaponized; Pelosi renews as Speaker; Biden to run 2024; xpotus trump given $1B; Jared given $3B; IPCC revises to +2C in 11th hour X-Mass w/e announcement; voters suppressed; filibuster; biosphere collapse; etc.


Red Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021-07-29 _F2A5236aaa

The time for denial and false hope are over:

“Collapse in a Nutshell, Understanding our Predicament” Michael Dowd, Nov 8, 2021

“Overshoot in a Nutshell, Understanding our Predicament” Michael Dowd, Nov 2021

“Living in the Time of Dying, Facing the truth of the climate crisis” a film by Michael Shaw

“Emotional Support for Climate Anxiety and Environmental Dread” by Michael Dowd

Dana Woods \ Arctic News:

“I hope I'm wrong but I with the news of Methane spewing out of the Arctic as measured the Barrow Alaska NOAA station, over a period of months now, at the level it is (see Sam Carana's recent posts) I feel like we've moved from a minute to midnight to 3 seconds til.

Our only hope would be if enough people made enough effort to get through to the wealthy and governments exactly the situation we're in and maybe get Cloud Brightening implemented ASAP while we wait for MEER test data (I'm guessing won't be available until next Fall or Winter so that Dr Tao can ask for government money ) OR we try to get stratospheric aerosol injection using calcium carbonate implemented, It's price tag is MUCH lower than MEER and thus it's imo a lot likelier to get funded (as best as my non chemistry background self can understand from a study which is partly in layman's language won't harm the ozone layer, but still would likely cause increased drought in sub Saharan Africa and India , However sub Saharan Africa is already is a VERY serious drought.

So far as India idk WTF to do . If the world , including India's leaders suddenly understood what is at immediate risk could we transplant 700 billion some Indian migrants ? I'm going to try to start speaking directly to David Keith (wish me luck)”


We can change voluntarily or we will be changed involuntarily:

A planned and managed conversion of society to save as much of the world’s life sustaining ability

is better than

trying to react to the worsening chaos brought by disasters of ever increasing size and severity

We can change voluntarily or involuntarily:


Sam Carana:

“This was likely the last X Mass before organized society starts to stumble worse than it already has”

“Paul Beckwith's Christmas Message on Abrupt Climate System Mayhem and on What is Likely to Happen Soon…”



“A Nice, Quiet Place To Die”

Kevin Trent Boswell

“This is another song inspired by grappling with the harsh realities we’re facing. On the surface, it’s just a love song. But to anyone paying attention to the lyrics and the video together, it becomes clear that it’s not just addressing just a human, significant other. The chorus of “Your arms feel like a nice, quiet place to die” are also directed to the Earth itself, for being the lovely home that it’s been for us for so long.

For thousands of years it gave us everything we needed or wanted. Until recently, most of assumed that we’d die exactly like our ancestors did, from old age, disease, an accident or something like that. We assumed that with intelligence and a little luck, the Earth would always serve for us as a nice, quiet place to die.”


“Earth is spinning faster than it was 50 years ago”


“Val Eisman

First comes the overheated forests, then the bark beetles and then the forest fires which are globally turning forests into carbon emitters, another HUGE tipping point by 2040 according to a science study linked in comment.”

“Many Overheated Forests May Soon Release More Carbon Than They Absorb

New research suggests that, sooner than expected, trees may become carbon sources rather than carbon sinks, as a feedback loop of rising temperatures drives them to release more greenhouse gases.”


“Jonathan Pie: The World's End”


The Biden Administration has been sued for racial discrimination:

“Haitian Asylum Seekers Sue U.S. Government for “Anti-Black Racism Within the Immigration System””


“Scientists Identify a Previously Unknown Type of Storm, Called an 'Atmospheric Lake'”


Sam Carana:

“No returning to climate of the past even with carbon dioxide reduction”

“Hysteresis of the intertropical convergence zone to CO2 forcing” - by Jong-Seong Kug


Blame the Democratic and Republican parties of America:

“It’s Too Late: The 6th Mass Extinction Is Here”


“Melting Arctic ice will have catastrophic effects on the world, experts say. Here's how.

The Arctic is the "frontline" for climate change, scientists said.”


“Data from the Bering Sea in particular points to ongoing temperature increases having an impact on fish and animal stocks.”

“New NOAA reports on Alaska’s oceans highlight disruptive warming trends”


“In Deep Adaptation’s Focus on Societal Collapse, a Hopeful Call to Action”

“In 2020, hundreds of academics and scientists signed a letter calling for frank discussion of the idea that it may be too late to avert the worst consequences of global warming. 2021 did little to quell those fears.”



“Update: Most recent (December 2021) monthly average methane level at Barrow, Alaska, is about 2025 ppb.”

“Very high methane levels have recently been recorded at Barrow, Alaka, as illustrated by this image, showing monthly averages.

From the set at:

From the post 'Terrifying Arctic methane levels', at:


“How Strange It Feels to Watch Your Country Die”


Biden just announced on national tv that when it came to Omicron the federal government doesn’t offer any solutions. This is almost an exacting, word-for-word recitation of conservative Republican killer Charles Koch’s famous catch phrase and slogan that’s on the lips of every NeoNazi the world over.

The nation is getting the Wisconsin treatment.

Democrats are doing the part to ensure the U.S. Constitution gets rewritten for fascism

It is time for nonviolent revolution.


“Biden offers rare praise of Trump during Covid speech”

Scott Loria:

“They're [Democrats] already starting to rehab his image. Gotta' normalize him to use in their run against the next, worse repub: "we suck but, we have to beat Satanhitlertrump".”

Democrats are speaking of Trump in terms that normalize Trumps running for President again in the hopes of forcing voters to choose Biden or redeem Biden for following his policies


“*Nothing fundamentally changing intensifies*"

“Trump: ’It’s a hoax! Nothing to worry about. Keep everything wide open!’ (Death toll +/- 400k)

Biden: ‘We fixed it! Nothing to worry about. Keep everything wide open!’ (Death toll +/- 400k)


Biden was in the white house when people were forced to work or die and billions$ in oligarch assistance didn’t do squat for Main Street. Next they’ll sell you on the private sector job growth resulting from privatizing the postal service

[*** This content isn’t available right now***, facebook]


PPP loans were created in 2020.

Within 1.5 years, over 80% of them have been forgiven, totaling $600 billion.

Student loans started around 1958-1965.

60+ years later &.6% of student loan debt has been forgiven.

No one asked how we would pay for the business loan forgiveness.”


“A swath of rainforest the size of 40 football fields disappears every minute.”


“The Democrats Are Trying To Lose

How party leaders learned to stop worrying and love losing to GOP fascists.”

“"We see #Democrats fully leaning into a likely 2022 disaster. They are going far beyond merely refusing to give Americans an affirmative reason to vote for them; in sabotaging their own purported agenda, they seem to be deliberately trying to lose to the very fascists they claim to oppose, going out of their way to insult and harm as many voters as possible before their likely collapse."”



“Air pollution exposure in the US: Systemic racism, not income, drives disparities”


They are ready to go back to the White House. But, we have to have a “free and fair election” first! Don’t worry Democrats will make sure......

“Jared Kushner's new investment fund, Affinity Partners, has raised over $3 billion in committed funding from international investors. Kushner, a former top White House aide and the current husband of former President Trump's daughter, Ivanka, launched the firm last summer.”

“Kushner investment firm raises more than $3B: report”


Why given Koch's murderous history [read “Dark Money”] he is not in jail is a clear sign of just how over-the-top f**ked up American Society really is:

“How The Koch Network Hijacked The War On COVID

As Omicron surges, a shadowy institute filled with fringe doctors appears to be part of big business’ two-year strategy to legitimize attacks on pandemic interventions.”


“Tea Party Redux: How the Koch Network Funds and Fuels the Anti-Lockdown Movement”

“Part 2: Lee Fang on Koch Brothers’ Demand for Obamacare Repeal & Lobbyists Flourishing Under Trump”

Fred Koch, Charles Koch’s father, was key to Hitler realizing the holocaust. It turns out “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” and Junior, a leader in Climate change denial$$$, is shaping up to make pops and Hitler look like a “little pikers” (especially since junior owns the U.S. Supreme Court):

“140M new COVID-19 infections possible in first two months of new year, experts say”


“Why Society’s Biggest Freeloaders are at the Top

No, wealth isn’t created at the top. It is merely devoured there.”


“Biden & Dems Renege on More Promises”


“800+ Faith Leaders Tell Biden, Dems Voting Rights Must Be 'Number One Priority' in 2022”

"We cannot be clearer," the faith leaders wrote to President Joe Biden and U.S. senators, "you must act now to protect every American's freedom to vote without interference and with confidence that their ballot will be counted and honored."


“You should have ended the war in Afghanistan 10 years ago when Julian Assange revealed the truth.”


“Class Rules Everything Around Me”


“Cuba Defeats COVID-19 with Learning, Science, and Unity”


If the profit motive involves death, the consequences under fascism will be horrific:

“"Global health experts and activists have been warning for more than a year that aggressive variants of the virus are essentially guaranteed as long as much of the world’s population remains unvaccinated."”


We are destroying the products of 100’s of millions of years of evolution. The consequences will not be kind:

“Look closely at nature. Every species is a masterpiece, exquisitely adapted to the particular environment in which it has survived. Who are we to destroy or even diminish biodiversity? E. O. Wilson


Happy holidays from Occupied Palestine:


“Socialism does not aim at robbing the rich but at preventing the rich from continuing to rob the poor” Tom Mann


“Last week, the state of Wisconsin decided to protect a violent white supremacist over the rights and safety of racial justice protestors.”

“Tell Wisconsin Political Leaders: Protect Racial Justice Protestors”


This may be of use in understanding Democrats, Republicans, and their unelected President Charles Koch

“Delusional Nazi's: Himmler's Hunt For Aryan Origins In Tibet | World War Weird | War Stories”


“In the last 6 years, 50% of US states had monthly county-level temperatures higher than anything seen since 1895, when the US started collecting this data”


“The Climate Crisis is getting worse – stop climate deniers”

“139 members of Congress collected $61 million+ in campaign contributions from corrupt fossil fuel interests – and now deny the existence of climate change. Sign the petition demanding these climate deniers step up to support bold and progressive climate action. Add your name now!”

“Take Action: Demand Climate Deniers in Congress Face the Facts”


Sam Carana:

“Fire and Ice: The Puzzling Link Between Western Wildfires and Arctic Sea Ice

What’s behind the worsening wildfires in the Western United States? Arctic sea ice plays an important role”

“Increasing large wildfires over the western United States linked to diminishing sea ice in the Arctic” - by Yufei Zou et al.


“Two images.

Methane as measured by CAMS at 500HPA above the north pole. Showing huge HUGE areas at >2320PPB of methane.

Second image is a screengrab from the HBO series Chernobyl, with a nuclear scientist trying to explain that the situation is actually extremely bad to leadership that's trying to focus on optics and an election.


America is in its death throws, soon the country will split up:

“Rightward Republican Party radicalization is well-positioned for continuing political success, even as it promises to bring political and economic instability for the country and the world with it.”

“For Republicans, There Will Be No “Return to Normal”


“The 4 Extinction Accelerating Climate Change & Global Warming Tipping Points”

“Val Eisman

Excerpt from much longer article.

"Here are the four critical levels of global warming extinction triggering, accelerating, and executing tipping points we will cross in the near future if we fail to act effectively

Below please find the four most important global warming tipping point levels within our complex climate system, which will involve interacting climate, biological and human systems, and subsystems.

The four critical atmospheric carbon-based global warming accelerating tipping points and deadlines to never forget are:

1. The 2025 carbon 425-450 ppm tipping point level. (This tipping point significantly accelerates and begins the runaway process of triggering more and more critical global warming tipping points at faster and faster rates. Once we cross this carbon 425-450 ppm tipping point, the average global temperature will continue to rise out of our control. It will continue rising, powered by the laws of climate physics and the natural forces of the climate system.

This tipping point, if avoided, will allow us to at least slow down the currently unavoidable extinction of half of humanity by mid-century so that more of us can live longer. On the other hand, this tipping point, if crossed, will lead us within a few additional decades beyond the unavoidable extinction of half of humanity into total human extinction.)

2. The extinction-accelerating, runaway global ice melting carbon 500 ppm tipping point level. (ALL ice and ALL glaciers on Earth will enter a near-unstoppable process of a complete meltdown! (Sea levels could rise up to 10 feet over decades and up to 220 feet over several centuries.)

3. The carbon 600 ppm total human extinction, runaway massive methane release tipping point level. (Carbon 600 ppm is where massive amounts of methane gas start being released from coastal ocean shelves and the world's permafrost, and all of humanity will perish.) And,

4. The above carbon 750 ppm runaway greenhouse gas effect and atmosphere removal tipping point level. (This is the final global warming tipping point level of carbon 750 and beyond. It leads to the total extinction of all biological life on Earth, needing oxygen to survive. This is because our average global temperature is rising so high that Earth's oxygen atmosphere is stripped off into space and everything dies.)

It is important to note that every advanced national intelligence agency around the world with adequate long-term climate research funding already knows about the above four tipping points and precisely what will happen when we cross them. (Just like they knew that we had to be prepared for the next pandemic.) Yet, they chose to keep this information a carefully guarded national secret and not urge their politicians to adequately and publically prepare or act.

The reason for this secrecy may be simple. If you knew your governments were secretly preparing to save themselves and their key personnel from what you about to read, you probably would be angry, fearful, and in panic. Widespread public anger and fear would substantially interfere or delay governmental efforts to secretly prepare their survival plans. To think that the best-resourced national intelligence agencies do not have this information as well as the big data meta-systemic analysis skills to review current climate research studies and see the coming extinction emergency is naive beyond belief."

"After you finish this article you will also know the most probable cause of an inevitable World War III if we let this extinction emergency get out of control. That inevitability will be a massive nuclear, biological and/or chemical war for the last global warming safer zones where a tiny desperate portion of humanity may be able to survive if we do not cross the fourth and final tipping point."”


“…future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades…”:

“Not 1.5C, Not 2C, a 10C Temperature Increase is Baked in.”

“Losing the remaining Arctic sea ice and its ability to reflect incoming solar energy back to space would be equivalent to adding one trillion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere, on top of the 2.4 trillion tons emitted since the Industrial Age, according to current and former researchers from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego.”

“At current rates, this roughly equates to 25 years of global CO2 emissions.”


“Alaska sets record high December temperature of 19.4C (67F)

The island community of Kodiak set the record on Sunday and scientists fear the population will be deluged with rain as climate warms”


“Warnings from the Far North”

Quote: “…what happens up North signals what’s in store to the South, and what’s happening up North is a gut-wrenching reality of life on a knife’s edge…”


George Tsakraklides:

“One day soon when all of us are much poorer, some even starving, we will look back and realise that what we all considered our daily existence and righteous lifestyle, was in fact a life of unsustainable, yet normalized, excess”


“The government of today is a direct result of your choosing the lesser of two evils for generations.”


“Government Action, Not Consumer Action, Will Stop Climate Change”

“Pointing the finger at individual consumers has been the default strategy of powerful corporations since the 1950s. Deflect blame for smog or litter or polluted waterways or carcinogens or gun violence away from manufacturers and onto John Q. Public. Make the issue about personal responsibility.”


“Businesses Have Manufactured Inflation Fear to Protect Profits Amid Rising Wages”


“This is Rotherham where council have planted 8 miles of wild flower verges. It has saved25k in mowing costs. These photos posted by British Beekeeping Association!”


“UC Berkeley Central Sierra Snow Lab”


The frog is sitting in pot going full boil:



“Good evening. Healthcare should be free. It should be $0. It shouldn’t cost money. Healthcare is a public good that yields incalculable rewards for society. Healthcare should not be a commodity. Medical debt shouldn’t exist. Indebtedness for medical conditions is a trap/scam.”

“Good morning. College should be free. It should be $0. It shouldn’t cost money. Education is a public good that yields incalculable rewards for society. Learning should not be a commodity. Student loans shouldn’t exist. Indebtedness for college attendance is a trap/scam.”


“Not only is college tuition-free in over 20 countries, but there are literally countries that pay folks monthly checks to go to college, while the U.S. makes ppl pay tens of thousands of dollars to attend.

Paying ppl to go to school is a great way to get an educated population.


Outlaw the American Petroleum Institute

“Cities, states and entire countries have banned single-use plastics like grocery bags or straws, and taken other action to curb plastic waste that’s clogging the ocean. But with those efforts failing, could an international treaty be the next step?”

“World Talks on a Treaty to Control Plastic Pollution Are Set for Nairobi in February. How To Do So Is Still Up in the Air

Environmentalists want national limits on plastic waste, producer responsibility and caps on production. Industry favors better waste management and “advanced” chemical repurposing.”


“Why We Must Challenge Zuckerberg's Ring of Power”

"Learning to appreciate that control is an illusion is hard, especially when we are prepared to sacrifice almost everything, to pay any price, to control others."


A forthcoming variant of Omicron could... …well, you name it:

“Study suggests coronavirus lingers in organs for months”

“NEW: Data from a new study suggests that the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can persist in different parts of the body for months after infection, including the heart and brain. Scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found the virus can spread widely from the respiratory tract to almost every other organ in the body and linger for months. The researchers described the study as the "most comprehensive analysis to date" of the virus's persistence throughout the body and brain.”


“World’s vast networks of underground fungi to be mapped for first time

Project aims to help protect some of trillions of miles of the ‘circulatory system of the planet’”


“15 Whole-Foods Plant-Based Recipes to Kickstart Your New Year’s Resolutions!”


“How one B.C. group, First Nations bought out trophy hunters

Foreign licences to hunt black bears fell 23-fold last year during the pandemic. As the hunting guide outfitter industry looks to bounce back, opponents are expanding an alternative: pay trophy hunting guides to stop hunting.”


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