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7/2021 Obama's EPA Approved Toxic Chemicals for Fracking in 2011

Updated: Jan 9

“'This Is a Scandal': Documents Reveal Obama's EPA Approved Toxic Chemicals for Fracking in 2011”

“Fossil fuel democrats at it again: Documents Reveal Obama’sEPA Approved Toxic Chemicals for Fracking in 2011

NAFTA joe biden is approving new fracking permits at a pace similar to trump, with no letup in sight.

NAFTA joe biden's war on science: NAFTA joe is retaliating against employees who report the truth

"We still don't know the full extent of toxic chemicals that companies are using in their fracking operations. Why is the EPA allowing them to poison our communities without consequence?”

Red Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2018 6/29 _F2A1625aaa

Biden expresses interest in reviving the TPP as talk of his pardoning Trump circulate:

“Surprise Surprise NAFTA joe biden is going to resurrect the trans pacific free trade treaty

That ought to get the country going again, after all, look at what free trade has done for the country.

The majority of the country is now impoverished and debts cannot be paid back, homelessness is exploding. SO LET'S SEND MORE JOBS OFF SHORE.”

“Biden Team Weighs Digital Trade Deal to Counter China in Asia”


“How Nations Turn Evil”


“The findings, said one expert, "show that the uncertain future is happening now."”

“'Biggest Story in the World Right Now': Humanity Has Flipped Amazon From Carbon Sink to Source”


“Powerful fire tornado in California is latest extreme weather sign”


“'Time for Incrementalism Is Over,' Says Climate Movement as Extreme Weather Hits US”

"Buildings are collapsing into the sea. Infrastructure is melting. Hundreds are dying from extreme heat. Millions are without power. The ocean is literally on fire. The climate crisis is here."



Stupifying and horrifying image of what can only be nothing less than the Armageddon to come:

“The ExxonMobil lobbyist revelations & pipeline leak in the Gulf of Mexico show exactly what happens when we don’t check Big Oil.

We cannot keep letting this industry greenwash its way out of accountability & real climate action. We must hold polluters accountable!”

“'Eye of fire,' Exxon lobbyist's comments fuel renewed attacks on oil industry”


“…anything else…?” This from Oregon Dept of Fish and Wild life – it’s a message for everyone:


The wild critters are going to be moving towards town. Their area is burning, their flight instincts will kick in. That means dear, elk, coyote, bear and anything else running around mountains…..bring in your pets and put out some buckets of water for them. They will be scared and tired. DO NOT SHOOT THEM. Their world is burning and they have no where to go.”

You Can contact Oregon Dept of Fish and Wild Life at +1 541-935-2591


“The Hoover Dam reservoir is at an all-time low

Much of the Western US faces drought, extreme heat, and fire risk”


July 13, 2021 at 7:06 pm:

“Can anyone identify a northern jet stream in this image? It is from just a few minutes ago @ 500 hPa...”


“How will the West solve a water crisis if climate change continues to get worse?

Megadrought and climate change is making water even more scarce in the West.”

"While water management has the potential to stave off the water crisis, if trends continue as 'business as usual,' there's a likely chance there won't be enough water for residents in the West."


“Impressive comparison picture of disaster flood over Altenahr (RLP) - death count continues to rise to 42 meanwhile

The comparison shown in the picture makes you well aware of the extent of extreme floods in large parts of NRW and Rheinland-Pfalz. It shows the small community of Altenahr (Ahrweiler district) in northern Rhineland-Palatinate. It's easy to see how the otherwise quiet Ahr transformed into a tearing brown stream of rubble masses since yesterday. Unfortunately, media death numbers are being corrected further and further upwards in the past few hours. So by now 42 dead have already been officially confirmed and countless people are still missing.”


“We Need the “Whole-of-Government” Climate Fight That Biden Promised

Some agencies are shirking—even as the heat keeps dialling up.”


“American west stuck in cycle of ‘heat, drought and fire’, experts warn

Wildfires in several states are burning with worrying ferocity across a tinder-dry landscape”


“Worldwide regional climate projections now available through C3S”


Xavier Rosseel \ Environmental Professionals:

“Destroying tropical ecosystems and replacing them with soybeans and other crops has immediate and devastating consequences for soybeans, according to new peer-reviewed research in the journal World Development. With 35.8 million hectare currently under soy cultivation in Brazil, extreme heat--which adjacent tropical forests help keep in check--has reduced soybean income by an average of approximately US$100 per hectare per year.

The study, Conserving the Cerrado and Amazon biomes of Brazil protects the soy economy from damaging warming, shows that protecting the Amazon and Cerrado can prevent the sort of high temperatures that damages the productivity of crops--estimated to cost the sector US$3.55 billion.

Another recent study found annual agricultural losses associated with deforestation-driven declines in precipitation at US$1 billion. Taken together, the two estimates reveal the massive economic impacts of destroying ecosystems on Brazil's agricultural sector; the annual losses are likely to be even higher than $US4.55 billion, which is only a conservative estimate.

"Destroying forests and other ecosystems instantly turns up the heat and reduces precipitation in the immediate vicinity where the destruction takes place, scorching soybean plants and inflicting great harm on the sector's profitability," said Rafaela Flach, the study's lead author.

"The economic fallout is big--and getting bigger, with serious impacts on global and local economics and food security. It's a local problem with global ramifications, and it's happening in tropical regions worldwide."”

“Ecosystem destruction endangers local soy agriculture in Brazil

New research: Agriculture-driven ecosystem destruction turns up local temperatures, eats up billions in soy revenue in Brazil”


Fireflies are amazing:

“How fireflies inspired energy-efficient lights”


This is why white supremacist Washington doesn’t care about the Environmental Holocaust:

“A history of redlining means that communities of color are more vulnerable to the impacts of heat waves. But local leaders can change that.”

“‘Patterns of Discrimination’: How Redlining Fueled the Heat Wave”

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