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10/2021 How Manchin Just Positioned China to Dominate Green Energy in the 21st Century

Updated: Jan 9

This is what our two parties protecting the interests of the rich look like:

Did you notice that the names of “elected” politicians in national govt who were involved in the first deadly coup attempt of Jan 6 were released but didn’t make mainstream TV news.


Oct 24, 2021: “EXCLUSIVE: Jan. 6 Protest Organizers Say They Participated in ‘Dozens’ of Planning Meetings With Members of Congress and White House Staff

Two sources are communicating with House investigators and detailed a stunning series of allegations to Rolling Stone, including a promise of a “blanket pardon” from the Oval Office”

Red Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019 July 5 _F2A0483aaa

Yet, Biden and the Democrats keep the Republican tax credits trump gave the rich, and dems refuse to get rid of the racist filibuster, trumps supreme court justices, dejoy, etc. etc. Oh, but if wealth isn’t involved the Dems will do it for the 99% and then try to inflate and generalize the gesture:

“There’s effectively no republican party anymore. There is a radical movement to destroy the Modern American State and eviscerate tis institutions in favor of restoring a mythical, elysian, majority-white, 19th Century past.” Andrew Sullivan


"Any member of Congress who helped plot a terrorist attack on our nation's Capitol must be expelled,"

“Any Lawmaker Involved in Planning Jan. 6 Insurrection 'Must Be Expelled,' Says AOC

Organizers of the deadly assault on the U.S. Capitol say that several congressional Republicans and White House officials helped plan former President Donald Trump's coup attempt.”


"This is what the Department of Justice is for."

“'Call your lawyer': Legal experts weigh in on bombshell report naming Republicans involved in Jan. 6”


DEMOCRATS: Our own US Federal Reserve has been caught engaging in Insider Trading!?:

“Federal Reserve Officials Banned From Owning Individual Stock After Scandal”

“After revelations of several scandals involving potential insider trading within the Federal Reserve have emerged over the past weeks, the agency has banned its officials from trading individual stocks.”


Kevin Hester

“More excellent work from Jim Massa our former guest on Nature Bats Last.”

“BOE (Blue Ocean Event) draws nearer as multiple tipping points kick in...”

“Arctic Sea Ice Succumbs to Atlantification”


2016: “The Global Solution to Extinction”


“Watch: Sandstorm Engulfs City In Northwest China”

“A wall of sand standing over 300 feet wreaked havoc on Dunhuang, China, reducing visibility to less than 20 feet across the city. The sandstorm created dangerous driving conditions and forced local police to close major roads amid reduced visibility.”


“turns out the guy who made it impossible to declare bankruptcy on student loan debt never actually planned to cancel student loan debt or make college tuition free? Huh that’s weird”


“Manufacturing Ignorance: Keeping The Public Away From Power”


“Incredible. One of the most crucial links in the supply chain, has been for years, built on the premise that some workers would provide labor for free.…

Port truckers are typically independent contractors, without the benefits and protections of unionized transport sectors or even major companies with shipping divisions, like Inc. Their jobs require them to line up for hours to pick up cargo, and they’re paid only when they move it.

“The port truck driver, for decades no, has basically been the slack adjuster in the whole system,” said Steve Viscelli, an economic sociologist with the University of Pennsylvania who studies labor markets and supply chains. The entire system, he said, is built around free labor from truck drivers as they wait for containers.”


And vile quarterback Tom Brady used it to buy a yacht:

“A Georgia man was charged with one count of wire fraud for lying on his Economic Injury Disaster Loan application and using $85,000 of COVID-19 relief money to purchase a Pokemon card worth more than $57,000. If convicted, he could face up to 20 years in federal prison and $25,000 in fines.”

“Georgia man used COVID-19 relief loan to purchase $57,000 Pokemon card”



The Pro-Israel Bias”


Go down fighting, but go down nonetheless we shall albeit with eyes wide open:

“Climate scientist: 'The antidote to despair is action'”


“Discover how dramatically changing the way we use and collect plastic can reduce its footprint across industries.”

“Four key ideas to building a circular economy for plastics

Experts across sectors agree that we can create a more efficient system where materials are repeatedly reused.”


“Capitalism is great until Socialism has to bail it out.

Auto Industry

Banking Industry

Oil & Gas Industry

Housing Industry

Farming Industry

Etc. etc. etc.


Down the rabbit hole in Kochland Wisconsin:

Recently “Star Trek” was dropped from being offered on our local TV show offerings – in Madison, WI, a college\Big Ten town – and was replaced by Chuck Norris’s “Walker Texas Ranger.” Concurrent with the change one channel in the channels 23 offerings began airing commentary on, and I quote, “…one of the most dangerous Communist Socialist no one has ever heard of…” the “Communist Socialist” in question was identified as a college professor.


Personal wealth before country:

“How Manchin Just Positioned China to Dominate Green Energy in the 21st Century”

"The power system must be transformed, that is the provision of electricity. That is exactly what China is pushing full speed ahead on, and what Manchin just foiled in the United States."

2019 July 5 _F2A0483aaa

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