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3/2023 $1 Trillion and climbing - profits corporations shift to tax havens continues to climb

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

Red Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017-07-11 164aaa2

And those that aren't and go to the rich, the rich merely choose not to pay tax on.

“$1 trillion in the shade – the annual profits multinational corporations shift to tax havens continues to climb and climb”


“Recent moves by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and others to restrict the teaching of African American history, are an effort to “turn the clock back” on racial progress, says scholar and activist Angela Davis. Davis' work on prisons, gender, race and class, like the work of many Black scholars, has been targeted for censorship by rightwing politicians.”


“If Bernie’s Social Security Bill was signed into law last year,

Elon Musk would have paid $2.9 billion in more taxes

No one making $250,000 or less would’ve paid a penny more in taxes

Benefits would have gone up by $2,400 a year

Social Security would be solvent for 75 years”


Democrats on Ukraine and the environment are the proverbial gibbering crack whores

“Democrats trying to explain why Ukrainian Nazis are the good guys


“Peru [Indiana in the United States] residents brace for results of investigation into toxic TCE migrating from former Schneider Electric Square D manufacturing plant”

“‘We need to see some accountability.’”


“What can we say about this guy? The Ancient Romans had a word for it:” [picture of Pete Buttigieg]

Reader Comment:

Tommy Fox:

“Buttigieg was handed this job for dropping out of the race to get behind Biden, just to stop Bernie! He's was unqualified for the job! The airline disasters & now this. His job is to REGULATE the train industry. Why hasn't he fixed anything in 2 years? Your such a devote Democrat, vote blue no matter who type. No accountability. The Lever has done great investigative reporting on these disasters.”


Tech are way or not tech our way the next 3 decades – at a minimum – are locked in to get worse and worse and worse. To say it is all down hill here on earth for the foreseeable future is an understatement:

Big oil trying to convince us they can tech us (on their terms, in terms of what is maximally profitable for them (aka given their existing investment in their existing operations)) out of the death and suffering they’ve secured for us with their dirty politicians

“Estimates suggest the Earth harbors as many as a trillion microbial species. Many make our lives better, enabling us to do everything from fermenting foods to synthesizing human insulin. Sponsored by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries for billions of us”

“How Oil-Eating Microbes Could Revolutionize The Energy Transition [Video]”

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