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3/2023 DeSantis wants bloggers who write about him to register with the state or face fines

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

Red Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-10-03 189aaa

As if slapping a swastikas on Mikey Mouse wasn't enough:

“Ron DeSantis wants bloggers who write about him to register with the state or face fines. This is exactly what fascism looks like.”


They are talking about sensing magnetic fields, not ESP:

“All Living Cells Could Have The Molecular Machinery For a 'Sixth Sense'”


Koch’s & SCOTUS: So long as the rich get richer, nothing, not even the worst consequences, matter:

Air Pollution Is Making Human Bones More Brittle, Study Suggests”


Koch’s & SCOTUS: “Study Ties Long-Term Air Pollution Exposure to Higher Heart Attack, Disease Risk

"Our study clearly adds to the evidence that the current regulatory standards are not sufficient to protect the public," the study's lead author says as the EPA considers stricter standards.”


“Less Than 1% of Earth Has Safe Levels of Air Pollution, Study Finds”


“Welcome to the New Abnormal

Almost the entire country is experiencing some form of extreme weather this week.”


Biden’s EPA is fueling the Mass Extinction:

Florida’s manatees are starving.

In 2021 we lost 12.5% of all manatees in Florida. The EPA hasn’t stepped in as pollution killed the manatees’ food source, and now hundreds of manatees are starving.”


“Campaign Urges Agencies to Keep Big Trees Standing

Key forests are identified that are crucial to honoring old-growth executive order”

“More forestland needs to be permanently protected if we want to conserve 30 percent of US lands and waters by 2030. But some Forest Service projects seem like they aren’t following those ideals. Last July, the Forest Service, and BLM sought feedback to inform how the agencies should define and inventory mature and old-growth.

When Chandra LeGue first toured the Flat Country project, a logging and forest management project planned for the Willamette National Forest in Oregon, US Forest Service reps showed her a stream they planned to restore and a “plantation”—a deliberately planted, uniform stand of trees—that they planned to thin. “But it was evident to me that this forest was already healthy and diverse,” she said.”

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