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The Termination Event has arrived

Updated: Jan 6

“The Termination Event has Arrived”

“Overlapping Magnetic Activity Cycles and the Sunspot Number: Forecasting Sunspot Cycle 25 Amplitude - by Scott McIntosh et al.”

Reader Comment:

“It means increase in short-term natural variability of radiation within long-term natural variability (Milankovitch-cycles). These events were enough to trigger swings of ice-ages over thousands of years in geological history. Now, on the margin, they can also put some extra gasoline to our way more powerful antropogenic climate-bomb accelerating of the overshooting cliff in an unprecedented exponential speed towards an abrupt extinction so fast the dinasours could not even begin to imagine. But most of us still don't notice anything, but just continue go to work and pile up for a pension that eventually will disappear as fast as a russian stock this week.”


“The sixth mass extinction is happening now, and it doesn’t look good for us”

“Conservation biologist Corey Bradshaw reports International Union for Conservation of Nature is the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it. “


As bad a situation as the IPCC reports, bear in mind that the IPCC is actually distorting the result to make it seem rosey!:

“Beyond Code RED : IPCC 2022”

Kirk Brent Norring:

“It really depends on the date that you start from if you want to know how much the Earth has warmed. For example if you go way back to when the Industrial Age began in 1750 then the world has warmed up 2.3°C. What the IPCC doe is they keep shifting the baseline.

This is like measuring a person's height. If you start at the ground then the person's height is the correct height but if you start at the ankles of the knees or the waist then the height will always be wrong.”

Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017-07-29 905aaa

“What the IPCC impacts report is hiding”

Full Text:

“The IPCC keeps hiding how much the temperature could already have risen and could rise over the next few years, the associated dangers, and the policies that could most effectively improve the situation.

1. Hiding the potential rise that has already unfolded

One of the first issues that springs to mind is the IPCC's use of 1850-1900 as a baseline, which isn't pre-industrial as the Paris Agreement called for.

The map shows a January 2022 temperature rise of 1.31°C versus 1885-1915. As the box underneath indicates, a further 0.1°C could be added for ocean air temperatures and another 0.1° for higher polar anomalies. When calculating the temperature rise from pre-industrial, a further 0.79°C could be added for the period from 3480 BC to 1900, resulting in a total temperature rise from pre-industrial to January 2022 of 2.3°C.

2. Hiding the potential rise to come

While a huge temperature rise has already unfolded, the rise is accelerating. In other words, an even larger temperature rise threatens to unfold soon, i.e. this could happen over the course of at few years, as illustrated by the stacked bar in the first image.

3. Hiding the largest dangers

The rise that has already unfolded, i.e. the rise from pre-industrial to 2020, could be as much as 2.3°C. Furthermore, the temperature rise is accelerating. In other words, Earth is already in the danger zone and the question remains what the implications are of a 3°C, 4°C and 5°C rise.

What would be the impact of a 3°C, a 4°C, or a 5°C rise?

At a 3°C rise, humans will likely go extinct, as habitat for humans (and many other species) will disappear. Such a rise will cause a rapid decline of the snow and ice cover around the globe, in turn making that less sunlight gets reflected back into space.

Associated changes include the jet stream getting further out of shape, resulting in more extreme weather events such as droughts, heatwaves and firestorms. Changes to the jet stream will also contribute to a further strengthening of storms, which threatens to at times push large amounts of hot, salty water into the Arctic Ocean, triggering eruptions of more and more seafloor methane.

From a 4°C rise, Earth will experience a moist-greenhouse scenario. As the temperature rise gains further momentum, runaway heating may well turn Earth into a lifeless planet, a danger that was discussed in this 2013 post, warning that, without anything stopping the rise, it will continue to eventually destroy the ozone layer and the ice caps, while the oceans would be evaporating into the atmosphere's upper stratosphere and eventually disappear into space.

At 5°C rise, most life on Earth will have gone extinct. A 2018 study by Strona & Bradshaw indicates that most life on Earth will disappear with a 5°C rise. As the temperature keeps rising, chances are that all life on Earth will go extinct, as Earth would be left with no ozone layer to protect life from deadly UV-radiation. Furthermore, Earth would no longer have water, an essential building block of life. Soil moisture, groundwater and water in oceans would evaporate and eventually disappear into space.

A rise of more than 5°C could happen within a decade, possibly by 2026. Humans will likely go extinct with a 3°C rise and most life on Earth will disappear with a 5°C rise. In the light of this, we should act with integrity.

4. Hiding the very policies that can most effectively improve the situation

The IPCC creates a perception that pollution can continue for decades to come. The IPCC does so by downplaying the size of the temperature rise and the threat of a huge rise within years. The IPCC promotes the idea that there was a “carbon budget” to be divided among polluters that would enable polluters to keep polluting for decades to come. Most importantly, the IPCC has once more failed to do what the Paris Agreement calls for, i.e. for the IPCC to specify the pathways that can best improve the situation, specifically the policies that are needed to facilitate a better future.

The speed at which a huge temperature rise can unfold makes that many adaption efforts could be wasted or even counter-productive. A 2021 report by Neta Crawford estimates the budgetary costs and future obligations of the post-9/11 wars at about $8 trillion in 2021 dollars. Much of that money was spent on securing the supply and transport of fossil fuel. Governments spend $1.8tn a year on subsidies that harm the environment, a study by Doug Koplow et al. finds.

Perverse subsidies are even higher when also including money that now goes into constructing transport infrastructure such as roads, highways, tunnels, bridges, railways, airports, etc. Redirecting such funding could enable more people to work from home with time to spare and gardens to grow their own food, instead of commuting to work by car over roads.

Electric VTOL air taxis can replace a huge part of the traffic that now demands expensive infrastructure such as roads, railways including service stations, parking buildings and strips, bridges, tunnels, etc. Air taxis can facilitate a dramatic reduction in the need for traffic infrastructure, which also includes space now used for garages and parking.

If much of this traffic instead takes place by air taxis, then urban design can have more space for outdoor dining, parks, markets, tree-lined footpaths, bike-tracks, etc.

Furthermore, drones could be used for transport and delivery of cargo, pharmaceuticals, etc. In many places, cities can become more compact and buildings can be put closer together, thus reducing overall cost and enabling people to reach destinations quicker, either by walking or cycling. Air taxis can bring people to many destinations fast, while people can also using online facilities to further reduce the need for transport and travel infrastructure.

In other places, the space now used for roads and parking could instead be used to create urban forests, to extend gardens and to create community gardens and markets where people can get locally-produced vegan-organic foo such as fruit and vegetables.

Much additional infrastructure can also change, such as traffic lights and road signs, streetlights and the electricity grid. Supply of natural gas could be replaced by electric devices such as heat-pumps, induction-cookers and electric water-heaters. Organic waste can be pyrolysed with the resulting biochar added to the soil.”


“Too many words, too little action: Climate justice is essential to limit climate change”


Blame corporate America’s manipulation of our craven politicians$$$:

“Climate Responses that backfire are a growing problem, IPCC says”


“Why Did California Regulators Choose a Firm with Ties to Chevron to Study Irrigating Crops with Oil Wastewater?

Chevron is the largest provider of the wastewater. GSI Environmental identified no health risks associated with the controversial practice.”


“Transformational change is coming to how people live on Earth, UN climate adaptation report warns”


“How Fossil-Fuel Companies Are Stonewalling Sarah Bloom Raskin’s Nomination to the Fed

The industry has donated generously to the campaigns of all twelve Republican members of the Senate Banking Committee.”


Nothing would please Washington more than Climate Scientist voluntarily not working:

“These Climate Scientists Are Fed Up and Ready to Go on Strike”

“Evidence on global warming is piling up. Nations aren’t acting. Some researchers are asking what difference more reports will make. What difference are more reports or global warming summit going to make?”


Jason Scherl:

“It's now 30F above normal: in the USA today

As soon as we hit 40 above in the summer you will starve to death

Think instead of 90 in the shade, 130F in the shade, during a drought

same time last year it was 20-25 above, now its 30”

“Burn Baby Burn HD TWC 30℉ Above Normal: USA Today”


“Climate action is hard, but becomes harder the longer we put it off”


“Climate change is intensifying Earth’s water cycle at twice the predicted rate, research shows

Rising temperatures pushing much more freshwater towards poles than climate models previously estimated.”


Kirk Brent Norring:


"Get Ready For It. It's Coming."”

“With ‘Limited Amount of Time Left,’ New IPCC Report Urges Climate Adaptation”


“New Nuclear Power Plants Are Unlikely to Stop the Climate Crisis

These plants take too long to build and bring online, and we don’t have that much time”


And here you thought Biden’s DemGops didn’t care? They’ve updated their guidance on surviving a nuclear war:

What should you do in case of a nuclear explosion? U.S. government updates guidance


Dystopia? YES! Dystopia on Steriods? Double Yes!:

“Why We’re Entering a New Era of War”

“There are at least three ways that the Ukraine invasion becomes a much larger conflict. And underneath them all is what we’ll describe as the doom loop of the global economy.”


“UN: Droughts, less water in Europe as warming wrecks crops”


“5 signs of how climate change is unraveling Earth’s ecosystems

Global warming is taking a bigger toll on wildlife than we previously thought, a new IPCC report shows.”


“Wars 1945-2001 launched by:

Other Countries 19%

USA 81%”

“And there are more than 200 nations across the globe”


CITICORP is fueling the Amazon’s destruction:

“As the Amazon rainforest faces a historic tipping point, banks are backing the state-owned oil companies that are expanding crude oil production in the Amazon.

In our newly released risk alert, we spotlight Citigroup's exposure and central role in providing billions in financing and investments to oil and gas companies in the Amazon.

Indigenous leaders and federations directly impacted by oil drilling are calling on Citigroup to commit to exit Amazon oil and gas.

Will Citigroup do the right thing and divest from Amazon oil?

Read more:”


“Factory Farming Is Driving the Sixth Mass Extinction”



“Edible Extinction: Why We Need to Revive Global Food Diversity”


“Maintaining National Security in the Face of Climate Change”


“Nuclear Winter - Destruction of the Ozone Layer”


“National Geographic: Bill Nye's Climate Meltdown with Guy McPherson & Arnold Schwarzenegger HD”


Either Democrats negate voter suppression, or they hand America over to authoritarian fascist leadership - Democrats will deliver the final blow


“Breaking news!

NATO (US) has a death wish. They are overtly sending weapon shipments to Ukraine.

Russia: Stop this, we are warming up our nukes.

NATO (US) We won’t stop.

Russia: Haraso.”

[if you’re lucky you’ll be close to ground zero, then apparently its supposed to be like getting your picture taken with a flash camera that’s sends you into oblivion before you know it]


“Let’s Recall What Exactly Paul Manafort and Rudy Giuliani Were Doing in Ukraine”


Welcome to Christofascism

“Why white evangelical Christians are Putin's biggest American fan base

Evangelicals are a long way from how they historically thought about Russia and communism.”

“While the world looks on in horror as Russia's invasion of Ukraine unfolds, one group has been praising autocrat Vladimir Putin. It turns out Putin has a base of codpiece-nuzzlers in America’s right-leaning evangelical politicians and pundits.”


“iPCC: Earth gets an F”


“Climate: ‘dangerously fast’ growth in atmospheric methane”


“Economic warfare is not a game for children”


“Americans should get ready for $5 a gallon gas, analyst warns”

“Strap in: Americans can expect increasing pain at the pump as rising oil costs continue to push up prices at gas stations across the U.S. That spike is unlikely to ease anytime soon as Russia's war with Ukraine intensifies, experts say.”

[for along time Goldman Sachs determined that $4.00 per gallon was the price at which people would change their habits surrounding the consumption of gasoline]


Boycott Montana:

“Hounds chased a Yellowstone National Park mountain lion into a tree. Then Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte shot it.”

“The lion was killed late last year on U.S. Forest Service land. Gianforte’s office said the hunt was legal.”

“Has Montana Governor Greg Gianforte made killing Yellowstone's iconic predators his specialty?

He recently shot and killed a collared cougar being monitored by the National Park Service. Less than a year earlier, he killed a collared Yellowstone wolf.

Yellowstone National Park is home to only 34 to 42 cougars. M220 was 3.5 years old when he was slaughtered by Gov. Gianforte.”


“Biden doesn’t get it”


“New Data Shows U.S. Government Has Been Bought For $14 Billion”


Yep, they are allied with Democrats and Republicans America alright:

“'Racist' Ukrainian Guards Threaten to Shoot African Students, Push Black Girl Off Train, Allow Whites to Board”


The American Democratic and Republican Parties are the single most deadly and destructive criminal organization on the planet:

“What are the odds of four people:

Joe Biden President of the United States a Democrat,

Nancy Pelosi Speaker of US House of Representatives a Democrat,

John Kerry U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate and Ex US Senator from Massachusetts a Democrat,

Mitt Romney US Senator from Utah a Republican

All having children working for Ukrainian Gas Companies.


“Adam Schiff [a Democrat]: We're Using Ukraine to Fight Russia”

“Did our Politicians expect Russia to attack Ukraine? Was that their strategy from the start? There's plenty of precedent for this.

This is Corporate servant Congressman Adam Schiff [a Democrat], who supported most of Trump's policies while simultaneously leading the RussiaGate conspiracy. The facts are President Donald J. Trump was one of many Politicians that set the stage for Russia's attack on Ukraine. He did it by threatening Russia on many fronts & acting to hurt their economy.

President Trump, who rightfully said good relations with Russia are important, but then did the opposite, expanded NATO, increased its budget, when it already outspent Russia 13 to 1, imposed harsh sanctions on Russia, and tore up arms control treaties that reduced the threat of Nuclear War. Despite this Corporate Democrats still pushed the false RussiaGate narrative while backing Trump's harsh policies on Russia that inflamed tensions & restarted the Cold War.

In 2017 U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders & Senator Rand Paul were the only two to vote against harsh sanctions on Russia & Iran. Sanctions themselves are an act of war...


Romeu Peitinho:

“The history we should forget.”

Richard Moser:

“More evidence. An open letter from the late 1990s signed by politicians, diplomats, and other Washington notables. The US knew damn well that the expansion of NATO was a threat to Russia and would destabilize Eastern Europe. Well, you may say: “that does not excuse the Russian invasion.” Sure, Ok, then but what exactly is the excuse for pursuing a plan for over two decades widely predicted to end in disaster? The answer is that Clinton and the neocons wanted to provoke Russia. They wanted to destabilize Eastern Europe. This is a regime change war on a global scale. We will all be collateral damage one way or another, sooner or later. Thanks Akira Hino”


“Big War CEOs: There’s chaos in the world and our prospects are excellent

With candor you don’t hear in official circles, top arms contractors say recent violence and tension works in their shareholders’ favor.”


“An Ukrainian soldier keeps position sitting on a ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun



While debates about the war in Ukraine center on the motivations of Putin and NATO powers, the merchants of death profiting from war are—literally—making a killing.”


“Democrats deepen embrace of Israeli apartheid”

Rome Peitinho:

“"The Democratic Party has an apartheid problem. And it’s getting worse.

Eight congressional Democrats went to Israel last month yet I could find no public record of any of them speaking out against Israel’s practice of apartheid, meticulously documented in Amnesty International’s recent landmark report.

More members joined a tour sponsored by the Israel lobby group AIPAC later in February – run through its subsidiary, the American Israel Education Foundation – including 27 Republicans and 14 Democrats. Representative Ted Deutch did double duty for Israeli apartheid by attending both trips."”


“War in Ukraine Shifts European, American Views on Energy Dependence”

America’s energy independence in the past has resulted in increased output and it all got exported! It is antithetical to say you are increasing your independence of something by depleting the supply of it that you own. American calls for energy independence in the past have proven to be like f***ing in the name of promoting virginity. Fossil Fuel used calls for energy independence to pave the way for a tsunami of environmental destruction within the United States. We don’t need more environmental destruction, we need to kick our addiction to fossil fuels.

Relying on authoritarian states for fuel supplies turns out to be a dismal geopolitical strategy.


“Ukraine Conflict Centered Around Gas Pipeline – Of Course!”


“War Propaganda About Ukraine Becoming More Militaristic, Authoritarian, and Reckless

Every useful or pleasing claim about the war, no matter how unverified or subsequently debunked, rapidly spreads, while dissenters are vilified as traitors or Kremlin agents.”


Ben Karimi:

“ news reporters have offered us clues. The Ukrainians, like any European family you might live next door to.” They are “people with blue eyes and blonde hair. Or, as one correspondent put it, they “are Christians. They’re white. “


“US can’t absolve itself of responsibility for Putin’s Ukraine invasion

The conflict renders a judgment on post-Cold War US policy. That policy has now culminated in a massive diplomatic failure.”

“Aaron Mate:

“Everything that is happening right now in Ukraine is exactly what Stephen F. Cohen tirelessly warned about. For speaking the truth, he was demonized and shunned, including from spaces that once relied on his expertise (cc democracynow). Let his memory be an inspiration & guide.”

“Stephen Cohen, a famed scholar of Russian studies, warning in 2014 that “if we move NATO forces toward Russian’s borders […] it’s obviously gonna militarize the situation [and] Russia will not back off, this is existential”

Whole video worth watching:”

“Civilized Nations Kill With Sanctions And Proxy Armies: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix”


“BLACKROCK owns all the major pharmaceutical & weapons manufacturers as well as most mainstream media.”


“Ukraine failed to comply with the Minsk agreements: Putin informs Biden”


“Figaro Oscarjan writes:




“Two NC Cities Go Dark for Birds, Thanks to Audubon Chapters

Migrating birds will find safer passage through Greensboro and Asheville beginning this spring.”


Lee Camp:

“I call on the hosts of all CNN, MSNBC, & Fox News shows to quit for helping manufacture support for US attacks on: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Yugoslavia, Honduras Haiti, Guatemala, and Cuba.


The Rich are rich because of Government Politicians – PERIOD:


Inside the Tax Records of the .001%”

“Inside the Tax Records of the .001%. A massive trove of tax information obtained by ProPublica, covering thousands of America’s wealthiest individuals, reveals what’s inside the billionaires’ bag of tricks for minimizing their personal tax bills — sometimes to nothing.”


If politics makes for “strange bedfellows” maybe you should switch beds:

“Israel's Holocaust museum asked the US not to sanction Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich because he's one of its biggest donors”

“Last month, Israel's Holocaust Memorial Museum, a chief rabbi, and several Israeli charities and organizations asked the US to avoid sanctioning Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, The Times of Israel reported on Sunday. Reportedly Abramovich is the "second-largest private donor" to the museum, per the outlet.”


“Earth Temperature Timeline”


Sam Carana:

“Observed sunspots well above predicted values”

“Observed sunspots for cycle 25 are well above the values predicted by NOAA.

Within a few years time, sunspots are expected to reach the peak of the current cycle.

In the image, adapted from NOAA, the solar cycle is represented as the number of sunspots (top) and F10.7cm radio flux (bottom).

Created by Sam Carana for

“What the IPCC impacts report is hiding”

with content from the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center at:


“Record breaking floods across qld/nsw Australia happening now.”

“For anyone who doesn't comprehend how much Lismore has flooded... I hope this helps give you an idea”


“Climate change has 'irreversibly' changed Florida, a new global report says”


“War in Ukraine has implications for Arctic co-operation, climate change research”


“Climate migrants could face a world of closing doors”


“Climate change is causing high tree mortality in southern Amazon”


“Gas flares tied to premature deaths”


“Seismic study reveals key reason why Patagonia is rising as glaciers melt”


“New Mexico Wants it ‘Both Ways,’ Insisting on Environmental Regulations While Benefiting from Oil and Gas

The tension is evident across from the northwest San Juan Basin, a rich natural gas reserve, to the Permian Basin, the most prolific oil and gas region in the country.”


Oligarch Charles Koch’s billions in action against mankind – he is untouchable:

“Supreme Court Considers Limiting E.P.A.’s Ability to Address Climate Change

Members of the court’s conservative majority voiced skepticism that Congress had authorized the agency to decide what they said were major political and economic questions.”

Val Eisman:

"The long-predicted effects of climate change are now hard upon us, and they will only get worse unless we take sweeping action. But it’s not just the atmospheric window that’s closing. The political portal is as well — and not just for this year but for the next several. That means Democrats must move with dispatch to pass the climate provisions of the Build Back Better legislation.

Several coalescing probabilities make congressional action in the next few months the best, and perhaps last, chance for timely action. On Feb. 28, the US Supreme Court heard arguments in a lawsuit intended to block the federal government’s ability to take strong regulatory action to curb greenhouse gas emissions. That was the approach President Obama settled on in the face of Congress’s disinclination to act in a meaningful way on global warming. But Obama’s [Clean Power Plan]

soon ran into legal problems, with the [Supreme Court freezing it]

while a challenge to its legal grounding played out in court. Donald Trump then gutted Obama’s regulatory effort, only to see his own do-little-or-nothing rule thrown out by the US Appeals Court for the District of Columbia Circuit.

The Biden administration has signaled it intends to return to an Obama-like approach by using the [Environmental Protection Agency]

‘s regulatory power to crack down on energy-sector emissions, but has yet to detail its plan. Despite the lack of a currently relevant justiciable policy, however, the [Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal of the D.C. Appeals Court’s ruling]

The fact that the high court opted to hear this case before President Biden has a set of rules in the game suggests that its conservative majority is intent on preemptively closing that regulatory avenue. That would be in keeping with those justices’ clear skepticism about administrative authority based on a broad interpretation of statute. If so, the EPA would see its power to require sector-wide greenhouse-gas reductions [severely curtailed.]

"The growing climate emergency is too urgent to let this opportunity slip. There is now widespread recognition that the effects of climate change have arrived. A new [United Nations report on climate change]

makes clear that, without dramatic action, things will become much worse in the years ahead.

The need to regroup and refocus [is now sinking in among some progressives]

, who have previously been reluctant to sacrifice cherished domestic priorities to political reality. Notably, US Representative [Pramila Jayapal]

, chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, said at the end of January that progressives were willing to narrow down the bill in order to win the support of Manchin.

That doesn’t mean that every non-climate piece of Build Back Better must be nixed. But as Jayapal [acknowledged]

to Politico, it does means that things like the child tax credit and paid family leave are very unlikely to make the cut. That could still leave room for action on other aspects, though Manchin [has clearly grown more skeptical]

of the administration’s social agenda as inflation has persisted."


Human Reform Politics on FB \ From Douglas Dunn

December 2, 2021

All of the six Republican-appointed ”justices” are illegitimate. All were either appointed by an illegitimate “president” who did not win the popular vote and only “won” the electoral college by massive cheating and voter suppression, OR lied under oath about sexual violence during their confirmation hearings, OR only got their nominations or confirmations because of illegitimate manipulation of the confirmation process in ways never envisioned by the Founders.

1. Clarence Thomas — committed perjury during confirmation hearings lying about sexual assaults.

2. John Roberts — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and only “won” the Electoral College solely because of cheating and voter suppression in Florida.

3. Samuel Alito — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating and voter suppression.

4. Neil Gorsuch — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating via CONspiracy with Russia and vote suppression in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Also occupies a seat that should have been filled by Obama who was obstructed by racist Mitch McConnell.

5. Brett Kavanaugh — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and only “won” the Electoral College solely because of cheating via CONspiracy with Russia and voter suppression AND committed perjury during confirmation hearings and sexual assaults, including rape.

6. Amy Coney Barrett — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating and voter suppression AND whose appointment was illegally rushed through in an unprecedented violation of the Senate’s own rules after voting in a presidential election was already under way.

Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh both lied under oath about sexual harassment of women, who they seem to think are their personal playthings. They are hardly the right people to be making judgments about women’s rights.


“OSHA, EPA, etc. it is the Weaponized US Supreme Court's mission to dismantle it.

“Charles Koch’s Big Bet on Barrett”

For almost 50 years, the multibillionaire has been pushing for a court unfriendly to regulation of the market. He may be on the brink of victory”;


“Democrats Ask Justice Barrett To Recuse In Case Involving Nonprofit Donor Privacy”


With Trump we have seen unprecedented corruption, racism, consorting with the enemy, cruelty, as well as contempt for: government, the U.S. Constitution, rule of law, minority populations, and regard for 99% of the American people and their children’s environment. All done in aid of overthrowing our alleged “Democracy” in favor a new Authoritarian dictatorship. This is the President who will have the larges and longest lasting impact on our Countries legal system.

DEMOCRATS HAVE FAILED THE AMERICAN. Democrats need to stop bringing the proverbial “knife to a gun fight”. Not wanting to stoop to Republicans level is nothing more than cheeky acquiescence to the two parties shared overlords$$$. Either Democrats fight for 99% of the American People the way Republicans fight for the rich or leave politics. The People have given way too much, and in fact have been reduced to giving their lives to Washington’s service of the Rich and it needs to stop, yesterday.

At a loss for Republicans war tactics? Look to Wisconsin. Perhaps purging of A-L-L Trump’s extremist judiciary appointments could be achieved by, say, cutting off the power to SCOTUS, defunding their salaries, or changing the locks. Anything short of that and Democrats may as well just shut up.

Strategies for their removal of “life-time appointments” to the judiciary made by a treasonous anti-American President may or may not include:

1. defunding their salaries;

2. forcing their retirement;

3. buying them out of their appointment;

4. illegally firing them and allowing them to seek restitution against the U.S. Government in the courts;

5. pass a law targeting a judges’ circumstances making it illegal for them to be a judge;

6. fire them legally for just cause;

7. impeachment, and

8. use any of the above in tandem with the bully pulpit.

9. apply some energy to the task!

Trump “counseled” Anthony Kennedy to retire. The only reason a judicial appointment is “life-time” is because the dominant political party lacks the will to end it. Beyond which the Supreme Court has a history of “Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted.” Recruiting assistance internationally to purge the justices may also help.


“End USPS Sabotage”


“Pelosi’s Bizarre Behavior During Biden’s Speech Examined”


Kirk Brent Norring:

Someone knows about Global Dimming.”

“Almost 15,000 “Ghost Flights” Have Left the UK Since Pandemic Began

Airlines flew near-empty planes—in some cases to protect airport privileges.”


Kirk Brent Norring:

Global Warming Didn't Wipe Out All Of The Animals. We Did In Our Insatiable Lust For Power And Money.

Our Business As Usual Allow Covid-19 To Spread Across The World And Now It Is In The Wild Animal Populations Everywhere.

There is no vaccines for animals and it will continue to spread and kill them off and mutate and then jump back into humans.

With Global Warming they had maybe 15 years left. But with us they have less than 5 years.

Covid-19 is a slow killer.

Get it once and you'll be fine.

Get it twice and off to the hospital you go.

Get it three times and your last destination will be to the morgue.

Near Term Human Extinction Is Guaranteed.

“Possible case of deer-to human Covid infection identified in Canada”


“Study reveals chemical link between wildfire smoke and ozone depletion”


You gotta wonder if Democrats\Republicans are recklessly catapulting us into a nuclear war for fascist global domination because it would be a more merciful way to achieve their Georgia Guidestone’s population reductions than having all of us slowly starve over a series of heatwaves:

But there is a flaw in my logic: fascism knows no mercy.

“Science Update: IPCC's Bleakest Warning Yet”


“Most of the news out of Ukraine is fake!

1Russian tank that ran over a civilian car in Kyiv was a Strela-10 Ukrainian air defense system. NOT Russian.

2Photos of Zelenskyy in military garb with a helmet on are from a 2021 Ukrainian border inspection trip.

3The “Ghost of Kyiv” MiG-19 shooting down a Russian Su-35 was from a Digital Combat Simulator animation.

4 The “Ghost of Kyiv” identified as Samuyil Hyde is actually a pic of Sam Hyde, and internet prankster.

5Phot of two children (girl in pink with teddy bear, boy saluting) watching convoy pass, are from 2016.

6The photos of a woman saying goodbye to her man, going off to fight Putin’s Russians IS FROM A MOVE.

7Snake Island “martyrs” actually were not killed, and a video shows all 82 being transported to Sevastopol.

8”Her Blood is on his hands” old lady photos that were on the front pages of The Sun, The Mirror, and The Guardian are actually images from years ago.



Gasoline AND WHEAT will go up in price:

“How Americans will end up paying through the pocketbook for sanctions too

"Wheat futures up 50%. Russian whet exports down 60% because of shipping sanctions. This means your food costs are going to spike dramatically in coming weeks. It will likely be blamed on transitory inflation.

40% of EU fertilizer comes from Russia. With just in time supply chain, there is no way to quickly replace that. If Russia decides to use that as a sanction tool, or if shipping sanctions reduce supply, it could make food unaffordable to vast swaths of the population. not a gloat. My point is, this isn't a video game. Western leaders are both incompetent and playing with people's lives over a geopolitical win." Don Harder”


Lack of Food, get used to it:

“A Revolution Marches on Its Stomach

Which governments are most likely to be toppled when hungry people riot?”


“The Arctic Meltdown: Why It Matters to Us All”


“Can We Have an Intelligent Adult Conversation About Russia?”

“Condemn Vladimir Putin’s criminal war of aggression, but we are not entitled to any self-righteousness. The United States Government has committed terrorism, torture, regime change, cruel sanctions, and attacked more than a dozen countries under false pretenses. Our hands aren't clean and our Politicians can't be trusted.

"Wars bring out the worst in all sides, and creating a world without war will require the United States to be self-critical rather than self-righteous.

So much is at stake that we should be concerned not only by Russia’s behavior, but by the arrogant self-certainty of many commentators and public officials in the U.S. and Europe.

Looking back on our country’s history, it’s clear that when the U.S. is on the right side of an issue, its capacity for self-criticism can disappear in dangerous ways. For instance: the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, and the ruthlessness of the Japanese Imperial Army, imbued the U.S. with a thirst for vengeance that was used to justify all manner of atrocities against the Japanese, including the firebombing and nuking of civilian populations (as well as the internment of Japanese Americans).

After 9/11, a horrific attack on innocent office workers, the U.S. went on the warpath senselessly, launching disastrous destructive dishonest wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Our country’s barbaric actions in these countries included torture, indefinite detention, invasions, & drone strikes on civilians — created jihadists. Many Americans were so convinced President George W. Bush’s declaration that the enemy was ‘evil’ that any criticism of American conduct seemed like complicity with evil, which meant that American conduct was beyond criticism or accountability.

When the moral issues in a conflict seem clear-cut—as they do with Putin’s invasion of Ukraine—it is easy to see anyone who calls the complete righteousness of the Good Side into question as an ‘apologist’ for the Bad Side. But intelligent adults must be capable of discussing global politics with nuance; to criticize U.S. policy is not to be ‘with the enemy.’ It should not, for instance, be considered ‘pro-Putin’ or ‘Putin apologism’ to note that in the years leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, there were good reasons to believe that if Western countries tried to expand NATO to Ukraine, and continued to fill Eastern Europe with weapons systems that could target Russia, Russia might feel provoked. This is not to say that the ‘feeling’ is justified, any more than someone explaining what makes bees attack is justifying bee stings. But foreign policy analysts ranging from Henry Kissinger to Noam Chomsky pointed out years ago that the West was failing to approach the Ukraine issue in a way that would maximize the chances of a peaceful, mutually satisfactory outcome...”

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