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12/2021 Private money taking over our Public Universities is bad: Taming the Beast

Updated: Jan 6

United for a Fair Economy:

“Our new infographic aims to increase our understanding of the roots of racial economic inequality and of the harm caused by policies implemented throughout the history of the United States. Unequal access to wealth building —historic and current— compounds over generations. For a privileged few, government policies have provided boosts to wealth building, while others have been systematically denied the ability to build and keep their wealth. So the racial wealth gap continues to grow.

We hope you'll use this tool to hold conversations with your friends, families, and communities. Check out and share our new infographic below to learn more about how we got here, and how far we still have to go!

Visit our website to view the full graphic, sources and more:”

Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020-06-06 _F2A5312aaap

Common communication pitfalls to watch for:

Strawman; Slippery slope; Special Pleading; the Gambler’s fallacy; Black-or-white; false cause; ad hominem; loaded question; bandwagon; begging the question. See hyper link for definitions


The death of the planet’s “3rd Pole” the Himalaya-Karakoram Glaciers:

“What could go wrong with rising temperatures in the Third Pole region?

Glaciers are melting fast, increasing the risk of floods and droughts. An international research team reviewed the changes in streamflow patterns and their effects on downstream populations and infrastructure, hydroelectric projects and irrigated agriculture systems in the Karakoram region.

The team highlights the hazardous impacts of unpredictable changes in water flow and suggests urgent interventions.”


“Snowpack in California’s Sierra Nevada could disappear in just 25 years”


“A new study reveals that greater bird biodiversity brings greater joy to people.”

“Study: Birds Are Linked to Happiness Levels”


“By 2050, 86 million Africans will be at risk of experiencing climate-induced migration if no concrete action to reduce global emissions is implemented. The latest World Bank #Groundswell Africa reports lay out clear plans of how African countries can come together and bring regional solutions to build resilience towards a #ClimateSmartAfrica. Download now:”

“Climate Migration in Africa: How to Turn the Tide”


“Unfettered greed is corporate America closing U.S. factories where workers made $30/hour, opening sweatshops abroad where workers make 30 cents/hour, hiring U.S. workers to sell the sweatshop goods for $8/hour and blaming inflation for a 25% price increase at Dollar Tree.”


Death by a final cut, with Democrats failing to do what was necessary to save our Democracy:

“𝘚𝘜𝘗𝘙𝘌𝘔𝘌𝘊𝘖𝘜𝘙𝘛𝘋𝘌𝘈𝘓𝘚𝘈𝘕𝘌𝘞𝘉𝘓𝘖𝘞𝘛𝘖𝘝𝘖𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘙𝘐𝘎𝘏𝘛𝘚” | The Supreme Court just UPHELD two voter suppression laws that GUT the Voting Rights Act, putting our democracy in danger


“From Douglas Dunn

December 2, 2021

All of the six Republican-appointed ”justices” are illegitimate. All were either appointed by an illegitimate “president” who did not win the popular vote and only “won” the electoral college by massive cheating and voter suppression, OR lied under oath about sexual violence during their confirmation hearings, OR only got their nominations or confirmations because of illegitimate manipulation of the confirmation process in ways never envisioned by the Founders.

‘1. Clarence Thomas — committed perjury during confirmation hearings lying about sexual assaults.

2. John Roberts — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and only “won” the Electoral College solely because of cheating and voter suppression in Florida.

3. Samuel Alito — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating and voter suppression.

4. Neil Gorsuch — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating via CONspiracy with Russia and vote suppression in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Also occupies a seat that should have been filled by Obama who was obstructed by racist Mitch McConnell.

5. Brett Kavanaugh — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and only “won” the Electoral College solely because of cheating via CONspiracy with Russia and voter suppression AND committed perjury during confirmation hearings and sexual assaults, including rape.

6. Amy Coney Barrett — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating and voter suppression AND whose appointment was illegally rushed through in an unprecedented violation of the Senate’s own rules after voting in a presidential election was already under way.

Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh both lied under oath about sexual harassment of women, who they seem to think are their personal playthings. They are hardly the right people to be making judgments about women’s rights.”


The end of America as we know it is at hand:

“The Rule of Six: A newly radicalized Supreme Court is poised to reshape the nation”


“The real enemy are not the dissenters, the real enemy are those government forces in the democratic party who want to criminalize dissent and rebellion as they masquarade as left-wing.”

“The second war on terror”


So we export to make up the difference:

“Analysis: China’s ban on Australian coal is benefiting U.S. railroads”


“Bernie would not confront Schumer & Democratic power hierarchy who are responsible for neoliberalism & deregulation & deindustrialization.Essentially turning government to an entity exclusively serving the oligarchy…. Chris Hedges”


“Police called to remove union officials from Amazon warehouse in Sydney

The Transport Workers Union said it was investigating reports that Amazon Flex workers’ cars were dangerously overloaded”


Lewis Latimore, an American of African Ancestry, invented the lightbulb.


“"The Dawn of Everything” sees pervasive evidence for large complex societies that thrived without the existence of the state, and defines freedom chiefly as “freedom to disobey.” We’ve reached the stage of history where we have scientists and activists agreeing our prevailing system is putting us and our planet on a course of real catastrophe. What if, instead of telling the story about how our society fell from some idyllic state of equality, we ask how we came to be trapped in such tight conceptual shackles that we can no longer even imagine the possibility of reinventing ourselves?””

“What if Everything You Learned About Human History Is Wrong?”


China’s Xi, not Biden:

“China's Xi pledges another 1 bln COVID-19 vaccine doses for Africa”


“How to spot a liar | Pamela Meyer”


Sam Carana:

# Satellites reveal Arctic rivers are changing faster than we thought

“New analysis integrating data from satellites, river gauges and hydrologic models reveals Arctic rivers are discharging much more water than previously thought”

“Recent changes to Arctic river discharge” - by Dongmei Feng et al.


“It is almost unconceivable to most people born today that trees could get this big. Take a moment to reflect on the loss of mighty forest giants like these...”


“This Ocean Invaded Its Neighbor Earlier Than Anyone Thought

The saltier Atlantic broke through layers of ice and freshwater, contributing to the Arctic’s warming.”

"Arctic. Atlantic. Long ago, the two oceans existed in harmony, with warm and salty Atlantic waters gently flowing into the Arctic. The layered nature of the Arctic — sea ice on top, cool freshwater in the middle and warm, salty water at the bottom — helped hold the boundary between the polar ocean and the warmer Atlantic.

But everything changed when the larger ocean began flowing faster than the polar ocean could accommodate, weakening the distinction between the layers and transforming Arctic waters into something closer to the Atlantic. This process, called Atlantification, is part of the reason the Arctic is warming faster than any other ocean.

“It’s not a new invasion of the Arctic,” said Yueng-Djern Lenn, a physical oceanographer at Bangor University in Wales. “What’s new is that the properties of the Arctic are changing.”

Satellites offer some of the clearest measurements of changes in the Arctic Ocean and sea ice. But their records only go back around 40 years, obscuring how the climate of the ocean may have changed in prior decades.

“To go back, we need a sort of time machine,” said Tommaso Tesi, a researcher at the Institute of Polar Sciences-CNR, Italy.

In a paper published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances, Dr. Tesi and colleagues were able to turn back time with yard-long sediment cores taken from the seafloor, which archived 800 years of historical changes in Arctic waters. Their analysis found Atlantification started at the beginning of the 20th century — decades before the process had been documented by satellite imagery. The Arctic has warmed by around 2 degrees Celsius since 1900. But this early Atlantification did not appear in existing historical climate models, a discrepancy that the authors say may reveal gaps in those estimates."


“Visualizing the Biomass of Life”


“Trees cool the land surface temperature of cities by up to 12°C

An analysis of satellite data from 293 cities in Europe has found that trees have a big cooling effect while other green spaces don't


Morrison is guilty of Ecocide:

“Australia’s Black Summer of fire was not normal – and we can prove it”

“Multi-decadal increase of forest burned area in Australia is linked to climate change” - by Josep Canadell et al.


“Europe is warming faster than the rest of the world and scientists are puzzled”

“Europe is already 2.2 degrees Celsius warmer than before the industrial revolution while the Arctic has already warmed up by 3 degrees C.”


“Tens of millions of middle class homeowners pay annual taxes on the unrealized gains of their home – but the idea that 700 billionaires should also pay taxes on the growth of their stock portfolio is sending folks into a fit of rage. Stop defending billionaires. Start taxing them.”


World Population in 1907, 1,750,000,000:

“Atlantic Ocean water began warming the Arctic as early as 1907

A sediment core from Svalbard has revealed a sudden influx of warm water in the Arctic in 1907, which is evidence of a process that is spurring ice loss”


“I don’t’ get why this is such a “make feel good” for so many ppl, posting trump in orange suite behind bars etc etc in the last few years?

Are these ppl really that naïve that they can’t realize that would never happen long as Rep & Dem party rts*?”


Ajamu Baraka:

“When private corporations that control google, twitter, and facebook along with the government that is under control of corporate capitalism can determine the range and content of information you are exposed to – there is a term for that – totalitarianism.”

Reader Comment: “Michael Callura - Nazism is a better term then Totalitarianism.

The Nazi Government used Media ( Government Propaganda) to Brain wash the German Citizenry to Total War and the Destruction of Europe.


This is what Buttigieg represents:

“If having your newsroom filled with ex-security state operatives, FBI agents, CIA officials, and General’s – all of whom are paid employees – to reflexively defend the FBI, CIA, and NSA isn’t “State TV” what it is?”


Private money taking over our Public Universities is bad:

“If You Fund the Research, You Can Shape the World

Before the Koch brothers, Standard Oil realized the power of universities to spread its free-market ideology and prevent the growth of socialism.”


“No Tech for Apartheid”

“Buried deep below the headlines about the bombs falling on Gaza earlier this year was the announcement that Google and have been jointly awarded a massive contract with the Israeli military, which would allow Israel to more completely surveil Palestinians in Gaza and to more easily enforce segregated settlements. They have called this Project Nimbus.

Employees of Google and Amazon are rising up against this misuse of the technology they build, and DiEM25 supports them in their call for Project Nimbus to be stopped. #NoTechForApartheid!”


“Do you realize that 57 cents of every tax dollars goes into the military we have much better places to spend that money. We are making exactly the same mistake the USSR did starve its population to build a military and we're starting to see exactly the same effects and problems they had.”

“There is an easy way to tax billionaires that would actually work.”

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