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10/2021 American Political Parties Work Together Against the Public Interest

Updated: Jan 6

“How the “Polarized” Political Parties Work Together Against the Public Interest”

Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017 6/15 674aaa2

“Freedom of speech, from what I gather, is when billionaires own the newspapers, television stations, and social media sites, and they get to unilaterally control what is said on their platforms, with zero accountability to the public.”


“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.” Aleksandr I. Solzhenistsyn, “The Gulag Archipelago; 1973


“Keep in mind, the news media are not independent; they are a sort of bulletin board and public relations firm for the ruling class-the people who run things. Those who decide what news you will or will not hear are paid by, and tolerated purely at the whim of, those who hold economic power. If the parent corporation doesn’t want you to know something, it won’t be on the news. Period. Or, at the very least, it will be slanted to suit them, and then rarely followed up.” George Carlin


American values glorified on YouTube:

“Amazing Dangerous Skills Fastest Big Tree Felling, Extreme Biggest Tree Cutting Down Machines”

Dangerous Felling 500-year-old Tree Huge Chainsaw Machines, Fastest Cutting Down Big Tree Working

“Amazing Fastest Large Wood Cutting Machine Working- Woodworking Processing Factory Modern Technology”

“Giant Sequoia Cut Down - June 3rd, 2021”


Those behind the release of the Pandora papers are every bit as interesting as the content of the Pandora papers:

Ben Norton:

“The group behind the Pandora Papers, ICU, which left out all US Politicians, is funded by:

- CIA front Ford Foundation

- NATO member Norway

- Open Society of billionaire Soros, longtime CIA asset

- Big Tech oligarch Omidyar, close ally of US regime-change ops (note is Omidyar one of the firms MBS invested in?)

Also works with Amazon

Institutional and major individual donors who provided support in 2019-2021:

Adessium Foundation

Arnold Ventures

Bay and Paul Foundations

Barbara Streisand

Bertha Foundation

Ford Foundation

Franklin Philanthropic Foundation

Fritt Ord Foundation

Fund for Nonprofit News at the Miami Foundation (NewsMatch)

KCIJ Newstapa

Meryl Streep

Nationale Postcode Loterij


Open Society Foundation

Swedish Postcode Foundation

Tinius Trust

Wellspring Philanthropic Fund

We are also grateful to have received in-kind support from Australian philanthropist”


“Remarkable how there are exactly zero US politicians mentioned in the Pandora Papers.”

“Also remarkable is how some of the journalists breaking this story are known to have worked extremely close with US intelligence agencies before.”


The Panama papers solicited no response by Washington lawmakers, and I doubt Biden will take any remedial action:

“Time and time again, we see how the 1% will go above and beyond to evade taxes—this is why the Build Back Better Act funds the IRS so they have the capacity to ensure the ultrawealthy pay their fair share.”

“Factbox: Key findings of leaked Pandora Papers on offshore wealth”


“More Than Half of America’s 100 Richest People Exploit Special Trusts to Avoid Estate Taxes

Secret IRS records show billionaires use trusts that let them pass fortunes to their heirs without paying estate tax. Will Congress end a tax shelter that has cost the Treasury untold billions?”


““Some 35 current and former leaders and more than 300 public officials are featured in the files from offshore companies, dubbed the Pandora Papers.

They reveal the King of Jordan secretly amassed £70m of UK and US property.

They also show how ex-UK PM Tony Blair and his wife saved £312,000 in stamp duty when they bought a London office.

The couple bought an offshore firm that owned the building.

The leak also links Russian President Vladimir Putin to secret assets in Monaco, and shows the Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis - facing an election later this week - failed to declare an offshore investment company used to purchase two villas for £12m in the south of France.

It is the latest in a string of leaks over the past seven years, following the FinCen Files, the Paradise Papers, the Panama Papers and LuxLeaks.” – writes the Pandora Papers reporting team of BBC.”

“Pandora Papers: Secret wealth and dealings of world leaders exposed”


“Isn’t it amazing that the CIA planned to kidnap and/or kill Julian Assange in London, the British agreed to assist by taking part in a hypothetical shoot out and the ONLY brank of the BBC which has covered it is BBC Somali.”


“If your success is defined as being well adjusted to injustice and well adapted to indifference, then we don’t want successful leaders.

We want great leaders who love the people enough and respect the people enough to be unbought, unbound, unafraid, and unintimidated to tell the truth.” Cornell West


Tax evasion acts deprive the respective countries’ citizens revenue for essential services, including, education. Evasion suppresses upward mobility and decreases the safety net for the non-offenders whose country is being cheated. Instead they are forced into the fringes to better their situation. Evasion compels crime and mostly generates extinctionary by forcing people into the black market and poaching:

“Pandora papers: biggest ever leak of offshore data exposes financial secrets of rich and powerful”


“What the 'Pandora Papers' show about how the powerful hide money from public view”


“Pandora Papers: 'Biggest-Ever' Bombshell Leak Exposes Financial Secrets of the Super-Rich”


“5 Key Things to Know About the Pandora Papers

These disclosures about the how the world's wealthy and powerful hide their vast fortunes will hopefully turn up the heat on the politicians that maintain the wealth-hiding status quo.

This week we are closely watching the disclosures emerge from the Pandora Papers, a massive leak of secret data about the illicit financial activities of the super-wealthy from 200 countries. In the days to come, we will learn more about the tax avoidance of billionaires and the ways states like South Dakota and Florida have become U.S. tax havens.

Here are Five Things You Need to Know

Chuck Collins, October 4, 2021, Common Dreams”

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