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5/2022 PaylPal is taking users money & blocking transactions involving non-govt approved activism

Updated: Jan 9

Flagged as Russian Propaganda on farcebook. Who really knows the truth?:

“US helped Ukraine ‘kill’ Russian generals – NYT

Washington provided Kiev with intelligence on the location of high-ranking Russian officers, the newspaper has claimed”

Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018 6/29 _F2A1980aaa2

“This is how we’re inching humankind towards the first and last global nuclear war.

“Washington provided Kiev with intelligence on the location of high-ranking Russian officers, the newspaper has claimed

The US has assisted Kiev’s forces in killing Russian generals by sharing intelligence on their location inside Ukraine, the New York Times reported on Thursday, citing senior American officials.

Washington reportedly provided Kiev with information on Russia’s mobile military headquarters, which are said to relocate frequently in the conflict zone. Kiev then combined this data with its own intelligence to carry out artillery strikes or other attacks that led to the deaths of commanding officers, sources told the paper.

The US officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, declined to specify how many Russian generals exactly were killed with America’s help. They also didn’t reveal the methods used by Washington to acquire data on Russian command headquarters over concerns that it could hamper further intelligence gathering.

The NYT pointed out that throughout the conflict between Moscow and Kiev, US agencies have relied on a variety of sources, including classified and commercial satellites, to trace the movement of Russian troops.””


“How NATO Motivated Russia's Ukraine Invasion - David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles”


“I swear the world is going nuts”

From Raytheon Technologies:

“Few people realize the RIM -7 Sea Sparrow is the most environmentally friendly anti-aircraft missile produced anywhere.

We’re proud of our commitment to a better future for all the children of the world. Do good things. Be greener.”


Americans need to wake up to what is going on. To begin with it’s called the “Georgia Guidestones”:

“Now I understand why this country loves and supports Nazis' and the Nazi agenda......”

“Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race: War Against the Weak (2003)”


PaylPal is taking users’ money and blocking transactions that benefit peace & non-got approved activism

“PayPal's IndyMedia Wipeout”

A series of moves against media outlets by PayPal shows the next step in speech control: confiscation. Why won't the company answer questions?”

“Unlike many on the list, Consortium editor Joe Lauria succeeded in reaching a human being at the company in search of details about the frozen or “held” funds referenced in the note. The PayPal rep told him that if the company decided “there was a violation” after a half-year review period, then “it is possible” PayPal would keep the $9,348.14 remaining in Consortium’s account, as “damages.”

“A secretive process in which they could award themselves damages, not by a judge or a jury,” Lauria says. “Totally in secret.”

Consortium, founded by the late investigative reporter Robert Parry, has been critical of NATO and the Pentagon and a consistent source of skeptical reporting about Russiagate, as well as one of just a few outlets to regularly cover the Julian Assange case with any sympathy for the accused. Ironically, one of the site’s primary themes involves exploring disinformation emanating from the intelligence community. The site has had content disrupted by platforms like Facebook before, but now its pockets are being picked in addition.

This episode ups the ante again on the content moderation movement, toward the world hinted at in the response to the Canadian trucker protests, where having the wrong opinions can result in your money being frozen or seized. Going after cash is a big jump from simply deleting speech, with a much bigger chilling effect. This is especially true in the alternative media world, where money has long been notoriously tight, and the loss of a few thousand dollars here or there can have a major effect on a site, podcast, or paper.”


She's exposing the TRUTH in Ukraine and they don't like it | Redacted Conversation with Eva Bartlett”


“Via Paul Thomas “Neoliberalism:

An ideology to absolve banks, landlords and monopolists from accusations of predatory behavior. Just as European fascism in the 1930s reflected the failure of socialist parties to put forth a viable alternative, today’s U.S.-centered neoliberalism reflects the failure of industrial capitalism or socialism to free society from rentier interests that are the legacy of feudalism. Turning the tables on classical political economy, rentier interests act as plaintiffs against public regulation and taxation of their economic rents in contrast to Adam Smith and other classical liberals, today’s neoliberals want to deregulate monopoly income and free markets for rent seeking, as well as replacing progressive income taxation and taxes on land and banking with a value-added tax (VAT) on consumers. Endorsing an oligarchic role of government to protect property and financial fortunes (see Chicago School and Moral Hazard), neoliberalism loads the economy with an exponential growth of debt while depicting it in a way that avoids recognizing the rising rentier overhead (rent, interest and insurance) paid to the FIRE sector. (See Junk Economics and Social Market.) Neoliberals want to privatize public infrastructure. They defend this grabitization by depicting public ownership and regulation as less efficient than control by financial managers, despite their notorious short-termism. The pretense is that private operators will provide goods and services at lower cost even while extracting monopoly rent, building interest, dividends and high management salaries into prices. (See Pentagon Capitalism.)


A financial mode of economic power based on interest and rent charges expanding to a point that leaves debtors with little or no disposable income above subsistence levels. (See Debt Peonage, Economic Rent, FIRE Sector and Oligarchy.) Net wages: “It’s not what you make, but what you net” after paying the FIRE sector, basic utilities and taxes. The usual measure of disposable personal income (DPI) refers to how much employees take home after income-tax withholding (designed in part by Milton Friedman during World War II) and over 15% for FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) to produce a budget surplus for Social Security and health care (half of which are paid by the employer). This forced saving is lent to the U.S. Treasury, enabling it to cut taxes on the higher income brackets. Also deducted from paychecks may be employee withholding for private health insurance and pensions. What is left is by no means freely available for discretionary spending. Wage earners have to pay a monthly financial and real estate “nut” off the top, headed by mortgage debt or rent to the landlord, plus credit card debt, student loans and other bank loans. Electricity, gas and phone bills must be paid, often by automatic bank transfer –and usually cable TV and Internet service as well. If these utility bills are not paid, banks increase the interest rate owed on credit card debt (typically to 29%). Not much is left to spend on goods and services after paying the FIRE sector and basic monopolies, so it is no wonder that markets are shrinking. (See Hudson Bubble Model later in this book.) A similar set of subtrahends occurs with net corporate cash flow (see ebitda). After paying interest and dividends –and using about half their revenue for stock buybacks –not much is left for capital investment in new plant and equipment, research or development to expand production.”

Hudson, Michael. J IS FOR JUNK ECONOMICS: A Guide To Reality In An Age Of Deception”


“Neoliberalism 101”


“Pope Says NATO Might Have Provoked Russian Invasion of Ukraine”

“The Pope says it looks like Nato provoked Russia's invasion of Ukraine; that this is a pattern seen elsewhere, such as in Syria and Yemen; and that he's worried by the west arming Ukraine.

Presumably Vatican social media accounts will soon be blocked.”


“The Chris Hedges Report: Ukraine and the 'worthy' and 'unworthy' victims of war”

2018 6-29 _F2A1980aaa2

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