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5/2022 US Wars make and concentrate wealth for the few - period

Updated: Jan 9

War makes and concentrates wealth - period. When Govt Action is in service of the rich Democrats and Republicans can and will move mountains. Funding is almost automatic and done without regard to domestic failings.

Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018 6/27 _F2A0498aaa

“Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism”

“We do not think that taxation is the solution to rent-seeking; the right way to stop thieves is to stop them from stealing, not to raise their taxes.”

“The increase in deaths of despair was almost all among those without a bachelor’s degree. Those with a four-year degree are mostly exempt; it is those without the degree who are at risk. This was particularly surprising for suicide; for more than a century, suicides were generally more common among the educated,1 but that is not true in the current epidemic of deaths of despair. The four-year college degree is increasingly dividing America, and the extraordinarily beneficial effects of the degree are a constant theme running through the book. The widening gap between those with and without a bachelor’s degree is not only in death but also in quality of life; those without a degree are seeing increases in their levels of pain, ill health, and serious mental distress, and declines in their ability to work and to socialize. The gap is also widening in earnings, in family stability, and in community.2 A four-year degree has become the key marker of social status, as if there were a requirement for nongraduates to wear a circular scarlet badge bearing the letters BA crossed through by a diagonal red line.”

“We would like to see a world in which everyone who can benefit from going to college, and wants to go to college, is able to do so. But we do not accept the basic premise that people are useless to the economy unless they have a bachelor's degree. And we certainly do not think that those who do not get one should be somehow disrespected or treated as second-class citizens.”

“As Bertrand Russell once noted, among the strongest advocates that the poor should work more are the idle rich, who have never done any.”

“As is often noted, and only partially in jest, economists seek to explain why people choose to commit suicide, while sociologists explain why they have no such choice. On suicide, the sociologists have been rather more successful than the economists. For their part, economists have proposed a “rational” theory of suicide that posits that people kill themselves in order to “maximize utility.”

― Anne Case, Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism


“Learn how to invest sustainably! Join the free email course.”


Robert Reich:

“This isn’t about Elon Musk.

It’s about the fact a handful of billionaires now wield unprecedented control over our economic and political system.

Conservatives used to decry concentrated economic power as a threat to “free markets.” Now, they increasingly embrace strongmen.”


Republican state of New Mexico killing the planet:

“Satellite images of the New Mexico wildfire smoke.”

“More than 1,000 firefighters battle 150 square mile wildfire in New Mexico

Strong winds pushed blaze across containment lines, threatening the small town of Las Vegas”

(More than 1,000 firefighters backed by bulldozers and aircraft battled the largest active wildfire in the US on Saturday after strong winds pushed it across some containment lines and closer to a town in northern New Mexico.

Preliminary overnight mapping imagery indicated that the fire that has burned at least 166 homes grew in size from 103 square miles on Friday to 152 square miles by early Saturday, officials said.

Ash carried seven miles through the air fell on Las Vegas, population about 13,000, and firefighters were trying to prevent the blaze from getting closer, said Mike Johnson, a spokesperson for the fire management team.)”


Coming to your area soon:

“Early Season Heat Waves Strike India

An intense heat wave in mid- and late April 2022 brought temperatures 4.5 to 8.5°C (8 to 15°F) above normal in east, central, and northwest India—just weeks after the country recorded its hottest March since the country’ meteorological department began keeping records more than 120 years ago.

On April 27, 2022, the highest temperature in the country, 45.9°C (114.6°F), was recorded in Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh. The day before, a high of 45.1°C (113.2°F) was reported at Barmer in West Rajasthan in the northwest, according to the India Meteorological Department. Many other localities recorded temperatures of 42-44°C (108-111°F).

The map shows modeled air temperatures on April 27, 2022. It was derived from the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) model, and represents air temperatures at 2 meters (about 6.5 feet) above the ground.

The effects of the heat wave include heat-related illnesses, poor air quality, little rainfall, and reduced crop yields. Additionally, power demand has spiked and coal inventories have dropped, leaving the country with its worst electricity shortage in more than six years. In the northern regions of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, mountain snow has been rapidly melting. Additionally, more than 300 large wildfires were burning around the country on April 27, according to the Forest Survey of India. Nearly a third of those were in Uttarakhand.

A bulge in the jet stream and a dome of high pressure have kept an unseasonably warm, dry air mass parked over the country, according to meteorologists. The heat wave conditions were expected to intensify in the next few days and persist for at least another week.

Heatwaves are common in India in the spring and early summer, especially in May, which is typically the hottest month. But they are often relieved by the onset of the monsoon season from late May through September. The number of spring heatwaves has been increasing, according to India’s Ministry of Earth Sciences, as 12 of the country’s 15 warmest years on record have occurred since 2006. A June 2015 heat wave killed more than 2,000 people.

Read more on NASA Earth Observatory:”


Pain at the pump? The Rich thank you:

Not a bad payday for killing our only planet

“NEW: Exxon-Mobil and Chevron raked in massive first quarter profits – Chevron took in $6.3 billion, quadrupling its profit from this time last year, while Exxon took in $5.5 billion, more than double last year’s profits.”


It’s troubling that people don’t want to be inconvenienced by addressing America’s government failings.

Please understand that every indication is that they are knowingly killing off American citizens with their conduct. They even have a documented plan for it called “the Georgia Guidestones”.

A time will soon come that you will be faced with a feral existence (that you will die from) or getting some desperately needed basic minimal government aid – and government will NOT provide it. Then you will realize the goal of all the corruption, but it will be too late.

This is not an exaggeration. The bullet has already “left the chamber” it just takes a while to impact. That is nature of the fourth Reich’s Holocaust.


“Nick Breeze: Land temps of 62°C - frightening killing heat wave. We are doing this, + refusing to stop. Horrific.”


“Ban these dangerous pesticides”

“Eating produce sprayed with organophosphate pesticides can lead to reduced IQ, loss of working memory, and attention deficit disorders. Ban dangerous neurotoxic pesticides.”

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