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7/2021 Nowhere is safe

Updated: Jan 6

NearTermHumanExtinction\Vegana Ames:

“I keep seeing posts all over the doomersphere that folks are upset about deniers. I personally feel that the longer humanity is in denial, the longer everyone believes BAU (business as usual) is chugging along, that they are safe and have a secure future, the safer *we all are* until the food runs out. Since there is no "fix," informing humanity serves no purpose other than to instill global panic/terror. I now believe that the longer everyone is unaware, the safer we all are. Once the whole world knows, that day, collapse begins.”

Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018 6/27 _F2A0485aaa

“Buckle up. This is not a drill”

“We’re way past the point of talking about what’s “reasonable.” Power lines are melting in the heat in Portland. Billionaires are paying no taxes and going to space. Buildings and bridges are collapsing. The only reasonable thing to do is change everything.”


“CO2 and Sea Level - The Melting of All Ice on the Planet”



2ND MEGA DEATH heatwave hitting U.S.A.:

“Hundreds died in the West's heat wave last week. Now another one is gearing up.”

“Reader comment: .......While most of humankind just passively sits and waits for self extinction to come.”


NearTermHumanExtinction\Barb Dover-Galvin Edmonds:

“Feeling like things are coming to a rapid decline and collapse how much longer can they hide the truth from the majority of the people.

When people say no sense working and society breaks down very quickly then.”


“What if This is the End of the Human Experiment?”

Our today’s politicians have done a hideous job and must be held accountable


FOOD SHORTAGES: ration cards anyone?!

“93% of Western U.S. Now in Drought; CA Driest in 126 Years”


Biden and today’s Democrats and Republicans will go down in history as complete and horrifying boobs:

“Biden’s new Cold War with China will result in climate collapse, progressives warn”

“A political fight is brewing among wings of the Democratic Party over Beijing’s help in curbing climate change versus curbing its human rights abuses.” [worry about America’s human rights abuses!]

"As a new Cold War takes shape between the U.S. and China, progressives fear the result will be a dramatically warming planet.

Over 40 progressive groups sent a letter to President Joe Biden and lawmakers on Wednesday urging them to prioritize cooperation with China on climate change and curb its confrontational approach over issues like Beijing’s crackdown on Hong Kong and forced detention of Uyghur Muslims."

The progressive organizations, including the Sunrise Movement and the Union of Concerned Scientists, “call on the Biden administration and all members of Congress to eschew the dominant antagonistic approach to U.S.-China relations and instead prioritize multilateralism, diplomacy, and cooperation with China to address the existential threat that is the climate crisis,” their letter reads. “Nothing less than the future of our planet depends on ending the new Cold War between the United States and China"


“Methane Venting - Climate Apocalypse”

“CO2 and Sea Level – The Melting of All Ice on the Planet”


“‘Simply no scenario’ where humanity can survive on an ocean-free planet”

[by “ocean free” they mean “properly functioning oceans”]


“Climate Change Deniers Should Be Prosecuted by the Hague for Crimes Against Humanity”


Politicians won’t do anything because the people getting killed aren’t rich:

“Alarming new study finds extreme temps killing 5M people each year—with deadly heat growing worse”


The 2 Party Fourth Reich needs to be brought to justice in an international court - ALL of them. It is time for America to re-enter the international stage with a show of good faith:

“As the World Burns, DC Slow-Walks on Climate

The Pacific Northwest broils, and the Gulf of Mexico is aflame. Hey D.C., do something!!!”


“Flooded NYC Subways Exemplify Why Climate Is Key to Infrastructure Fight

"I have been told that combating climate change is expensive. Compared to what?" asked Sen. Bernie Sanders.”


Neoliberal = Fascism:

“Emmanuel Macron Is Cracking Down on Environmental Activists”

“France's neoliberal president, Emmanuel Macron, promised to get tough on climate change. But this week's move to criminalize protests at airports shows his government would rather get tough on climate activists — the latest in Macron's attack on civil liberties.”


“The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats”


“Studies add to concern about climate tipping”


“It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment” Ansel Adams


“The climate crisis will create two classes: those who can flee, and those who cannot”

“Nearly 700 million people worldwide live in low coastal zones vulnerable to sea-level rise and coastal storms. That number could reach a billion by 2050”


“Our new report "Toxic Waters" details how pervasive and damaging pollution from offshore fracking has become in the Gulf of Mexico since 2010.”

“Offshore Fracking Report Finds Toxic Pollution in Gulf of Mexico

Over 3,000 Fracks, 66.3 Million Gallons of Fracking Waste Dumped Since 2010”


“It’s either laugh or engage in some very unhealthy coping strategies.”


“'Nowhere Is Safe': Scientists Sound Alarm as Killer Heat Rages in Pacific Northwest”


“Climate change has gotten deadly. It will get worse.”

“It did not have to be this way,” said Michael Wehner [who often comments on this page]. “We have known enough to take action for 20 years. And if we had taken action 20 years ago, it would be a lot easier. But there’s no ‘I told you so,’” he continued. “I just feel bad. Just bad. I really wish we had been wrong. But we weren’t.”

The only comfort, said Katharine Hayhoe, is in knowing that action can still be taken. Though the world could exceed 1.5 degrees of warming within this decade, scientists say we can avoid crossing that threshold if we cut global greenhouse gas emissions by about 7.6 percent per year.

Such cuts would require an unprecedented transformation of human society. But look at the alternative, she said. “We have choices to make. And the quicker we make those choices, the better off we will all be. The future is in our hands.”


“The climate crisis here & now: drought”


“Human Activity Linked to Extreme Rainfall”


“Arctic’s Last Stand”

"This frozen zone, which lies to the north of Greenland, earned its dramatic name because even though its ice grows and shrinks seasonally, much of the sea ice here was thought to be thick enough to persist through summer's warmth."

"But during the summer of 2020, the Wandel Sea in the eastern part of the Last Ice Area lost 50% of its overlying ice, bringing coverage there to its lowest since record-keeping began."

“It's the final countdown.”


Hotter and hotter and hotter,...

higher and higher and higher death tolls,…

and our politicians don’t care because the Rich are relatively unaffected

If you think the way Politicians acted during COVD was reprehensible, you haven’t seen ANYTHING yet!

“Life-threatening extreme heat linked with global warming has broiled parts of every continent over the last few decades, killing at least 166,000 people from 1998 to 2017. Extreme heat waves will only become more frequent and hotter, researchers say.”

“A Deadly Summer in the Pacific Northwest Augurs More Heat Waves, and More Deaths to Come

Some scientists see a day when heat-related deaths may match those of all infectious diseases.”




Enbridge desperately needs the Corporate Death Penalty:

“Minnesota DOH: Nearly 800 workers tested positive for COVID-19 on Enbridge's Line 3 project”

“Enbridge doesn't care about environmental health or water quality, and apparently they don't care if their workers have COVID-19 or are possibly spreading COVID-19 to the surrounding communities.”

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